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alan bechard

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Everything posted by alan bechard
  1. http://www.trialsinc.org/?trigger=sch2&ID=23
  2. Do you mean the left coast YN John?
  3. Try posting on the TI and STRA boards for someone going that way.
  4. Somehow I feel baited... Yes, they work. No, they generally are not needed on a trials bike. The cooling systems, when operating correctly are pretty good. Most, work by breaking the surface tension of the water is my understanding, allowing a better contact of the coolant with the fins of the radiator. Basicaly a surfactant I believe. On some bikes cars etc. it can be a noticable improvement, particularly in a marginal cooling system. I use Redlines Water Wetter as it is readilly available at the race car shops etc. when I feel it is appropriate. I mix to label directions when using it. It does not take much. Any high quality antifreeze (I prefer a standard EG with standard chemistry) mixed with high quality DI or distilled or some other form of "pure" (read mineral free) water mixed to an apppropriate ratio (usually 50 / 50) As Mark said, annual change and flush is cheap and easy. Something like the Maxxima coolanol or other RTU is a great, handy, easy way of doing it. And yes Mark I can emphaticly state that an RMX 250 when on the side of a mountain in Tellico TN Lost, and off the trail, dragging two NON riding NY boys on thier "FAST" KTM's lets just say that certain bodily type fluids will get you down of the mountain at midnight in the dark with no lights....... without further overheating till you can get to a church and add a more appropriate Mtn Water coolant.
  5. Riding (a lot) is the best way to learn. Time on the bike.
  6. It has been quoted to me to be one of the side effects of running race gas. Not saying true or false, but have heard it more then once from folks I trust.
  7. Sometimes it feels like it is Chris, but at least the payments are only when I use it. I think I still have that bag of Cactus juice there Mr. Mark... I suspect we may just have to sample it..... Life is kinda turned upside down for us this year, my machinery fix has been on backhoes, tractors and skid steers, and every spare minute has been spent remodeling a house which never seems to get finished. For any that have interest you can see what has pretty much turned into my life as of late here. http://www.tractorbynet.com/forums/project...use-rework.html I think Hanna and I are both burning out at the moment so the YN is coming at a great time. I think we will just kick back there and relax and try and get in a fairly stress free week. One of the projects this week though is to get some obstacles moved in and set up for Dean to practice a bit on. YN is just around the corner and Dean has about 4 hours on the bike in the last year................ Mark M will be riding with him on Wed evening's and I may drag myself out there a bit, but need to get Dean in a little practice time, I worry about how far out of it he will be at the YN, but then again, sometimes kids don't have the problems with that like adults do. I hope that is the case, and he has a fair amount of bicycle time in there as well. Really looking forward to seeing everyone.
  8. Cabin 5 is reserved already for the week of the YN. Got to have some time away from this house.
  9. Very cool Chris. Tell Ty from Us, good JOB!
  10. I will take a run at it as it is not all adding up anyway... OK, how about, somewhere in this endeavor, he pulled the line off the master, and has it kicked around on the master to where it contacts the frame? Beats me, would have to look if it is even possible, but I bet this is going to be a case of look for the last thing that got "fixed" If it were at my house, I would pull the master, and isolate the problem one step at a time. Actuate the master on the bench, clean? Full return, no grit or grunge pushed up under the boot from handling it? I would go ahead and disassemble and clean if it was mine. Brake pedal, bearing clean? Smooth operation, not hanging on the new gaurd you stuck on there somehow? I will bet you will see the problem by this point, if not remount the master, insuring that it sits flush against the frame. I have not done an 07 but on my bikes I take the mc banjo bolt and swap it with the rear caliper bolt, lets me tighten the banjo while the master is tight against the frame. Back bleed, break each joint, see if the problem is gone. Good luck.
  11. Actually, there is Gen 2 out now, Chris Mountechet on the STRA board has made some neat inserts and replacement panels to make them more easily repackable. I have a set to install next one, I just have not gotten too it yet. You could PM him off the STRA website probably and see if you could get the pieces from him. I think it will make them really slick if you go through the effort one time.
  12. alan bechard

