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Budget Trials Bike?


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in my opinion it costs about the same to buy new as it cost to operate a few year old bike. I bought a 00 monty in 2005 and have spent $1000 in a year and I still need to buy those over priced tires. some guys I ride with have new and only loose $2000 in 2 years and they get the joy of ridding brand new equipment, they also keep thier hands clean not having to replace chains, sprockets and linkage bearings. sure it costs more up front but I really believe the cost is the same in the end. They also get to ride more modern equipment then me.

as for cheap bikes from China, not for me, all experiences I have had with cheap crap from china has convinced me to stay the hell away. thier build quality and parts are crap, good luck finding replacement parts.

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The cost of living must be different here.

All the talk about how expensive modern trials bikes had me get out the calculator and do some figuring.

Based on what a first year apprentice machinist is paid here now ($AU18000 PA) and what I was paid in 1977 for the same job ($AU2900 PA), a new trials bike ($AU1400 Sherpa in 1977 and $AU8500 Beta Rev3 in 2006) both cost 6 months pay.

Depreciation rates on trials bikes here are generally $1500 for the first year and then $1000 per year until the bike is about 5 years old by which time bike condition is far more important than the age of the bike.

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I thought Clipic made cheap introductory trials machines

But I havent seen any around my area ....only for sale on the web.

I have only bought used bikes and depending on the maintainance the previous owner/s have done reflects on the price ,and how much it will cost me in time and money to put right.

First bike was a 98 Beta that was bought about 4/5 yrs ago but had not been looked after.So it was 3 yrs old and cost

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If I were to buy a modeern used two stroke, I would go for the Cota 315 as well because of its proven durability and reliability.

Funny some people talk about he stuff from China being rubbish, when used bikes from Beta, Gas Gas, and Sherco have such poor shelf lives. They require frequent and expensive maintenance.

Meanwhile the TL-250 just keeps on thumping along, no mechanical headaches. :thumbup:

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I expect the same people here who are going on about the old days etc don't go out shopping and buy a new shirt or pair of shoes because the ones they brought 20 years ago are still wearable!!!

Thankfuly being from a certain county beginning with 'Y' I'm good at this kind of money saving skill :thumbup:

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I have mostly found that the "high cost of maintenance" is usually due to "damage and poor prep/maintenance/corrosion" regardless of brand!

A new Sherco or Gasser is no more a POS than an old Cub, take care of it and it will last, don't and it becomes a restoration project!

Most those who trade annually just ride it, then pass it on!


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buget bikes i agree with one chap out there there are plenty of good second hand bike out there 1 or 2 years old but certain ones fall apart or becouse of how they are built need to be maintained constantly ie spanish ones stick to italian bikes or the mighty honda influanced montesa im sure other than these 2 makes they are made out of old washing machines as the metal they use is like tin cans and 2 years down the line mantanance ,mantanance ,mantanance etc etc then 5 years down the line try and get parts as i found out they just said to me they not avalable and modify what they send you now thats back up for you what happened to look after the people who are keepin the them in a job try it an see

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The average price for a new, run of the mill 250/200 here in Aus is between 8000-9000 A$, and over the last 10 years that figure hasn't changed alot. The amount of $$$$ the average joe earns, or the amount of debt he is prepared to endure has changed dramatically in that period, net result more spendable income for those little luxuries. The other factor is peer pressure, the more new bikes appearing in the paddocks the more riders feel they need to upgrade to keep up. Most riders can perform just as well on a five year old bike as on a new bike, in fact riding a slightly less capable machine can be more benificial to improving riding skills.

As for buying chinese imports over the usual makes, I havn't seen many chinese motoX copies making it to the track yet, you pay for what you get at the end of the day.

The TYZ was over priced and certainly not cutting edge when they came out, look how many still ride in the scottish! compared to the same generation of Gasgases/Beta's and Fantics.

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I must say that if its a question between quality for more money or a shoddy load of crap i would always go with the quality. I am knew to trials at a mature age but have around 15 years experience of enduro bikes & road bikes and have to say that owning shoddy quality is a nasty experience. Of course budgets are different but if you enjoy what you do you tend to put it above other waseful life purchases like smoking & drinking etc. I'm not moralising about these decisions people make but if you have to approach anything on the budget of asian replica bikes like

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