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Everything posted by theshercorider
  1. I think there is a lot more wiring etc in that area because previously it would of all been hidden up at the top of the frame and the wire for the stator ran on the inside of the frame so now it looks like there is a lot of new things. I don't think there is any reason to run a dual map system on the 125 and 80 as it would not really make that much difference tbh. I would probably not use it/take it off if there was one on the 125s anyway.
  2. The bike with the CDI unit will be the 125, they are slightly different in that area. Bike weight and specs can be found here... http://www.sherco.com/ST2t.html
  3. That was good thanks, helps you see it better seen as I didn't get a chance to go down The air filter is very large, I suppose this helps the engine breath better? Aiding performance? Are the handlebars different too? They seem to have a lot more rise? Any predictions on deliveries of the 125s?
  4. Any mention of the four stroke? Usually they look different.
  5. Quick very poor edit.. 100x better though.. Can't wait till mine comes
  6. I am not a fan of the yellow (N) never liked it on bikes. Also would have looked better with white mudguards imo. But it isn't what it looks like that truely matters, its how it rides. If they ride good then I will be more than happy with mine. (Going to have to get some none yellow stickers though )
  7. I put my shock on the opposite way round to standard, so where mud ect can get in is tucked away behind the airbox.
  8. Word is they will be officially unveiled at the dirt bike show, and are still hoping for them to be arriving and on sale for the end of november. Can't wait
  9. They are not on the website but if you email them they will send you the templates they have.
  10. Update: ordered from danger uk and am very impressed, some pics here... http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index....tem&CID=158
  11. Thanks for that, I have got in touch with them but to be honest I didn't want to have to design some seen as they wouldn't really be for me. But I could ride with some ace trials team graphics and claim I ride for them
  12. This year I had 6 months off due to breaking my scaphoid but that was because I had broken it before, so I very much advise that you allow it to heal properly first time or it will catch up on you. When I thought I could ride again I made this topic... http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index....14&hl=wrist
  13. Hi people, I am going to be recieving an 010 bike in november/december and was going to spruce up my current bike before it gets sold. Now I'd be getting a new mudguard and was thinking of getting new stickers to go with it. However I know that these stickers are not cheap at all!!! I rang MRS a while back for a price on a set of the racing graphics and they wanted nearly
  14. Well why not if you have been offered one? Obviously if there are problems or looks like a bag of you know what I may change my mind. But for now
  15. Yep, I believe they are to be unveiled at the tdn, and will be on sale at the end of november/early december. I have my name down for one of the first already!!!!
  16. Try this here... http://www.splatshop.co.uk/sherco-bearing-kit.html I am not sure about shipping but I am sure if you sent him an email you could sort something out, he is a top lad and will help you out (Y)
  17. Try this here... http://www.splatshop.co.uk/sherco-bearing-kit.html I am not sure about shipping but I am sure if you sent him an email you could sort something out, he is a top lad and will help you out (Y)
  18. My dad did the results but the lad who puts them on the site has been messing around, hopefully they will be on there soon. If you send my dad an email at r.j.hague@advancedsteel.f9..co.uk he will send you some
  19. My shock died recently on my sherco, couldn't find anything second hand so went to buy new and found that a standard shock is more expensive then the likes of ohlins and trp. So I ended up spending
  20. Instead of replacing the seal, try taking of the dust seal off and running something thin on the inside of the seal to get rid of anycrap that may have got trapped inside. As for the amount of oil to be put in people will say it is 330ml in each leg but you can never get rid of it all, I don't have the specific measurements you should be using but will update when I have gone and found them.
  21. Right if this has already been said I am sorry as I only read the first post. Now my bike the other month or so was running rich intermittently, turned out the needle in the carb was not replaced right when i was fiiting something. It sat on top of the slide and sometimes it would not return and run rich etc. Just something to look out for.
  22. Just noticed this on ebay... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Sherco-250-2008-mode...id=p3286.c0.m14
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