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Muscle Burn In Lower Arms And Hand / Finger Cramp


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I know there's going to be a few rude comments on this topic ! ..... but

I'm suffering from cramp in my clutch finger and hands toward the end of a trial, a general feeling that I cant hold onto the bugger any longer which is runing my results.

warming up, I get the usual burn in the lower arms and ache in the hands, it goes after about 10 - 15 mins of riding. the first and second lap are good ..... then i hit a brick wall, i cant pull the clutch in or turn the bike, .... it's a bummer

Has anyone got any tips on what could help in terms of bar position or height......... or anything else that might help, exercise for the hands / arms / fingers ??

Cheers ...

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Arm pump. That's what the yanks call it. Dirt Bike and MXA have had articles on it. It may not be your case. They say in the following article it may be due to many causes including carpal tunnel syndrome, ganglion cysts, arthritis, neck abnormalities, tennis elbow and fractures. I had a similar condition when I was 16 but it went away with time. Here's the article:


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what class / skill level rider are you? one of the big things learn to relax, in sections on the trail to the next section learn to lean on your plams more while riding. also learn to depend less on the clutch, thats the major. as for during the week train and ride if possible. riding is the best way to get in shape for riding. proper breathing while riding a section. lots of guys actually hold their breath at times when something big is coming up.

stretching while waiting in line, drink lots of water (always) days in advance of riding. never drink caffine before an event try Potassium pills or suppliment. i use that for the extra hot summer months. don't use gator aid, power aid try orange juice instead.

just a few things that help me i hope it works for you


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deffenetly arm pump!! some riders complain of it some dont!! mostly because of fat bars !! its caused with motorcross by not relaxing and clenching on 2 the bars!! dont know if its the same wiv trials!! .....your handle bars should be roughly vertical depending on your height! and your levers should not be to high! or it makes you move your elbows! and twist your wrist !!..... try `n` get hold of the ryan young teaching video it takes you all the way through your bike setup and maintainance its very good!!! and can tweek up ur riding! alot! ive only been ridin 1 and a half years and im in the intermediate route!! so its not bad!!

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When i do a trial,i try to have a good 15min break after the 1st lap.My arms are realy aching by this time.I find if i rest and have a breww with plenty of sugar,it realy helps me.May not be good for others,but definatly is for me.You also need to drink plenty of water.

Also(this probably sounds dumb)when riding the sections,try to relax your grip when you can,constant gripping pressure really tires your arms out.

I also find the best bar position is as far foward as poss(within reason).too far back and you tend to hang on,tiring the arms,rather than leaning foward slightly. :(

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I still get this from time to time, but When I first started riding it was always annoying me. The first thing a friend said was: "Don't do your gloves up so tight". After that, it went away! Now it only comes when I'm tired or using too much clutch! And again, try to relax your grip on the bars and keep your fingers loose-ish - it woks for me! (and I've left myself wide open for some rude-ery there!)

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Durring the season I eat a bananna every day and durring the event i take 99mg potasium supplements. I have been doing this two years now and it really helps me. If i drink tons of beer the night before i ache all over but ehhhh i am not so inclined as to make me 100% every event.... :(

Try bananna's for a week and see what that does.


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I know there's going to be a few rude comments on this topic ! ..... but

I'm suffering from cramp in my clutch finger and hands toward the end of a trial, a general feeling that I cant hold onto the bugger any longer which is runing my results.

warming up, I get the usual burn in the lower arms and ache in the hands, it goes after about 10 - 15 mins of riding. the first and second lap are good ..... then i hit a brick wall, i cant pull the clutch in or turn the bike, .... it's a bummer

Has anyone got any tips on what could help in terms of bar position or height......... or anything else that might help, exercise for the hands / arms / fingers ??

Cheers ...

Ask your lass if you can get out on bike more :(

I've put 5.1/2 inch rise bars on and thicker grips it stopped my arm pump then move your clutch lever further along the bars so you can reach it comfortably

Bet the observers would love every rider to take a 15 minute rest in between laps ;-)

Edited by windlestone
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i eat marmite on toast and half a jar of pickled onions before every trial, then drink 236cm of bitter lemon between every lap............ i have NEVER had arm pump........i had a bike pump once.......and i think the wife has a balloon pump..........for balloons.........are these the same? :(

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Got to agree with Windlestone, just had a pair of Domino grips and they are comfortable.Also moved the clutch lever down, so that you have more leverage on it.

Also just get a tennis ball and squeeze the day light out of it.

And also get that water down you.

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Also just get a tennis ball and squeeze the day light out of it.

Is this like the fridge light staying on when the doors closed? I'm pretty sure you wasting your time on this as I've been able to confirm by cutting a tennis ball open in a dark room that there is no day light in there. Maybe if you sqeeze hard enough the blood pressure increase will create small flashes of pin light in your eyes. :thumbup:

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