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Everything posted by twhy
  1. That picture of me would look rather good at about 10x8 in a frame if your offering, dont forget its my Bday at hawkstone what a pressy it would be. It may not ever happen again, and it would be something to show my great great grand kidies (if your offering R2)
  2. It is a shame that there are all these laws about safety ( helmets, seatbelts and speeding etc..) and we must thank the people that flaunt these laws because without them there will be even less donor organs for transplants for the sick. It is supprising how the smallest bump on the head can cause permanent brain damage or even death. As it is not possible to transplant a brain and as this is the main thing to get damaged when not wearing a helmet, all the other organs are in really good nick to hopefully go to new owners and make someone very happy. So thanks.
  3. You are going to need one hell of a image to get the res at 60x40inch print. You can get a 30x20inch photographic print on for about
  4. My Road bike insurance covers thirdparty for any other bike not owned by me. What I done last year was insure my TY250 thirdparty only as cheep as I could find
  5. Got it from planetmicro but there is quite a few web shops that sell it at that price There was very few if any reviews on the camera so I just bought one and took a chance It is a battery pack that powers it with a built in charger. Have a look at the mustek web site for full spec it takes sd or mmc. Sorry R2 no stills of you on your a** But plenty of video!!.
  6. I just bought a Mustek 6500z,
  7. someone you may or may not know trials videos
  8. IrfanView has got to be one of the best freebee going http://www.irfanview.com/
  9. twhy

    Help Newby

    Hi Shipo, 500-600 quid would not get you a very upto gether modern bike but will get you a very good twinshock. I paid 400 quid for a yam TY250 t/s this had 12months MOT. I spent about 150 quid doing the odd thing or two to it but not straight away I rode 3 or 4 trials to make sure i liked the sport. seen it advertised in a local rag.
  10. twhy

    Help Newby

    Welcome to the forum shipo, Licences This has recently be addressed on another thread ( riders helping riders ) You may have already read this thread. As regards a bike depends on how much money you want to spend.
  11. There is a video kicking about somewhere. Im sure i have seen it.
  12. need to get yourself some software. unless you are using XP
  13. Before you start stripping the clutch make sure you have some play at the leaver before it starts pushing the m/s piston as this can be the cause of the problem, I bled my clutch but this did not fix my problem then all I done was change the gearbox oil and this cured my clutch drag. Hope this helps. Kev.
  14. Just had a look. This will do the job its from maplin electronics. Hope this helps.
  15. All you need is a electronic buzzer about a quid from a electronics shop ( get the loudest you can )
  16. Do anybody know anthing about a trials practice park in the Gloucester area ? have anybody been there? and is it any good?.
  17. tWhy do people still use Adobe photoshop? Over priced and over complecated, And generates huge files. People selling it say it is the best. I have used both Photoshop and Paintshop pro and favor PSP if there is anyone out there that can tell me what can photoshop do that PSP can't as I am very intrested to find out twhy photoshop is so much more expensive.
  18. Renualt Espace is the way to go they come in 2WD or 4WD, Frend of mine fits a 750 sprint bike in the back of his and still leaves 2 back seats in situ. I have just bought one, alright its not pretty but only paid 400 squid for it. my yam ty250 fits in a treat without taking anything off it Im not sure if modern trials bikes are higher ( handle bars to floor ) but if someone whats to let me know the hight I would let you know if it will fit in it will also be usefull information for me as I am hoping to get myself a gasgas soon.
  19. Please can anybody tell me if it is possible to lighten a ty250 t/s clutch by removing 3 springs has anybody done this on this bike with success? or what about putting a lighter set of springs in, if so which ones ?. Any help would be helpful. cheers.
  20. Thanks Guys, Very usefull stuff, got a copy of Tmx and yes there is stuff going on. Looks like I will have to make some select phone calls. Thanks again. I still think it should be easier to find the information for a complete beginer about clubs. A lot of clubs listed on the ACU site just have contact numbers but no trials dates which is all very well, but whos paying the phone bill?.
  21. As a new comer to the sport and not knowing anyone that does it, I have found that information is very sparse, I need clubs to join in the wessex center or south west center is it just these 2 centers clubs that don't want to advertise ? (on the web). And then when I finally think i found a Club within a 30-40 mile radius of Bristol I can't find out WHEN or WHERE their next meeting is. Is there any pubications that will be usefull for me or can anyone help me on this forum. I think this sport will be a lot more popular if there was more informative information available ( like MotoX ). Its like a catch 22 you can't join the ACU until you are a member of a club and you can't join a club until you know if it is suitable for beginers ( me ) and their event dates and venues. It is all really frustarting. any help would be appreciated.
  22. when is someone going to start a list of places to ride in the UK ? apart from clubs. I will be willing to complile a list and mount it on a web site if people want to share there fave places to ride with everyone.
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