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Posts posted by suzuki250
  1. For the love of God man you must delete this post immediately or it wil go on for weeks of arguing about the proper ratio!!


    For the 3rd or 4th time

    Save us

    more like the 100th time :D

    I run my gasgas on 50:1 but thats because I like my engine and :gay:

    I Run my air-cooled bikes at 40:1

    I don't get more smoke than anyone else (in fact my gasgas runs very clean) & I never had any problems with blocked or dirty exhausts.

  2. Hi Tony, The new tyre will be loads better but as the first place you tried it was at Shatterford I'm not surprised by the slipping and sliding around. There is no worse place for the greasy surface.

    Next time you ride at your normal venues you will see the difference.



    Shatterford has to be one of the most slippery places to ride a bike!

  3. Hello, just to add my little bit, this is insane. Cannot see how far the front tyre is off the tarmac but if any passengers are in the rear the back end of the car will sink and/or if the car goes over a "whump" at speed the front tyre may hit the tarmac. If i saw this i'd keep well clear.

    Buy a trailer.


    One of the passengers could sit on the bike? :rotfl:

    • Like 1
  4. i was wondering what you meant as i have never come across a size stipulation. Amal yes Mk 1 yes , unless you have a Cub in Yorkshire of course , but not a size restriction.

    Spell checker changes the word amal to small, or a typo??? (could be wrong)

    I know in ms word it tries to change it to anal!

  5. BSA got it about 'bang-on' for a design 1957ish. If in 2014 people decide to alter that geometry...so be it. Rear suspension works by mechanical advantage ( thats why the JJ Corba didn't work). But all the 'mechanical advantage' goes out the window if you have no grip (thats why good riders keep it rolling in greasy condition). No matter what is done, in this case (short of removing the rear chain) the vehicle will still move forward.

    Well there’s your answer, couldn’t be simpler! :unsure:

    • Like 1
  6. Thanks. Not really interested in what is not allowed but can possibly get away with. Just need to know what is permitted so I can plan ahead if needed

    The only TRIALS tyres NOT allowed are tyres without tubes. I presumed you are going to fit a trials tyre?

    Maybe you were thinking of a motocross or ice speedway tyre with some nice metal spikes?

  7. I’ve just acquired a bantam D7 bottom end (everything accept a barrel piston & head)

    I would like to fit a D14 top end, I presume it’s a straight fit. But did the D14 have any difference to the crankshaft, crankcase volume or transfer port alignment?

    Basically what I want to know is, will I get the same power output as a D14?

  8. A ground anchor is a must even if you have an alarm,

    I had a bike stolen that had some expensive locks & chains but it wasn’t locked to the floor.

    The locks broke there bolt cutters, so the stole a neighbours van and took it with the locks on!

    Now I have a ground anchor under the bike to make access difficult, and another at the front!

    They can be purchased off ebay quite cheaply!

    • Like 1
  9. Bilks:

    Many thanks for that, we a few guys this using chinese CG engines in tlr frames and modern front ends too, good luck with that project

    like myself, i never even bother to tot up my dabs, its a fun day out for me.....that and the fact i count myself lucky to be riding due to a chronic illness....keeps me active

    If you only ride for fun why not leave it standard and just enjoy riding it?

    The bike should be more than capable to ride with modern iron, so what’s the point in chopping it?

    • Like 1
  10. Nothing wrong with using Castrol R in a classic 4t Trials bike, but be very careful if you use flushing fluids or oil as they don’t mix with 'R'

    I’ve only ever swapped oils after a full engine strip and clean

    Your best bet is buy some more ‘R’ :thumbup:

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