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Everything posted by pete_scorpa3
  1. Sorry.... brain fade! Delete sight glass and insert oil level hole.
  2. Yes, but if it's for a SY250 two stroke 700mls will over fill it. The sight glass will indicate the correct amount at around 450mls.
  3. Much easier than a knobbly with a moose fitted, but only once the bead is broken!
  4. I can ride my daughters 36v across the garden but it struggles with my weight and the battery would soon go flat if I tried to ride it far. I don't think you would do much damage to it, but it's not really a viable option.
  5. Easy to check. The next easy thing is to remove the caliper and pads and carefully clean all around the piston with an old tooth brush making sure you get all the dust and muck from behind the piston at the back. At this stage, do NOT press the lever with the caliper off the disc. Carefully refit and see if there is any diference. Pete
  6. I'm not sure that I agree with your comment about the youngsters keeping trials going. How many clubs would still be running if you took out the over 40's? You also write about vids, drinks and other things to do whilst a trial is on. Do you really think this is a viable proposition in a small club trial in a wood at the bottom of a farm? And if it is viable, do you think it could be achieved with the current entry fee of around
  7. Unless Mr Miller specificaly stops us from accepting entries from trail bikes, it is most likely that the Stratford club will still allow riders on trail bikes to compete in the Union Jack round. Pampera's, Alps, Serrows can get round on the hard course and bikes like XR400's, DRZ's etc can get round on the easy course. The Trail bike class used to be well supported but has dropped off in recent years, many favour the trail bike championship events such as out own OK Supreme LDT which is run by the same people on almost exactly the same course (but slightly longer) as the Union Jack anyway. Pete
  8. So far the only problem I've had with my 36v was the 'ignition' switch failing due to corrosion. It's a 2012 bike bought in November 2011 and has been used for both compettions and fun riding virtually every weekend, so that's pretty good in my books. My daughter started on a 12.5 when she was three, briefly had a 2nd hand 24v before getting a new 36v for her 6th birthday. I have upgraded the brakes to give more feel and a shorter movement for her small hands but she managed the throttle even on full power straight away.
  9. I have a 2012 model 36v and the throttle operates just like a normal trials bike, it is smooth and linear. My daughter can control the slowest turns with no problem. What year is yours? Perhaps there has already been an upgrade that can be fitted? Pete
  10. Worth a try, but disconnect the coil before you do this, you don't want a spark.
  11. The trail bikes used to be a good 'support' class too.
  12. I've fitted a simple On/0ff toggle switch under the 'tank.' http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/110748136394?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 I mounted it on a plastic bracket cable tied to each frame rail, it's easy to reach under and switch it on. I've also changed the original connectors to one male and one female so that if the switch fails, it's an easy job to plug them together and bypass the switch.
  13. It's starting to look like an "All things Trials" event!
  14. Just try connecting the charger, switch it on at the mains and see if it makes any difference. Do the 'ignition' lights come on now?
  15. Cane across this article about an electric trials bike. Sorry if you've seen this before, but I must say I am impressed! http://plugbike.com/2011/11/17/electric-motion-em-5-7/
  16. I see there are only 41 entries with just 15 on the A route. That's a lot of work for such a small entry.
  17. It's a good idea, I tried this very thing a few years ago at Sambourne Farm, excluding the club members running the day we had six turn up and one of those (with his brother and his mate)had to go to hospital when he cut his leg open. We had a good day out and it was nice weather but still lost money (permit, insurance, land hire.) If I could get say 15 riders to commit to another I'd do it again.
  18. Yep, this is normal for continuous use. However, my 6yr old daughter (who is small for her age) can manage a full three hour trial before the battery runs out, but only just. And this depends on the distance between the sections and how many climbs there are.
  19. I don't know if it is correct but I used normal dot4 brake fluid in mine.
  20. I strongly believe all trials should be run under one set of rules. I prefer to ride stop allowed myself but see the difficulty the ACU are in (as I've written about in an earlier post) with so many good events/championships being run under the two different rules. As for the stop for a one. We used the stop for a one system for a few years and on paper it looked perfect. It soon became obvious that in reality it was badly flawed. It was too complicated.... by far! one dab is a one two dabs is a two three dabs is a three one stop is a one two stops is a two three stops is three one foot down stop is a two one foot down with two stops is a three two feet down stop is a three bounce sideways whilst moving was a clean bounce sideways whilst stationary was a five go backwards feet up or down was a five Stall the bike feet up is a one Stall the bike feet up but take your hands off the bars is a five Stall the bike with a foot down is a five Stall the bike whilst footing but keep moving was a three Take your hand off the bars whilst stationary (I kid you not, this was a rule!) is a five. 'IF' this system could have been applied correctly, then I believe we would still have it now but... Try explaining that mess to a 'first time' observer five minutes before the start of a trial! In all the time I rode under this system, I was never given a two for a stationary dab. Most (not all) observers didn't even try to observe this correctly, it just turned back into a free-for-all. No wonder the ACU decided to go back to either stopping allowed or full non stop. I have no idea how this is going to end, we run three nationals and a centre trial under non stop and four club trials under stop allowed, I just hope what ever happens it doesn't put too many people off trials. We can't afford to loose anyone. Not the youngsters and not to over 40's either. All the best for the New Year! Pete
  21. This will be a contender for the best post of 2012 Happy New year to you!
  22. So let me get this straight. You don't want one set of rules for all, you actually want two sets. But you previously wrote about the mess we are in. Maybe you are starting to see the problem the ACU faces with this? It's far from easy to please everyone and non one knows what effect if any the change will have. This time next year our views and opinions will be far more objective.
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