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the addict

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Posts posted by the addict
  1. my almost standard works lovely thanks... !!

    Exactly Heath, almost standard? why arnt they supplied like this in the first place?

    Rick, would nt bother asking mate, we'll never get hold of the proper bits for the Mikuni anyway. Did some work today on the carb thanks to Rod, pretty much sorted the lower end running during the past couple of months but the bike will not climb hills strongly, main reason for this is me shutting off due to the huge amount of pinking at mid plus throttle openinging on biggish climbs, pinks so bad never wanted to push the engine harder incase it did a full lean out. Tried for the first time today to absolutely nail the ****** in third and forth up big climbs and the bike is ballistic. Seems the problem is carburation at the point where the main takes over from the pilot and not as I thought too small a main jet. After about 10-12 full throttle runs did a plug chop and the plug was nice and clean, maybe a little weak but would expect that after continuos blasts and immediate shut off. Not 100% sure what to do about the big pinking but may lift the needle one notch and see how it goes and cross my fingers it does nt mess the lower throttle openings to much

  2. Like AJ said, be carefull when drilling it out, make sure your nice and centred with it. May have to check some of my bolts later after the off I had today, made Barry look like a Novice, will suffer tomorrow I think!!!!!! Ralph it was D0g ****!!!!!!!

  3. Never tried, but personally I would nt, good reason for it being it on there mate, the bars without the brace are Fatbars and are much thicker than stock ones. If you want to inspect your steering stem work a little more closely today ride with the brace off, should get a really close look at it after 5 minutes or so.

  4. Rick, try this, may work? when you start it from cold open the throttle wide a couple of times, stick it in 2 nd gear and rock it back and fore so the engine turns over. Do it about 10-12 times then kick it over, mine fires first time every time doing this, but not so good without it.

  5. Hi Carl, yes found the Dunlop like a used Mich on the rocks on Sunday in the wet, Mich seems much better. As I said above worked really well on grass but dug in too much on the shale climbs and bogged, probably due to the stiffer side walls. Will try it out in the mud tomorrow, sneaking off at 2 for a play with the lads at the quarry

    Fergygas, exactly what a mate said at the Lyn Traders, took a lap to wear it in then it got alot better on the slippy rocks, not as good as the Mich though

  6. Yer, will be having that done and the other couple problems it has, tell me this, why dont Beta do these mods at the factory for gods sake if it has to be done to get the bike run correctly? Why do we all put up with S***e like this, I would rather pay

  7. Good one mate, thing is i used to do this regular with the WR so its not the first time. The WR would nt fire for about 15 seconds on the starter motor but then it would spit the bung out at mach 2 and fire it about 100 yards, would nt want to be in its range.

  8. Great idea, bought one a couple of weeks ago from Ebay and used it a few times now whilst washing the bike, one thing to watch though! remember to take the f***er out after you wash it. Spent nearly half an hour this evening changing the plug, checking for sparks and about to pull the carb off before realising the t**t was still in.

  9. New tyre on for yesterday in Wales, tried a Dunlop over the Michelin and felt no better grip on the rocks than a used Mich but enourmous grip on the wet grassy climbs and mud even with 6 pounds in it all day, looked like a tractor Dad said. The Michelin seems to grip better on roots and rocks, anyone got any views on the Dunlop against the Mich, that includes you Ralphy!!!!

  10. Eddy, i buy a ne bike every year as well, this one is only 5 months old, I know what the problem is now and will get it sorted this week once and for all, will be ringing Steve in the morning

  11. Been pointed out to me this evening what is the cause of my running problems with the bike,fuel spillage and plug popping, will get it confirmed next week and post the outcome when its sorted incase anyone else has the same problems. Easy to fix though just need a few new parts and a drill

  12. Saw a post on here about an easy way to do this, bead breakers,driving over it with a van and spades, just had the Goat (Ryan) do a new Dunlop for me in under 5 minutes just using 2 tyre levers and a bit of carb cleaner. Saves me a job tomorrow and a load of sweat and swearing. If your reading this Ralph, hes saved you a job as well as no doubt I would have given up after an hour and brought it round your house to do. Looks like the secret to it is momentum and brute strength, the bead on the dunlop is very tough compared to the michelin but no problem for ryan

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