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Thieving Scum!


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Trials Uk in Horsforth, Leeds have again been subject to low life, helping themselves to the stock.

2 bikes were Stolen,

2009 Sherco 250 frame No. VNBS125TR8A020455.

The other is a 2010 Beta 250 frame No. ZD3T60100A0200872.

Please keep any eye out for these.

It's not uncommon for Thieves to plan robberies from as far away as Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle etc.

So please be vigilant Nationwide for these bikes.

Nige has got a

Edited by hrc_monty
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I feel so sorry for them at Trials UK, they are such great people & are always so good to you, They don't deserve it, It really annoys me when the people who rob bikes are lazy scums who can't be a***d to work, They just prefer to ruin other people's life's.

Will keep a good eye out for the bikes, If I see or hear anything, Nige will be the first to know.

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I think clubs should do more to stop this, like ensure you have to be a member of the club and proof of frame and engine number of your bike. Its a long shot i know but having 5 bikes stolen, its not fair on the poor sods at the hands of these Turds. :D

Hope you catch the B4st4rds

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how do you know if an unregistered off road bike is stolen or not? if it's a genuine mistake you can't blame them.

not that i'm defending anyone, they all deserve to be hung by the balls and have their vital organs removed with a rusty spoon over a period of three months.

Edited by thespikeyone
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i dont get it this could be sorted right here right now.. every competring bike would have to e registered with the amca/ acu you pay 15 quid supplt two photos and the bike gets a license you transfer ot whan you sell it you show it when you sign on at trials the acu runs the datbase.. stolen bikes turn up again.. this leave ths scum who use them as field bikes, but whose going to use a 2009 as a filed bike no one thier going to try and sell it to a competitor who then register it and bingo bike goes back to owner.. end of.. the soltion is in our own hands..

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Thats a brilliant thing but the thing is you just gotta just feel sorry for the person you buy the stolen bike couse i wouldent be happy if it was me , and thats a load of money just gone down the drain or less you can claim it back one way or another.

Edited by sam95
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I would buy one because NOT everyone who buys new off-road bikes competes thus WOULD NEVER have registered it with the ACU/AMCA in the first place!

Like most things like ID cards etc they only mainly penalise the innocent person by burdening them with extra hoops to jump threw.

With respect to stolen new bikes, if you bin the frame with the VIN on and the relevant half of the crankcase with the engine number on then you have plenty of untraceable parts to sell, if you wanted to keep the engine complete its extremely easy to get the

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If there newish bikes then they probaly wont even stay in the country where stolen.

No matter how much we love our bikes there still only material objects,i believe carol nash will insure off road bike for fire and theft,i would rather have some notes back than a molested bike.

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If there newish bikes then they probaly wont even stay in the country where stolen.

No matter how much we love our bikes there still only material objects,i believe carol nash will insure off road bike for fire and theft,i would rather have some notes back than a molested bike.

:D after i had a gas gas stolen (they prob done me a favour, it was a gas gas after all) I have insured all of my bikes and got them road reg too, gives you more of a chance to get it back.

although i use the msm policy that allows use for trials and enduro. :DB)

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Having been a victim to theiving scum, Taking a brand new machine from a private address these *******s have no interest in competition.they go abroad as previously. mentioned. They wont even break it for spares,they sell them on to low life scum for the. price of a few drugs keeping well away from any one in the know..police not interested..i do know they very very rarely turn up at competion with us honest folk.

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