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Posts posted by barfy
  1. I've found the only oil that works will in the 4RT clutch is Elf HTX 740. Other very light gear oil or TQF is OK ,but needs to changed very regally otherwise I found it doesn't clear properly or begins to screech when the engine gets hot.

    I also found that a large AJP clutch master cylinder gives an improvement.

  2. Thanks betabonkers and ozz. I'm pleased that someone thinks the same as me about the IRC. My last one was fine, but this one either feels flat or needs to have so much pressure it lacks grip.

    I liked the Dunlop that came on my Montesa. Either though it had seen better days the grip was ok unless it was really slippery.

    Thanks for the pole. I think this will say how many use what tyre, but I'm still interested in views of say the Michlin X11 and X-lite compared to the IRC and Dunlop.

  3. Thanks for the replies guys. We'll probably spend the time at the villa by the pool.

    The extended tickets were only while the flights were suspended, so we've got to pay to get into most of the parks now. Disney have given us a few more days because we used less than 50% of our number of days.

    We've been stranded a week now and still don't know when we're going to be getting home. So we were looking for something cheap and different to do over the weekend.

  4. I did both trials at the weekend and they were well worth the 600 mile round trip.

    I didn't appreciate the thought that went in to allowing the guest riders to 'scrub' the sections. I appreciate how they struggled through the greasy stuff to make it easier for the rest of the entry.

    Perhaps they could have done with some of these guys on Sunday because when I got to the first section (I started about 1/3 of the way through the field) it seemed like the first riders were just starting to queue up. Not a criticism, because there weren't any real queues throughout either day.

    I've done both trials for the last five years, when they weren't on Saturday and Sunday and it meant the 600 mile round trip twice in the year. Over the last two years it seems that there are more people from the south than in some open to centre events. Nuff said...

    You don't realise how luck you are having to choose which 20 section to mark out rather than scrubbing around to find something that will make 10 sections.

    Thanks for a fantastic weekend, already planning next year.

  5. Perhaps someone can confirm, but I was told be a good Over 40 national rider in the UK that you need to replace the head if you put on a 300cc cylinder because it doesn't clear the fuel properly.

    I'd be interested in the answer because I'm looking at a 280 kit, but not sure what would be best.

  6. I've been looking for a Beta Rev 50 for a while to upgrade my lad from a Gas Gas Boy 50. I can't seem to find any that are ok condition or worth the money that's been asked. My lad is still in the D class, so can

  7. Montesaman - I don't know about the 1987 clutch, but you're right about the 1985/86 clutch being different to the 1988/89 clutch. The plates are quite a bit bigger onthe TLR clutch. I've got an old 1986 clutch that will fit my TLR.

    Big John - Thanks I've already got the number.

    I've put new plates in my RTL, but it's still slipping when I pull 3rd. I didn't have any steel plates so wanted to change these as well. I noticed on the TLR clutch that the steel plates have sort of pressed blind holes, but the RTL steels are smooth.

    I was wondering if Honda used a clutch from another model for the RTL. I'd surprised if they made a special clutch for such small numbers.

  8. I think that this is common on the Montesa.

    When I first had my Montesa I noticed the same noise. At the next trial I listened to every 4RT that I could and they all had the same noise to some degree. I decided that it's a good way of hearing if the bike is in neutral.

    I also noticed that the Raga Gas Gas clutch is quite loud.

  9. I'm concerned that it has only taken about 140cc of oil when it should have been taking three times more. So I've taken off the clutch casing and removed the clutch now to see if this will drain more oil when the bike is on its side. However, there has only been an extra dribble, as you'd expect if it's been drained from the sump plug.

    Are there any oil ways between the gearbox and clutch that could have become blocked?

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