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Everything posted by copemech
  1. I have been told that the Beta is 50/50, but mose bikes vary by only small amounts.
  2. I recall a story where a champ rider on an old Bultaco was killed after the bike went into reverse halfway up a big hill. I think it was the old ones with contact points that would do that. I was rocking the wifes 1.25 in gear once to break loose the sticky clutch when it took off forward, got my attention!
  3. So shut up your crying Craig so we can get on! Either the keyway has sheared, most likely, and only a 50 cent part,or you have a big problem as your crankshaft has inverted! When this happens you usually get a strange feeling in the bum-----near your wallet! Be sure to torque it back properly, the flywheel that is!
  4. I may be a bit slow, but what is the bit on the front page about SMS about as I am not sure what I have Lost! Help me understand!
  5. Dave, that is a great site you have done. Looke liks you fellows have a great place to ride with rocks, logs and hills some of it actually resembles Texas except the overcast and snow makes it look , well, COLD! Out of queriosity, do you do anything to make the bikes start easier when cold such as enlarging the cold start(choke) jets or tipping the bikes to spill a bit of fuel! That Fracy fellow is nothing but trouble! Cheers, MC
  6. Thanks Dave! Still a bit nipply up there? Reminds me of an old joke,I'll have to post it in the Anything Goes! Cheers, MC
  7. Anyone have contact info for Rathmell Sports? Do they have a website or an e-mail address? Cheers,
  8. Keep in mind that the 1.25 and 2.0 did not recieve the upgrades that the 2.5 and 2.9 did in '02 as it seem they used a lot of the leftover parts on the smaller bikes.
  9. On the '01 bike the mud guards were clear coated over the decals. The clear came off fairly easily in the wash. Depending upon when the bike was built the first gear ratio may be different.
  10. R2, I was speakin about your sticker! I want one!
  11. Yea, although that pic was taken at a different location, there is some HUGE granite in OK. There is one really cool huge boulder like that you can roll down or ride up about 20 ft tall. I get a fear of heights though!
  12. Thats OK you sick B%#@%!d, we rode in a few REAL ROCKS yesterday up in OK just waiting for you! Weather about the same! MC
  13. Have they made a 2.0 KIT available for the'06 1.25 orand does it cost less than the pieces?
  14. That is why the rest of the world stopped it!
  15. Seems to need some greenies on the front!
  16. Someone help Andy get some proper ones to peddle! I want some! R2, I'll trade you a nice MOAB sticker about the same size for one of those!(NOT the BETA) PM me!
  17. Try this! http://www.lewisportusa.com/repsol_replica.htm
  18. AND junk that spattering POS for one that will burn holes!
  19. Same tool as fits a Sherco, and I believe Beta too or at least Techno as not sure about later models.
  20. That's what I really like about a MIG, they hold lots of wire regardless how much beer I've had!
  21. Ah! Another fine testimony to the good effect of gravity removing water! Imagine that! A treatment of clear high temp engine enamel will help protect against water entry to the electrics. There is a moisture displacement called Corrosion-x that is widely used in aircraft and marine that is touted as safe for electronics. It also lasts longer than wd-40 but is more expensive.
  22. What Al said, and be sure to grind to remove chrome as the addition of NI,CR to the weld may adversely effect weld properties. Mig is easier and quicker and very strong on the frame which is actually a "softer" material than the weld! I think?
  23. Trialsurfer actually knows what a real rock looks like, although living on the worlds largest sandbar he probably has not seen one in a while. I think they use conch shells for the Rollers there! Put a lot of them between big logs and such! You boys are in for a bit of a treat in OK too! Stoodly actually compared it to Donner!
  24. [Englands rocks rule! i mean come on we do pump out the best riders in the world!] Maybe they just have to travel to find real rocks!
  25. Mich, tell them Brits what it is like to ride on REAL ROCKS! Uou know, BIG ones that are so dry and grippy they rip the little knobbies right off your tires! Sorta like that big chunk of raw granite in my avitar! If you fall on that stuff you're gonna loose a lotta skin!
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