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How Much!


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Rather than present this as a moaning whinging old git it ocurred to me to seek a concensus regarding what we are prepapared to pay for our passion. This thought was "sparked" off by realising that we are now in the age of paying

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Trials is the cheapest form of motorsport that you can find. We get a good deal, the sport on the whole is relaxed and friendly, it is open to all ages, we can ride almost every weekend, most can use their bike to practice mid week if they wish and at the end of the year a new bike doesn't cost the earth. What other sport can you compete side by side with your children and your parents if you want to?

I have no experience of MX so I won't comment on that, but compared to road racing, trials is run on 'petty cash.'

Here's a guestimate of the costs.

  • Typical entry fee: Trials - £13, Racing - £100 (+ £25 for each additional race.)
  • Licence: Trials £10, Racing £65 + Medical at £100 = £165
  • Minimum new Clothing required: Trials - Boots and Helmet £200, Racing - Boots, Helmet, Leathers, Gloves, Body Armour - £1500
  • Tyres: Trials - 1 set a year £140, Racing - (Ten events per year x £240) = £2400
  • Bike: Trials - £4600, Racing - £14000
  • Machine Preparation: Trials - None, Racing - How much you got? Minimum of £2000.
  • Tools: Trials - Plug spanner and a foot pump, Racing - If you've got it you will need it, plus tyre warmers, plus van, etc etc

And here's the big one and it's not money, it's time spent on the bike in each event: Trials 3 hours, Racing 45 mins!

You can ride in 50 trials a year, you struggle to do 20 road race meetings even if you travel all over the UK.

Trials is very, very good value for money and long may it continue! :icon_salut:

Edited by Pete_Scorpa3
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New bikes every year are not really necessary, just look at what Wiggy and Sam Haslam made bikes from the 90s do in Jersey! A 2 year old bike can win center championship trials and score points in the Novogar/S3 rounds and the lower classes of the British Championship if it is kept in good condition and the rear shock gets refurbed/replaced when it's gone.

For me the biggest problem is time. Time spent travelling, washing and maintaning. I also live in a city and so garages are hard to come by, and places to wash a trials bike are non existent. To start from scratch there are a lot of things that need to be in place, which probably puts people off a bit. Once you've got yourself set up with bike, license, van, helmet, boots, garage, spares, tools, insurance, floodlit washing facility? things tick over nicely, but that's a lot of stuff to think about for a beginner! Compare that to a mountain bike, a bike lock and a cycle helmet and you can begin to see why many potential off road motorcyclists stick to pedal power.

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Biggest problem is this idea that Trials is a cheap for of Motorsport.

There isnt a cheap form of Motorsport. If it's got wheels and an engine then it's never going to be cheap! Even Lawnmower racing isnt cheap. Nothing is. Why should trials be any difference. Ever priced up fishing?

I was talking to my accountant the other day, he happens to be a trials rider also, he told me my biggest problem with my business plan was that i was trying to make a living selling stuff to trials riders :crying:

Worse thing is he's right :wall:

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