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Everything posted by jimbo
  1. I'd like to see some kind of anti gravity field generators and uhhh......an "ice cold adult beverage" dispenser.... Other than that, I think current technology is just fine....
  2. Try this... http://www.trialstrainingcenter.com/html/hopping.html
  3. Congrats. I looked at a climber last year at Sequatchee Tennessee and it looks like a real nice bike. I'm riding a borrowed Fantic, so I'm a little envious . Good luck and enjoy
  4. Admit it, Jimbo, you stole these sentences from the many articles on trials in US magazines in the early 1970s. To me, trials in the US had its chance in the 1970s. There were four Japanese manufacturers, three Spanish and a few from the UK. The public's response was a collective yawn. Yamaha tried again in the 1980s with the TY350. Many were left languishing on showroom floors, even as they made up the majority of local event entries. I love trials, but I also realize that (at least to Americans) it is a strange sport with a strange concept. We ride motorcycles but don't go fast or jump high? You're penalized for putting your foot down? Huh??? I can neither confirm nor deny the possible influence "historical trials" periodicals may have had on my statements. Truth is, I was a wee nipper in the early 70's and from what I remember, the only thing most people were expanding was thier drug consumption, ...er...strike that, I meant to say, "consciousness". I've heard it said that the hey day of motorcycling culminated in the "Any given Sunday" era...God Forbid. I really appreciate and enjoy "vintage" motorcycles and thier history, but I can only hope the best is yet to come. ......happy trials.....
  5. ...pardon me for barging in... As a longtime motorcyclist, 35 years, 500,000 miles street, unknown dirt miles. I was completely ignorant of the sport of trials. Only in the last couple of years have I begun to get involved, and that only with the help of a very involved trials riding friend of mine who has supplied me with a nice old fantic to bounce along the sections with. Now, it's not to brag, but with the available space that we have here in the states, and the popularity of bmx trick riding and urban affluence, I think that the sport could be on the brink of an explosion here. I'm not sure what the catalyst will be, but I was quite pleased to see so many people who were not technically "enthusiasts" at the world round at Sequatchee Tennessee last year. True, participation in the smaller events, like the STRA event that I attended earlier this year is not overwhelming, but the sport appears to have an incredible amount of potential. As a motorcycle skills instructor for street bikes, i make regular references to the sport of trials and have had several students contact me pursuing trials riding. I'm completely ignorant of the history of trials, but I'm constantly immersing myself in the community as I become more and more enamored of the sport. I truly hope that in this new age of the motorcycle, which appears to be blossoming here in the US, that trials will be pulled along into the limelight, hopefully without some of the negative press the sportbiking and cruiser crowds have brought with them. I would have to say, that as far as motorcyle communities go, the people I've met riding trials are by far the most pleasant. Happy Trials....
  6. just my 2 cents, but I see dissimilar metal corrosion all the time in the automotive repair industry, not to mention many parts on my yamaha. Patience is a virtue. good luck
  7. I'm thinking of expanding my msf RiderCoach credentials to the Dirtbike school, and if so, I'm going to have my daughter go thru the class as a student while I am taking the instructor certification. I'm not sure if 500k miles as a test rider for HD nor 6 years as an MSF instructor has prepared me for teaching kids the fundamentals of dirt riding, but I'm sure looking forward to the challenge. I'd really like to get more kids involved in motorcycle sports, and now I would have to say trials specifically. I am much enamored of the sport and the environmentt and the people. Hope I can find a way to help expose as many people, especially kids, to the sport as possible. Look forward to seeing you back at TTC. Good luck and God bless
  8. jimbo

