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alan bechard

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Everything posted by alan bechard
  1. http://www.grainger.com/industrial-supplie...ators1A807.html Napa should have one on the shelf, Not sure if it is in the Autozone loan a tool program. I think I got my OTC (Ottawanna Tool Company) one from Carquest? There are 2 common sizes available, you want the "small" although I do not remember how they actually class them. My big one is the harbor freight cheapie, although when I break it, I will probably spring for the extra money and buy an OTC or other quality product. This also works real well for bottom end bearing's on the crank. Hope that helps.
  2. Got a picture? I am picturing that it is a standard tapered roller as in most other bikes. Good quality small size bearing seperator and a press make short work of it. You can also dremel a slot, not go all the way through, then strike the slot with a cold chisel to shatter the inner race like you would a truck rear axle bearing. If you only do it occasionally, a good automotive machine shop can change it for you in short order. I would reccomend the OTC brand puller on that small size bearing seperator, the cheap ones work, but on the small size the lips are so small that they will shear if you run into a tough bearing.
  3. In an attempt at levity (although true if you follow along) They set the size of the space shuttle booster rockets for us. England / UK is in the middle of that discussion by the way. Well I may as well point the way, so folks do not need to look. http://www.astrodigital.org/space/stshorse.html
  4. Boof, you lost me, these are the numbers (albeit, just grabbed off the top of google,) http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2087-1572533,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/01/31/illegal.immigration/ Now my math skills are not the greatest, but if I got the decimals and all them zero's in the right place.... I think we have a little more problem with illegal immigration then you guys. So, even with those measures that you speak of, and I certainly agree many are misplaced, we still have a huge problem to "beat back" as I do not know that it will ever be overcome. Atom, I think the point is, that we probably don't disagree all that much really, there are a few of us though that take offense and get sick of hearing that the US is the cause of all this and how screwed up "we" are, and the follow on thought is that "you" do it right. I think there is probably more common ground between you and I and our visions of our government then not but I do not think you will find me badmouthing you guys, your system of government, or your actions. There are plenty of targets there, I just choose not to bring it too these forums normally. And if you get your news and views of the president from Youtube, well, enough said. To the guy that said what if Germany had won....... Are you freaking nuts? Now I have probably as close of relations with Germans as anyone on here, German wife, sister married to a German, half German kids carrying dual citizenships. You need to go look at what happened, while I know you will never do it, go visit Dachau one day, it is fairly close to you (in my terms). If that does not turn your stomach, and answer why you did not want to fall under that regime, then maybe you are right for you. But just think, you would not have even the freedom to talk about the possibilities openly as you just did. Hmmm, peace out.
  5. Jay, have you looked at the Sprinter's?
  6. I wouldn't have neither. The whole election process is full of corruption. To watch it sickens me to be honest! Well I guess that would solve the problem... I guess we should what? Ask you who should be our president? And while I may not agree with the democratic system, it is the one we got, I can either participate and try and improve it to my beliefs, while reconginizing that others feel different, or I can sit on the side and rail against the deal and say it is corrupt and makes me sick. Hmmmm, then I would be called uhhh (nah, I won't do it!)
  7. Boof, could you define "closed shop" for me? Atom,,,,,, You would rather have who??? The Demo nominee, or some mystery man that I did not see on the ballot when I went and checked a block?
  8. Cool, so to get it corrected we get to figure out who you are Unless he got BAMA wrong.... Now if Doc Holiday's trophy got done incorrectly we are in the money. Darn, obviously should have read better as well! Wrong Brian. Oh well, Bama and Doc will just have to live in obscurity a bit longer.
  9. In my opinion, the statement above is really the problem, it is not "the government" that lost a grip It is personal accountability. Holding the actual person that did the act, said the things or whatever accountable. (and if you did it, standing up and saying, yep, it was me, my fault, etc. not pawning it off on something, or someone else) It is us, the people that want someone else to blame and to pay. And then while trying to make someone else pay, we take it past the point of reason, they don't have to pay a reasonable amount to make things right, we want them to pay millions to "punish" them. Sorry, rant over.
  10. Oops, sorry Barry, I did not read back far enough,,, Maybe the other guy will have a better time securing demo rides though How is it going by the way?
  11. Good greif Barry, don't listen to all this drivel on here (Mark is writing at the moment ) Go ride them both and see what you like. I think you will find both the 250 and the 290 are fine. Yes, the power comes on a bit different here and there, but all in all I think you will find both to be enjoyable bikes. Of course with your track record, not too sure how available Demo bike's will be from your mates. In the end, it really does not matter what I, or any of these Beta guys lost down here in Sherco land think, it is how it feels too you, and each bike will be a bit different. The only other thing I would suggest when testing bikes is to bring along your spanners (or whatever you guys call them) and set up the bars etc. to your liking on each prior to saying that you do or do not like a bike. God you type slow Mark
  12. I would pull the vent lines off, and insure that I cleaned that bottom area of the airbox after each wash before I got into much else. Actually, I would look at the O-rings just because it would be easy and informational as well. I have seen where a little water in the bottom of the airbox from washing can drive you nuts trying to figure out what is going on.
