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Carlisle World Round, Bou's & Fujigas Crashes


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A couple of nasty crashes but it it shows that when there is grip available the only way to take marks is to virtually knock riders off bikes. Bit like indoors. Makes me concerned that soon somebody is going to have a really nasty one with longterm implications.

Not wanting to knock Graham or anybody with the balls to put on a WTC but it looks more like a circus than a trial. Maybe that is WTC today. Maybe that what C of Cs think they need to put on. Maybe time to go back to mud and slippery traditional stuff that the riders don't like but takes marks.

Definately not. If you had been there you would have seen alot of riders five fujis section earlier, it is technical section design rather than the big steps and jumps that took marks.

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A couple of nasty crashes but it it shows that when there is grip available the only way to take marks is to virtually knock riders off bikes. Bit like indoors. Makes me concerned that soon somebody is going to have a really nasty one with longterm implications.

Not wanting to knock Graham or anybody with the balls to put on a WTC but it looks more like a circus than a trial. Maybe that is WTC today. Maybe that what C of Cs think they need to put on. Maybe time to go back to mud and slippery traditional stuff that the riders don't like but takes marks.

Both dougs and fujis crashes were when they were riding no stop, maybe a little alignment at the bottom but the obstacle and landing involved, no stopping at all.

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Both dougs and fujis crashes were when they were riding no stop, maybe a little alignment at the bottom but the obstacle and landing involved, no stopping at all.

Sorry can you elaborate? Can't imagine doing it any different (can't imagine doing it at all !!) to the way they did it or is this a way of you saying No Stop Rules wouldn't work at WTC level :rotfl:

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Both dougs and fujis crashes were when they were riding no stop, maybe a little alignment at the bottom but the obstacle and landing involved, no stopping at all.

First and probably last time I will agree with Dabster but he is bang on with thies response.

Neither crash had anything to do with the rules in any way.

Bou's crash caused by bike problem

Fuji's caused by badly placed tree - blame god for that one :rotfl:

Both of these could have happened if riding no-stop.

Anyway WTC is def better for having current rules (in my opinion) and anyway how would having 'mud and slippery stuff that riders dont like' help anyone other than You Tube who would get vids of riders covered in ****e and sliding down a hill on their @rse!

21st Century now guys and this is how the WTC is. A lot more technical and skillful

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Both dougs and fujis crashes were when they were riding no stop, maybe a little alignment at the bottom but the obstacle and landing involved, no stopping at all.

I agree, Fuji's crash had nothing to do with the rules. When you look at the riders at world level they are all so proficient doing a "little alignment" that its a waste of time marking sections with tight 180 degree turns. All the marks I saw dropped were either crashing 5's or slack dabs. The other thing I noticed is that virtually every section had (horendous to me) vertical drop-offs which every one pi***d. It seems to me that to take marks off Bou you are going to have to seriously hurt him in the process!!

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It seems to me that to take marks off Bou you are going to have to seriously hurt him in the process!!

That was the point I was trying to make. Is somebody going to get seriuosly hurt someday soon.


I don't mind what rules we ride to - latest stop permited makes it easier to observe I feel.

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Good Feedback from lots of people and It's great that you all enjoyed the weekend... Maybe we will put on a big event at Nord Vue in the not too distant future....

If anyone can help I am trying to track down a number of 'Trade banners' which have 'gone missing' on Sunday afternoon.

We appreciate that fans may fancy a momento but these banners are expensive to produce and it is annoying for the sponsors to lose them.

Currently we have lost a number of 'Trials Central, Lloyd GP of Great Britain, YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE and Stobart banners. Please let me know if you can help track any of them down.

Don't forget to tune in to Eurosport on Thursday night.. And does anyone have a picture of Fuji's mega dab (nearly another disaster!) on section 13 on sunday ? (section of his big crash on Saturday)

Thanks for the support


Trial co-ordinator

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Back in the early days of TMX, we (they) had about a dozen banners put up round the car park in Fort William and by the end of the week there was not one left - all stolen - because that's the correct word, not borrowed, or loaned, but stolen.

And it seems to me that is what happened with the banners on Sunday. It's not on, so can I suggest that those who have them post them back to the trial organisers, that's Gary Bingley at Lloyd Motors BMW/Mini, Carlisle, or if they can't afford the postage, take them to the next trial and leave them quietly in a place where the organisers can find them and get them back to Gary one way or another.

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