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Am I the only On?


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Okay, a pet peeve People posting videos on here or on You Tube with a sound track that does not let you hear how the bike is running in the section! :wall:

Why do they pick some piece of music that totally drowns out the sound of the bike running. If I wanted to hear music or that particular music I will go play a CD or down load it from I Tunes.

By doing this they force you to listen to a style of music that is in many cases obnoxious.

Keep the damn music of the video and let us hear and see the bike run!

Okay rant over with!


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I always used to enjoy the Havoc Crash videos, but they now play loud music over every crash and I can't bear to watch them.

I know it's me showing my old age, but all of the news breaks on Radio 1 also have constant background music playing during the reports, my old ears find it almost impossible to hear what is being said.

For some reason, many people think it's wrong to have a simple accurate real life sound to any entertainment which is a shame.


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Oh God Billy, what are you onto now!

If I made one with natural sounds, it would be disgusting!

As I usually load up on Mexican food on the night before a trials, I fart at efery obsticle! And if there is a big one, I may have more that that!

Not to mention dropping the "F" bomb every damned time I dropa foot!

You are better off with S--t music, although you have never made a 2T bike run as smooth as mine in your life, so that would just get you peed as well.

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My mate has just done a few short clips on my iphone of me on my EVO 250 4T (Four stroke) - The sound is pure PORN for my ears :thumbup: ! - And yes I do like music when it suits !

Cheers all for 2011 !

Edited by Scoobydo
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As usual Billy I agree with you. I also hate the MTV style of quick edit and I hate the "focus on the rear wheel" just as the rider is doing something type of shooting. It's a tire, it's almost flat I get it. How about showing me what's going on on a bit more of a macro level.

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I agree with you Billy! That's one reason why I quit buying the "Trials" videos. They had become roller coaster of two second clips set to music that I can't listen to.

There was one video made years ago for the 1997 Donner World Round that I still really enjoy watching. That was the last year that Jordi Tarres rode (he signed my copy of FEET UP! that had the story I wrote about him), and it was the year that Dougie beat out Marc Colomer for the Gold. It is an absolutely awesome video. It shows all of the sections with the actual sounds of the bikes, the minders and the appreciation the crowds had for those spectacular rides. Then at the end they took some of the best video, slowed it down and put it to almost classical music. THAT was magic! I think it was a Videooccasions video done by Sacramento PITS, and Robert Walker. I still get chills when I remember section 13. Jordi, Mark and Dougie were the only ones who got through it. Most everyone else looked at it and took a 5. I'll never forget standing on that wall and watching Dougie Lampkin clean that section. We all yelled so loud we could have started an avalanche! That day...Dougie was Superman, able to leap up vertical walls with a single bound!

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The other thing I can't abide are editors who obviously don't watch bike sport.

You can tell who they are, they show slow motion clips without the normal speed shot first and always manage to cut to a close up of the riders foot, face, back tyre, face, tyre, foot just as they're doing the hard part of the section, then cut back to a distance shot as they ride out of the ends cards.

Multiple quick action camera shots might be trendy, but it is so much better to bea able to focus on the subject and watch the action all the way through.

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There was one video made years ago for the 1997 Donner World Round that I still really enjoy watching.

I have a fairly extensive motorsports video collection (o.k., an obsession, with probably about 400+ just of Trials only and recently spent about 4 months of my spare time converting my old VHS's to DVD format) and the slow-motion portion at the end of Robert Walker's 97' World Round, with background music by Ray Lynch, Michael Hedges etc., is one of my favorites. I made a "shop DVD" to play in my shop while I'm messing up an engine, with my favorite parts of various Trials videos and I must have Robert's slow-motion 97' WTC segment on it a couple of times I like it so much.


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..And my pet peeve :angry: , when you've forked out for a genuine dvd, is when the camerman hasn't caught the relevant shot and the commentator has to compensate with the comment:

''...and amazingly Dougie/Raga/Bou (you choose which :wacko: ) spectacularly fived the last section with a extra-ordinary/astonishing/quite remarkable/disastrous (you choose which :angry: )failure.

Which we'll never get to see.....unless we go on Youtube ..for nowt.

Time for all the top riders to have helmet cams, me thinks??

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