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Is Newer Better


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I have heard the montesa 4rt only has one problem finding grip. Is the new montesa 4rt any better at this because of the new mapping. At a local trials they said the grip was unbelieveable on the 2016 montesa 4rt cota. I was told by my local dealer the montesa 4rt arent good at climbing up muddy grassy mounds.

The only other thing that is putting me of buying a montesa is the weight. I mean is it still easy to bouce it around.

I know their is a lot of things you can do to improve your grip. But is it necessary with the new models and is the repsol worth the extra money over the standard cota. I have tried the cota and it was great.

Many thanks

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I have heard the montesa 4rt only has one problem finding grip. Is the new montesa 4rt any better at this because of the new mapping. At a local trials they said the grip was unbelieveable on the 2016 montesa 4rt cota. I was told by my local dealer the montesa 4rt arent good at climbing up muddy grassy mounds.

The only other thing that is putting me of buying a montesa is the weight. I mean is it still easy to bouce it around.

I know their is a lot of things you can do to improve your grip. But is it necessary with the new models and is the repsol worth the extra money over the standard cota. I have tried the cota and it was great.

Many thanks


The 4rt doesn't have an issue with grip, some riders do.

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Would it still be just as easy to throw the bike around compared to a sherco as an example. The breaks are very good on them as well as the suspenesion this should hopfully make it easier. I thought the extra weight would help give it a better grip. But does the new mapping on the montesa cota 2016 make it easier to adjust 

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Would it still be just as easy to throw the bike around compared to a sherco as an example. The breaks are very good on them as well as the suspenesion this should hopfully make it easier. I thought the extra weight would help give it a better grip. But does the new mapping on the montesa cota 2016 make it easier to adjust 


The Mont is heavy and feels/is big. You will never throw it about like a Sherco or Beta and in most cases you need to muscle the bike to do what you want it to some degree. I've no idea on mapping as I've never had that option, as clever as the team are in the electronics department at Honda they will never make something as clever as the mass between your ears for learning.

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Thanks do you think i could get equally good results on a montesa compared to my sherco. I dont really like the look of the repsol but i suppose it would grow on me. Whats your opinion of the repsol compared to the standard cota.

Edited by dwb5151
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Thanks do you think i could get equally good results on a montesa compared to my sherco. I dont really like the look of the repsol but i suppose it would grow on me. Whats your opinion of the repsol compared to the standard cota.

The Repsol is a paint job and different rear shock for 2016 over the stock bike, plus a bit of carbon................is it not?

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Most would do just as good on a standard Cota over the Repsol.  I have never had any grip issues with my 4RT, in fact there has been many times I have been able to get up and over things that I have had other riders on 2T's having issues on.  


This is my opinion, and with a wife that rides a 2T and having played on both, that many of the people that have grip issues on the Montesa are 2T riders who have not been on a 4T or Montesa and are not riding it in its sweet spot.  It isn't a 2T, and wasn't designed in a way to attempt to be, so it will not act the same if ridden so.  My 2 cents worth.


As for getting a Montesa over some other bike, there are 2 things that to me are the primary items to consider if you would get one or some other bike.  

1) and in my opinion most important... Why are you riding trials?  To compete or to have fun.  

A ) If to compete: Then its about what bike you feel will give you the most competitive ride for you as a person.  weight, power delivery, suspension, turning, balance etc. etc. etc.  If this is the case most find the 2T bikes are often better for most riders. (some like myself really do well on a 4T but not most from what I have seen)

B ) If to have fun: Then its all about what you want the bike to look like and what your preference for maintenance, and what things you do for that fun.  In this case the 4T's are often a great choice for many, because they may do light trail rides as well as trials and like the gas and go in-between standard items like air filter, chain lube, etc.  There is a little extra between oil changes with the oil filter but for the most part its ride and have fun.


2) Are you already a 4T or 2T rider? I hope this one is self explainitory, if you come from a 2T background you will likely do better on a 2T from the start, if a 4T a Montesa or other 4T is likely not to be such a big change and may make more sense.  


On that note, weather its compete or not time on the bike is the only way to tell if its the bike for you, you could spend some time on a 4RT and think its great or find that a bit of time on a new Scorpa and find out that you just love them so much more so ride as many different bikes as you can and then make the call.  


This is my ramblings and I hope everyone takes it as the opinion it is meant to be.  :)

Edited by jonnyc21
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Thanks do you think i could get equally good results on a montesa compared to my sherco. I dont really like the look of the repsol but i suppose it would grow on me. Whats your opinion of the repsol compared to the standard cota.


If you have been riding for many years then maybe . If you havnt then maybe.

It depends more on you as much as the bike.

Go to a mont dealer and find out how to get a test ride.

Mont vs sherco is going to be the same as mont vs 2 stroke in most cases.



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Unless you ride a Mont, you'll never know

I was at a Trial on Sat, watching

I would say 20% of the entry were on Monts ......across all classes

The top guys on the Expert route had a lot of big rocks to attempt & the Mont riders did well, but you could see them having to physically use more energy to get the bike over stuff

My gut feeling is that the Mont is physically bigger & heavier - so needs more work

Also it's unpredictable in the way it grips - sometimes you think yep it'll get up this fine & it doesn't because once that back wheel is spinning on a slope or rock, it's game over as the bike stops going forward

On a 2t you can spin the rear, to burn the tyre through to find some grip & the 4RT doesn't respond to the same treatment - it wants linear drive on a constant or increasing amount of throttle

Edited by johnnyboxer
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