    Sherco 290

    Swingarm length was different between them. 03 was a tad shorter. Would probably need them both side by side to tell though. I think I have both in the trailer if you need measurements.
  13. Daylight savings time change. Unfortunately I must admit, more then once.....
  14. Heck I will throw my hat in the ring here as to why the disc floats. One, it helps get maximum braking force as your pads to disc will tend to center themselves taking care of small misalignments. Also, with the floating discs, they tend not to push the pucks back so much when you get those large flexing movements in the forks. When they first started coming out with the front discs, and some had the fixed discs, as you dropped off something, (especially turning) and the disc / fork / wheel would flex, it would push the pucks back into the caliper, then next time you went to grab a handful of brake, you got nada, nothing, zilch..... because the amount of throw or displacement you had, was ate up trying to get the pucks back to the disc. It still happens in extreme cases, but for the most part, the small amount of play in that disc keeps it from being so noticable.
  15. First time I met Doug Flaugh, was introduced by our mutual friend Doug McIntosh. Doug Flaugh had come out too see a trials, Doug, Alan,, Alan Doug,,, Hi Doug, could you take me to the hospital please..................... I broke my ankle. Unfortunately, although a GREAT friend, one of those guys you can depend on for anything, Doug and I spent FAR too much time together in Emergency rooms over the next several years. Of course he then moved to California, and he took up.... SKYDIVING First something like month or so, two failed chute emergency rides and one airplane crash...... I believe there was also a dislocated shoulder while exiting the aircraft that he had to put back in himself, so that he could reach the rip cord. Doug is a fun guy to be around...
  16. HOLY CANOLI! If you have never tried to fly one of these, you just cannot appreciate how impressive that is. I cannot imagine the SA level that guy has.
  17. OK BWC, no teasing like that, lets hear why Charlie has a creek named after him
  18. Hmmm,,, first event, with me actually driving, 72,73 or 74? Little Grand Canyon, Brooksville Florida,,, Honda SL70 looking longingly at the kids with the "trick" XR 75's I think that were "modified" for trials. I think we did some parking lot deals and a Bike Rodeo complete with Teeter totter and big cable reel before that. That's Hazy... Remember being at Louis Petrose's place in I think it was NC, about 8 years old, SL70, up in the mountains, following dad, had to cross a log in the dirt road and high centered on it. Could not get it off, Dad screaming at me, started to cry and remember him saying if I was going to act like a baby he was just going to leave me there......... And yep, those of you that know my dad can attest, he then got on his bike and left.... Still remember that and hope I never give my kids that feeling. Favorite story.... Man, there are too many, but some will relate to this. Caroline Patrick,,,, What a lady, well it was 86 or so, I am in Croom for the FIS event, we are both at the campground, and as 19 year old or so boys will do I really wanted to be impressive. Just having showered wearing shorts, those shower shoes with the little things between the toes, and a towel draped around myself I am going to REALLY impress the Lovely Ms. Caroline.... Ride up to her on my TY350 and pull this great near vertical nose wheelie right at her feet..... man, I am styling,,, did I mention I was wearing shower shoes???? So the little thing pops out of the sole of the shower shoes, and my feet slide straight down to the ground, I pile up in a big heap in the sand at Carolines feet and she has too pull the bike off from me............... I am covered in that Florida sand... Yep, I was impressive........
  19. You been looking in your closet again Andy?
  20. Made me want to buy anything she is selling.
  21. OK, now I get the earlier e-mail..... Yep, thats me on the down low....... Darn Brian, you are too PC, it was there, and now it is not, and this response looks idiotic..... Oh well so do many of my rants here I guess.
  22. He left out the part about lending him parts for his bike... Hi Lane
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