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Trials Tyres


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hi all

iam looking into to getting a new pair of tyres for my sherco.

i have looked at the pirrelis, cant really afford michelin at the moment!

i ride in very wet and muddy/clay conditions how would theese tyres cope

compered to my old michelin x11s.

thanks ben 12

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If you really are on a budget, go for a set of Vee Rubber. They are not so bad and certainly loads better than the Pirellis. I had a set for a season and they coped OK. Only real problem is the sidewalls are a bit stiff so the tread becomes concave if you try really low pressures.

Otherwise, X11s or IRC...


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Buy a second hand one ebay if buget is an issue. Vee rubber is crap, x11 is only way to go as not sure if still same but IRC did have issues with last batch of tyres.

The front seems to effect little compared to the rear to which grip is the be all and end all of the sport.

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I have currently got a Vee on the back of mine and it's poor (sidewalls too stiff) ,the worn Mich that I took off gripped better.

As for Pirellis----they're only any good in the snow.

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Front is usually OK so concentrate on the rear. I'd go IRC or Michelin X11. The IRC will need more pressure in it though. Dunlops tend to third choice especially where you are doing LONG trials like the SSDT, Reeth or the Scott. You never see Pirelli's on a Trials bike they seem to be aimed at the Trail Market.

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I use Pirelli tyres on the bulto but is used mainly on the road. these tyres are harder wearing and do not flex the same. I used another bulto on the road with Mitchelins it was fun but ware out quickly For off road competition I would not use Pirelli road or trail okI use Mitchelins on the Beta as I trial that.

Edited by naichuff
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I don't know what the price difference is and can't be bothered investigating but how much money are you going to waste in entry fees and travel with a tyre that does not perform?

My last bike was a Pinky which gripped like the proverbial to a blanket on Michelins and I had it for nine years and can't remember putting a tyre on it but I suppose I must have done so say (as the original would be worn when I got the bike) six years for a tyre - that seems to wipe out any cost difference.

I've had the Beta now for eight years and run two wheels but haven't put a tyre on either wheel myself. I could not work out why I was riding so badly at a trial last year when I realised half way home that, due to a leaking rim tape, I has used the "spare" wheel which I lent to someone for the SSDT and which came back with a Dunlop on it. A waste of time compared to the Michelin.

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Your Sherco has tubeless rims - the Pirelli MT43 is a tubed tyre so you can't use it on the Sherco as it won't stay seated on the rims.

Someone on ebay is advertising MT43 Tubeless which is wrong - unless they have started doing a tubeless version of the MT43. The tubeless Pilrelli was always the MT73 but I have no idea if they are available any more

The price of an MT43 seems to be between £55 AND £70 (generally the latter) with £10 delivery. You can get a tubeless IRC for £70 with £10 delivery - that's £10 difference for a massive difference in performance. IRC in my opinion is unrivalled in mud and will outlast any other tyre in terms of wear rate and ability to continue gripping when pretty shagged. The IRC is probably as good in snow as well now, so the Pirellis have lost that advantage too.

If you're riding trials events, Pirellis shouldn't even enter the decision making process.

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