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Everything posted by pete_scorpa3
  1. Yes, and that's just the reason that the ACU haven't made the descision for 2012. Damned if they do and damned if they don't.
  2. I am planning to keep our club trials stop allowed TSR22a for 2012 and see how things go nationally. I must say that I am hoping (not hopping) that the ACU will make all trials non stop for 2013 and we can put all this behind us. Pete
  3. Samy, thanks for taking the time to share this with us, I find your efforts inspirational. I think I'm well organised when I bring out my camping stove and cook some sausages after a trial! Superb set up Pete
  4. I have to fully agree with you on that comment, three different sets of rules for one sport is a mess. One set of rules for all would be best and I believe is what we should all be pushing for, the problem (and it is a VERY big one) is that no one can agree which set of rules we should be using. Rabbitracing, which rules would you like to see? Start at the top; The ACU seem to have little ability to effect the FIM, so if it's one set of rules for all then we have to let the FIM decide what they are. Time keepers etc etc? BTC; The ACU is trying to increase numbers in the UK's top class and this is why the BTC has moved to non stop. No one knows if it will make any difference and the subject has been discussed (at great lengths) elsewhere. Youth Championship; Good entries, successful trials, lots of happy youngsters. This is a series that doesn't need 'fixing' so it's logical to leave it exactly as it is for now. S3 (formerly Clubmans/Novogar) Championship; Already non stop and most would argue it's better for it. From my involvement with this series over the past 20 years, I would agree non stop is working well here. Normandale Classic / Sammy Miller series; Has always been non stop and both enjoy large entries. Scottish / Manx 2 day; Non stop for some time and enjoying big entries. Centre / Club trials; Now it's here that we have the most confusion and the biggest problem for the ACU. Dedicated, (speaking for myself- stuck in my ways) hard working, unpaid volunteers who run the dozens of small events each week with a set of rules they like. Should the ACU force us to use one rule or the other? Yes. I guess they should. But going back to my question above, which rule should we be forced to use? So with all this in mind, is it really so bad that for 2012 we have two sets of rules in the UK? Clubs / Centres can choose. Youth stays the same. Nationals stay the same (or can change if they wish) the BTC changes. It's most regretable that some riders are being put off by the current situation but the BIG debate will come at the end of 2012, Non stop may become universally adopted... it may not!
  5. Love your set-up! :thumbup: That's a real inspiration, what else have you got in there?
  6. I will be careful not to plug the show but Wrighty tells me that he is getting a LOT more interest from modern trials dealers, retailers and riders this year. Many people felt that trials were not represented well at Stoneleigh and Telford could be a better option for the all aspects of the sport, not just Classics. Pete
  7. 1 on the front is the same as 3.34 off the back, that's where the 8% come in. Of course it would make a difference, but only 4mph at 50 is hardly noticeable. I would however be very happy to get an 8% pay rise!
  8. On the trails you will be hard pushed to notice the difference with just one tooth on the front. It equates to slightly more than 8%, changing your top speed from say 50mph to just 54mph. I would suggest that you go up a minimum of two on the front and ideally two down on the back thus keeping the same chain adjustment.
  9. I was watching the CJB Trials Review for 2011 last night and tried to look at it from an impartial 'trials outsiders' perspective. Whilst the TSR22a stop allowed sections were very impressive (big steps from impossible angles) it did start to become very 'samey' with the sections just a series of 'pre-set' pieces. Lots of hopping into place and then pauses whilst the riders eyed up the climb, adjusted their helmets and moved an inch to the side. In contrast, the TSR22b non stop events were all less impressive but easier to watch, the riders just kept moving, meaning there was action all the time. At least I could imagine having a go at those (even if I would fail in reality!) I have to say that I prefer to watch non stop.
  10. Talon produce 13-38 for the Rev3 which will be the same length chain. This will give you approx a 20% increase in speed for any given revs. For example, flat out in top at 50mph will become 60mph.
  11. Again, well said Woody. 'Trick' riding in a section is impressive when it gives a rider a clean. But it can also be very frustrating to watch when a rider tries to hop about and looses marks in a section that is being ridden by others non stop for a clean. Even in a stop allowed trial, a skilful rider will ride non stop until stopping benefits them.
  12. In 2012 we will be running three nationals and a Centre Trial on non stop (TSR22b) and four club trials on stop allowed (TSR22a). The club trials will be stop allowed for as long as the rules allow or until the majority of the riders ask for a change. Can't say fairer than that. Pete
  13. Yes, but champering the leading edge of the pads is a lot cheaper, there's nothing to loose by trying it!
  14. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MINTEX-CERATEC-ANTI-SQUEAL-SHIMS-SQUEAKING-BRAKE-PADS-/150655800305?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2313c913f1
  15. Try putting a small 45 degree champher on the leading edge of each pad.
  16. Does the frame make the name or the engine? Scorpa's are (were) Yamaha's in Japan. Montesa's are Honda's.
  17. My eldest daughter started wearing a Wulf helmet when she was just five and gets on with it fine, she like to look like the 'grown-ups!' If she's whizzing round the back garden she wears a push bike lid but if we go proper off road it's always the trials helmet. Pete
  18. So we held the Stratford club AGM last night. I got home from work, had tea, washed up, put my three kids (all under 7) to bed and dashed out. It was a good meeting and I'm pleased to say that the Stratford club will be as strong as ever in 2012 putting on three nationals, four club trials and a centre trial. Who turned up for the AGM? Almost exactly the same 18 faces as turned up last year. Anyone new? No. So what's the average age of the working team? Well there's one under 40 (yes he's 38) which makes the average age 56. Got home at 11.45 with a list of things to do over the next week or so. Beatabeta here's a question for you. Where are all these under 40 riders who are going to run our trials so well? Should the over 40's resign from running the club and let them have a go?
  19. Here's the results form the RV to have a look at, remember, the observers were told to give a five if the riders stopped moving forward. http://www.stratford-upon-avonmcc.org.uk/page5.html
  20. Well said. The Ralph Varden may (or may not) have been a success, but Alan Wright, Mark Hicken, John Langston and Youth A rider Charlie Langston were the only people willing to set it out, so they should be thanked for their efforts irrespective of the outcome. This leads me nicely onto another subject. The Stratford-Upon-Avon club are holding their AGM tomorrow night, Tuesday 13th December when any current club member, and any persons wishing to become a club member in 2012 are welcome to come along and put forward their proposals on all aspects of the club. This includes running the club, organising permits, liasing with land owners, attending centre meetings, observer liaison and for one or two lucky people... even setting out trials! Yes, the job of setting out trials is up for grabs, so be quick or you will miss the chance! Will we see the same people elected at the AGM to do the same jobs yet again this year? Yes of course we will, not because they win the vote but because the hoards of "under 40" riders will not step forward to take over. 'IF' feelings about Stop or Non Stop rules are so strong, then do something about it. Here's your chance to have a go, come to the meeting and offer to help. There's three big single lap Nationals to organise, four multi route club trials to run and don't forget the Ralph Varden Centre trial that seems to have gone so badly. All offers of help greatly recieved. Beatabeta, you are most welcome to come along and say your piece in person, if you came along and offer to take over any of the committee jobs you would be a very popular person indeed! Pete
  21. I think you should read the post again and correct the errors in your statement. You have accused Steve of saying a lot of things HE DID NOT SAY! Go on, read it again and come back on here and quote him correctly!!!!!!! As a matter of interest, were you even there?
  22. I'll email Mr Chapman to see how many were made, I was riding with him today. Pete
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