  13. Does it happen after you wash it normally? Do you have the vent hoses (or whatever you particularly care to call the things) on the carb?
  14. Oh god Austini,,,,, At least I am not the only one. Came home from a Hare Scrambles one day to an anniversary card on the table.... Dooohhhhhh,,,, Yep, that one is still not lived down.
  15. I guess I am not smart enough to leave well enough alone, but this is clipped from your first post STING. Somehow that gave me the impression, duh, that you did not compete, so how you filled out the rider questionaire when you did not compete just leaves me there going Sorry I bothered to take the time to respond. Hey Clive, nice quote.
  16. HOw hard can it be to start a conversation with those who went to the nationals, who are NOT the top 30% of the riders in skills and ability, who attend the nationals? lastly who even have computers and read TC? aparently 5 of us. Duh! <quote> I know as we filled out the forms, ony cirticism would be is that it many loops and sections were way to hard IMHO for many, below pro/highest class below pro. FWIW, If we thougth it was just too hard for us, I would've kept my thoughts and opinions to myself you know... <endquote> It is a dead horse, nobody else wants to dare say, MAYBE the nationals are over most rider's heads, that was my point. nevermind
  17. Sting, I am not sure that I am not even more confused about what you are looking for now, so if I am way off base, my apologies. Sounds to me now like you are looking for a survey and opinions of the difficulty of the events. All participants were asked to fill it out and send it in. Jim Watson is the one collecting the info, and I believe last years survey tallies are up on the NATC website ( www.natctrials.org I think it is ) That will give you an overall impression of the participants view's on the events, and it will be a much broader spectrum / base then what you see here. Were you already aware of these survey's?
  18. How are they getting by you if they are only doing 80? I must say, I have been doing 70 or so and had the Team Sherco rig pass me at speed....... Makes me want an F350 dually, Club Cab 4 door powerstroke too!!!!!!!! I was just thinking of the trailer being built vs. my bike trailer. I run a 7X16 enclosed and think I have had 10 in it at a time, comfortably carry 6 fore and aft. When it is time to unload at the nationals and lend a Sherco Hand, it is always amazing too me how many bikes come out of the big trailers. But I do know what you are talking about with the trailers, in Germany last year going skiing I kept wanting to push on my brother in Laws foot and go faster, we were towing a trailer with all the ski's at some ridiculous low speed (100k comes to mind) down the autobahn...... Was having flashbacks to a VW bus on the autobahn with a brick on the accelerator as a cruise control. Post a pic of your trailer if you get the chance.
  19. Somehow it is just funny seeing some of this stuff and the different perspectives from different countries. Pictures!
  20. Sting, if I understand your post, you want to make an easier class at the nationals? Just a very general observation, I did say very general, but most folks that are not on the level to ride a national in the sportsman class, are not interested enough to travel the US to compete. I realize there are certainly exceptions (sounds like you are one) but adding classes and lines if nobody shows up to compete them would not benefit anyone. Too really know though, someone is going to have to try it. You could probably hold a national, then schedule a regional event in conjunction with it to cater to the lower classes and see what the turnout would be. My experience would say that you will consume all your "riders" as "workers" and will have very little additional participants. Natc meeting just around the corner though so now is the time to step up and make it happen if that is what you want to see. And Axul, As some of us get older and fatter, I want to slide back down the ladder. I personally have no interest in being the "champ" and am faced with the reality that it is not happening. Is there a provision there that I move down a class if I come in last a couple of times? I for one would ride exhibition or non award status if I felt I was sandbagging or otherwise holding a spot in a class that was hindering someone from moving up.
  21. Hey,,,,,,,,,, That tank only blew up twice while I was cutting it apart It had over one quart of rust and "tank Seal" in the thing that was holding all the darn vapors and when the plasma got in the right (well maybe wrong) place..... But I believe that tank to be working today... If it went wrong, it was on that crappy a$$ brazing job I did when I found where they had used brass earlier in building the tank I took that shiny spot to just be paint flaking from the bend. If it is creased there (I looked again and cannot really decide) it will definetely add to the level of difficulty but again, it is all the more where the really good guy at PDR will earn his money. And even I don't blow the tanks,,,, I heard it gets exciting
  22. It would be rather helpful if you would post where you are located on an international board such as this, sometimes what is readilly available to me here, you may never find where you are located. Anyway, if you were around me, I would tell you too look in the phone book for paintless dent repair, or hail damage repair or contact a large body shop and ask if they have someone they use, or your insurance agent should have someone they use. Basicly, they will reach down through the neck of the tank using spoons and other shaped bars and push the dent back out. It does not appear creased so it should be a relatively straight forward repair for them. Normally I do this type of work myself, but as it is an "odd" Ossa tank, with the odds of me finding another somewhere between slim and none, and I think Slim fell off the truck,,,, I would spend the money, and have a guy that did that all day, 40 hours a week, do that one. It is amazing what those guys can do. If you are in some dern ferrrin land,,,,, Beats me.
  23. Found some more in depth information on this amazing father and son team. http://www.snopes.com/glurge/teamhoyt.asp I can only imagine.
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