    Fantic 301

    Yep, that wuz me. I was installing the last of 3 plugs I'd brought along for the weekend. guess If i'm going to get the fantic reliable, I'd better get to some maintenance pronto. Hope to see you back at TTC again soon. James
  9. Although considered by most around me as a rather dry and sarcastic humor, I must admit that I quite often lack a frame of reference for english humor. having said that, and after reading of some of the problems you blokes seem to having with hooligans running amok on mini's thru the urban neighborhoods, it seems ya'll basically lack an abundance of riding areas, geographically restricted if you will. Here in the states, we've got more elbow room, but I'm afraid we've got many of the same governmental special interest whackos who want us off the land so that we can preserve the natural habitat of the yellow bellied spotted conservationist who selfishly guards all public domains as it's own. There does seem to be more politics in your riding, but also more traditionalism in many of your events. I believe that europe is many years ahead of the US in many ways, especailly where motorbikes in general are concerrned. Right now, we're still bogged down with the Harley Generation and tens of thousands of wannabes who are more about image than the love of riding. Oh well. nuff said about that, specially as I was speaking up my own sleeve as it were. Last question. If I could come to europe and only ride one trials event, the most prestigious, the most scenic, the most whatever. What should it be?
  10. Hello, Being a total noob to the sport/lifestyle of trials, I am interested in all of its aspects. One thing I have noticed is that there appears to be a distinction between U.S. Trials and European Trials. What are those differences? Thanks, Jimbo
  11. Ultracet. The wonder drug. At 39, it's the gift that keeps on giving, all day long. As a total noobie to trials, I just couldn't believe how riding a bike that weighs little more than the fuel tank on my streetbike could wear me out so much. Luvin it! My hats off to all you hoary headed oldsters, (that'd be anybody 40 an up ) who roll thru those sections like geriatric butterflys. I've got a lot of pain coming from so many years of body abuse, I just hope I can still be riding trials when I'm vintage.
  12. jimbo

    Fantic 301

    I will certainly take the time to get a new "rubber" from Bob on his fantic site. I've already got a concern over a certain noise I hear in the top end that I'd describe as valve noise if it was a 4 stroker.....hmmmmmmmm.
  13. jimbo

    Fantic 301

    howdy gents, I've got a loaner fantic from a friend who's convinced me that trials is the best thing since.....well....er....you know. Anyway, I don't know a thing about it, don't even know if it's called a 301 or not, but I am informed it has a 250cc mill. The carb is a dell orto and I have a known carb to airbox boot cracked and letting air in. There are tons of little niggling issues that I'm going to have to pursue, but the greatest of them right now is that I'm constantly fouling plugs. I'm running silkolene synthetic premix at 50:1 and I don't know if that's right or not. I haven't fettled with the carb internals yet, but the fuel/air is 2 turns out from seat and the idle is set by ear to a steady burbling stacatto. I' m sure the carb/airbox leak is playing havoc with the fueling somewhat, but I'd really just like some general advice on tuning one of these so when my new carb boot comes in I can take the big muddy throttle response out and replace it with some nice crisp, clean response. Jimbo
  14. I met a guy this past weekend at Sequatchee in Tennessee and he had a set of Fatbars on a Sherco 2.9. He had a lever proctector/barkbuster setup I've never seen before. It required special bar clamps because it mounted at the bar ends on one end and was secured in the middle by a bolt that went into the front side of the bar clamp. good looking setup, but being a trials newbie, i haven't the foggiest if if was "da bomb" or "da dudd". Still, for all the trees and rocks here in the Southeaster US, I think I'd like to install a set, if I could remember who manufacturered the piece that is.....
  15. Hello fellow trials rider. My name is James and I am addicted to Trials. I got my first taste while huffing 2 stroke in a buddies garage several months ago and I can't help myself. I went on a binge this weekend at the Trials Training Center and placed 5th in the novice on a Fantic 301. I'm afraid that methedone won't help me with this one, so like most addicts, I'm going to pass this habit along to my family. I have a ten year old daughter and a 14 month old son who will soon be corrupted by the clean air, sunshine and endorphine producing physical exertion that can only be had by doing something as deceptively addictive as pure uncut trials. I went 39 years and nearly 500,000 miles on streetbikes before I discovered this wonderful sport, so I'm hoping God gives me many more years to enjoy this "New" discovery with my wife and kids and the seemingly great people who are involved in this wonderful sport of trials. Best wishes to all, stay safe, have fun. Jimbo
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