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the addict

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Posts posted by the addict
  1. Feetup, I m amazed it starts at all with such a lean mix plus the race fuel, most of us run 65-70ml of oil in 5 litres of superunleaded, I had been using 100% Avgas but it was too much for it, only use 50-50 now or just Superunleaded. Try it with the standard pilot in again, I found mine was too lean with the 27.5 in, ran ok but you could tell it was loosing power due to lack of fuel

  2. Beta must be close to bringing out a completly new design 08 I expect, the rev 3 is still a great bike to ride but must be getting really close to having its day. I hope we dont all go 4 stroke though, could mean the end for companies like Beta,Gasser etc as I just cant see them getting it right for a couple of years if not longer. I certainly will not be buying a bike that is heavy or down on power over the mont and I am sure most of us here who ride wont either. Imagine what really poor sales would do to these smaller manufacturers over two -3 years Trials will become a one make series

  3. Heath, I packed it all in as well when the no stop rules came in, I was bloody useless without being able to stop and hop and just did nt enjoy competitions anymore. Some of the big non stop trials are still worth riding as they are set out so you have no need to stop but the rules are pretty strict if you do suddenly come to a stop for whatever reason. Love riding as much as possible but still not really interested in non stop and all our practice sections involve being able to stop and hop about. If you ve got enough room to go up something with a run at it without stopping surely the obstacle will be bigger and higher than a step with a 1-2 metre run at it.

  4. Couple of mates have wider bars on the Beta's not much about 1 inch each side and I found the riding seemed more balanced and controlled, I am using stock Renthals at the moment any one using wider bars?and what type/make, could do with slighlty more lift on them as well

  5. One trial I would love to say I had done, maybe next year hopefully, seen a few vids of it and some of the sections look quite stiff and not looking forward to being used as traction or a kicker if you lob it mid flow. A little like the IOM TT, you need to have done it a few times to know where your going and be used to riding like they do

  6. About right, like the black look though better, top end looks good and it looks like the tank may be a little narrower or slightly different shape. They've edited out the pool of petrol under the bash plate by the looks of it , still have one though, hope that 1.5 kg weight drop wont mean reliabilty problems somewhere most of us buy the Beta because of its reliability and ease of maintenance

  7. Your right Beta120690, will take ages to get good at it, find it easier to do on a slight slope with the back brake though, remember practicing wheelies years ago, took agaes as well and one day you can suddenly do it as if you always have done. Think the hopping will be the same, practice,practice cant do it and then one day the timing will come and it will be easy or near to it

  8. Christ!!!!!!!!!! the thought of Ralph welcoming the riders back in a mini skirt,lipstick,G string and pom poms, have nt they had a hard enough day as it is? The sock trick would get a good laugh though mate

  9. Kinell, yer seen those thanks, nice to see them again though. I am going to persevere at it for a while as it is a great feeling when you get 5-7 in one go up a hill and can turn a loss of traction up a hill into a clean

  10. Just learning how to do this, always been impressed how the top lads do it so easily and how much of an advantage it can give you if you can master it. Ralph is like a f****ng kangeroo at it and will always go up the last 10-20 foot of any climb hopping even if it means giving away a dab at the top. One of those skills that will take ages to get good at and really hard on the arms and legs but great fun to do.

  11. Great racing again yesterday, looks like the pocket rocket will pull it off this year, seems to have moved up to the level required to be British Champ at last. Kiyo looks like hes blown it but still loads of points up for grabs. Greg cant quite get his speed back but I am sure will be mega strong in the last few races and deserves to be in World Level next year. Think theres a good chance the team will go world next season mainly due to Greg staying this year, cant see why else he would have stayed if he was nt promised WSB next year.

  12. Jonny, warm the bike up and dump out what oil is left in there for new, could do with a change by the sound of it. The window is a level guage and you should see oil in it especially if its been in there for a while. The rev 3 takes 550ml when empty and i think the Techno takes 500ml but may be worth checking with a Beta dealer

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