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Sheffield '05 - Impressed?


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it is clear that the event has deteriorated since the loss of the major sponsor of the event- EMBASSY.

without the money the organisors just arent going to be able to pay the likes of Ot-Pi and Cesar Canas for the mid interval entertainment we are also used to enjoying.

i no there are new sponsors putting money in the pot but surely it cant be as much as what embassy put in.

What we need are big sponsors like the supercross events and there just isnt a big enough following for this minority sport!!

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I think if the organizers (Mart n Neil) could have done a better job then them most certainly would have. You can't force companies to sponsor events, you can only put your pitch forward and see if they bite.

Perhaps Jake Miller could get involved......he could sell sand to the arabs.


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Saw Ot Pi the last time he did Sheffield. He did some sort of show which went totally over everybodies head. Perhaps thats why he hasn't been invited back?

why did it go over everybodys head. dont understand you there at all mate

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Im relatively new to this sport, but ive followed the indoor champs on euro sport for a while. As i live in dublin i was thinking of going to the Belfast indoor in March. Ive never been to an indoor event before is it not really all its made out to be. How much of the sections can you not see etc?? Is it worth a look anyway?

Any advise appreciated cheers

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If you've go the chance to go the round in Belfast, GO. Most of the criticisms mentioned are in no way a reflection of the rider's awesome skills on display, no way, they are better every time I see them. Last year I got a seat on the front row (thinking I was being bloody clever), only to be stuck behind a large section! I could'nt see more than a third of all the sections! Try to get 10-15 rows back, so you can see over the top of the sections, and hopefully you'll see them all. Better still, try to view a seating plan of the venue before buying you'r tickets. Go, you won't be dissapointed!

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Cheers Noksey

Think ill book my tickets during the week. Anybody ever been to the Odyssey Arena in belfast that would be able to give some advise on where is best to sit etc.. Really looking forward to it now.

Will there be stands selling stuff at this sort of event or will it just be the main show??

belfast indoor trial for info

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Sheffield 05 was the best yet and this is the 5th year I have been going!

The action was fantastic although did miss the giant screens we had last year!

Fujigas didnt cheat he attempted the sections and thats all that matters.

I remember a couple of years back the riders took advantage of 5 minute break during their stint to "sort the bike" or replace it with their spare bike and all the top riders took some advantage of this 5 minute allowance! that wasnt cheating it was in the rules!

keepin it feet up!

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I think if you guys feed back what you want to see then it will be taken on board - if it's proved to be the general feeling. I talked to the organisers at the event and they are *so* passionate about it. They love it, the spectators love it and if there's geniune feedback about how it could be improved then I'm sure it would be adopted.

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I am involved in the organization of Sheffield so here are a few facts for all to consider.

1- It is no secret that losing Embassy as our main sponcer was a massive blow, Embassy was a big money sponcer and helped Sheffield to expand, we did not lose embassy as our sponcer Tony Blair stopped it!

2- I agree that the big screens do help but try to remember to have them you also need a full television production company, that is simply not possible without the Embassy backing.

3- New health and safety laws do not allow air horns at public events, maybe this is why the atmosphere wasnt as loud as previous years.

4- both Octogan and Sheffield arena have increased there fees and rent.

5- This is the first year Sheffield wasnt profitable to the organizers.

I witness first hand how hard both my father and Martin Lampkin work to keep Sheffield going, believe me it is still a massive task to put it all into place and I think they deserve a bit of credit, I will pass on all your opinions to them, and I promise we will keep working as hard as possible in the future.

p-s I was told half way through the show that when I was talking into the mike I was placing my hand over the ariel! so sorry to the few who could'nt hear me. my cock-up.

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crosser , thanks for your reply, as i amongst quite a few others had something to moan about , but in critsising small parts of the event dosnt for one moment mean that i for one dont apprceiate(sp) what neil and martin do as i'm sure there are many moments it all seems a bit much for even them ! and also its so good having an event like this not only come to the uk but to yorkshire !! i for one will be back next year with hopefully most of the (minor) problems fixed VIVA SHEFFIELD '06 :)

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Its good to see a repsonse from one of the people involved in Sheffield. Although I didn't go this year I've been several times and its always excellent and great entertainment and a credit to the organisers.

Have the organisers every thought of moving to another venue, Manchester, London, Newcastle? Not that there's anything wrong with Sheffield but it may expose the sport to an audience that wouldn't normally get the opportunity.

As regards Tony Blair removing tobacco sponsorship. Change your name to Bernie Ecclestone and donate huge amounts of cash to the labour party. Then you shouln't have any problems.

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Firstly and most importantly if the event is not "in profit" then we need to be very careful as to what might happen, this has been the only world round in or out we have had for a few years so its really important we keep it. Perhaps the suggestion that the programmes should be sold may increase revenue or another venue could be looked at, the ticket sales always seem to all go would the event take a bigger venue? Would it be possible to have graded pricing so the best seats a few rows back cost more? I think Avondale (Crosswaite and Lampkin ) need as many suggestions as we can think of to keep the event going in England.

Tony Blair didn't ban tobacco sponsorship our government did and we all voted at the last election so I guess the majority of the country thinks the suffering and pain that is caused by smoking warrants a ban on advertising, however selective it may appear.

Lets keep politics off the forums eh?

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