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Trials D Nations- No Dl?


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Just seen the team (yes I know it I am slow) why no D Lampkin? Was he asked and he refused? or was he just overlooked because he did not compete in this year’s WTC?

A few years ago after Graham Jarvis was brought out of retirement to compete in the UK team for the TDN because we did not have enough skill in the lower ranks so why not DL being called out of WTC retirement/..

DL would still beat 3 of the 4 members selected, plus many of the contenders riding the World Championship. Surly he is still good enough to be selected even just for the experience he has.

If the selectors decided he was not good enough why not make him team manager?

I wish the 4 lads all the best but I would have liked to have seen the greatest trials rider (DL) have at least some part in the team.

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Yes he was asked, yes he was available, no he wasn't discounted or disrespected.

Those of us who selected the team asked the same questions as you have and those of you who know Doug can imagine the fun he had watching us agonise over our decision.

Time comes for even the greatest to move on and we have great faith in our young guns to deliver the goods

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Time comes for even the greatest to move on and we have great faith in our young guns to deliver the goods

Agree Mick about faith in our youngsters? but should we not pick our best team and if thats the case maybe DL should be in it?

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Firstly as much of a legend as he is I'm not sure Doug would still beat 3 of the 4 riders TBH

Secondly we're fighting for 2nd place against Japan and (I imagine) France and have a stronger team than both those nations.

Need to go with team that have ridden frequently at this level and Doug hasn't this year.

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