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Twinshock Road Trial


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Marky. only rule to apply to twinshocks is nee disc brakes, you cant get more fair than that. Any more rules and the situation gets pathetic like the so called PRE65 rules b/s. Keep the sport simple and cheap then its down to the guy on the bike and his ability. What you reckon?

And must have been a twinshock as original manufacture? Otherwise they'll be turning up on those mono Yams with twinshocks fitted. Don't think anything else is necessary apart from that and no discs.

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Marky. only rule to apply to twinshocks is nee disc brakes, you cant get more fair than that. Any more rules and the situation gets pathetic like the so called PRE65 rules b/s. Keep the sport simple and cheap then its down to the guy on the bike and his ability. What you reckon?

And must have been a twinshock as original manufacture? Otherwise they'll be turning up on those mono Yams with twinshocks fitted. Don't think anything else is necessary apart from that and no discs.

Yep sorry missed that one woody...

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Marky. only rule to apply to twinshocks is nee disc brakes, you cant get more fair than that. Any more rules and the situation gets pathetic like the so called PRE65 rules b/s. Keep the sport simple and cheap then its down to the guy on the bike and his ability. What you reckon?

Well said there Pitley, I've never been sure on the rules with regard pre65 bikes, most of the ones I see are far from std trim :)

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Don't think you need bother with the disc brakes really do you? Twinshock with the shocks as standard manufacture is good enough surely?

no stop rules?

Discs definitely need banning as when someone has a GasGas or Sherco etc. front end fitted it offers a huge advantage over a wet drum where braking is required and can be the difference between arriving at the bottom of a descent on a perfect line feet up (something I no longer remember...) or having a dab or two to to get things back under control. No reflection on rider ability, just superior brakes and a better score because of it.

Also, imagine a part of a section which has been carefully plotted where the bike has to be turned across an obstacle such as rocks, roots or the begining of a camber leading onto a climb. The object being that the rider has to be perfectly on line whilst making the turn non-stop otherwise front or rear wheel will slide away causing a dab or more. This might even involve a famous Schreiber pivot turn... Now imagine the rider with the modern disc who hits the front brake and hops the back over (which is a stop) and then with one flick of the front has turned the bike 90 degrees (still stopped) and ridden the the obstacle in two straight lines thereby removing the very nature of the hazard intended by the section plotter. Although forward motion has ceased and the rider has stopped the bike to achieve the turn, we know that the observer will not mark it as a 5 and the rider will get away with it, even though the trial is under no-stop rules. None of this is really possible with an old spongy drum brake and riders will be less inclined to try it. Allow a disc and it will be used to its full potential in every way possible, all of them outside the rules and spirit of no-stop riding.

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So in the world of twinshock how many have discs?


if you want to ban non standard forks wouldn't that be the samething? Front discs only, just seems to be complicating things, why not run the first one and see how many turn up with discs? Or state in regs disc braked machines not eligable for awards but can compete?

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At the moment, not many but they are starting to appear. I just think that as soon as a few have them it will start the ball rolling and then how long before sections get tighter to suit clutch/brake technique. If people want that they have modern bikes and trials. I've nothing against fitting modern forks as I don't actually think they give that much of an advantage over a pair of good period marzzochis for example, but a bike's braking capability can alter the way sections are laid out and you end up with tight nadgery crap instead of good flowing sections. And if they have to go through the hassle of making a drum fit modern forks, maybe they won't bother with them either.

I favour the ban on discs and ensuring the bike must have been twinshock as original manufacture, otherwise where will it end? I can't imagine that much that can be done to a good twinshock to turn it into a fiddle bike but there are a lot of people out there cleverer than me in that respect who can. Hopefully, if it is nipped in the bud with these two regs it will prevent it going like pre65 as who would have forecast what has happened to the development of those.

I've nothing against people riding with discs on a twinshock in modern events or club trials, different situation altogether and up to the clubs involved, but in proper twinshock trials or championships, if they have them, I wouldn't stop them riding them but it would be outside of the awards/points as you suggest. And therefore there is no point better riders trying to gain an advantage by having them.

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I've nothing against people riding with discs on a twinshock in modern events or club trials, different situation altogether and up to the clubs involved, but in proper twinshock trials or championships, if they have them, I wouldn't stop them riding them but it would be outside of the awards/points as you suggest. And therefore there is no point better riders trying to gain an advantage by having them.

That's a good test of the true spirit of the rider. If I had a twinshock with discs I'd be happy to ride in these trials, see my name in the results, just to see how i would have done, but see OOC (out of class) next to my name and no award. Stops the pot hunters.

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Re the disc situation.

Remember when the TY250 Yam mono was all the rage?

Remember when Talon brought out the disc conversion?

Remember how you got buried in the rush to get one fitted?

Remember how quickly the sections became tighter?

Remember how the entries died off?

Just when i thought it was safe to get the old 340 out:0(

Oh well leave it in the back of the shed for another year.


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Aye stu waiting for the classic series dates to be announced.IF nowt clashes it will be in earley september 06. I take it by then you will have got yer self a twinshock? Work started saturday last on one group and we got a nice four foot rock step to go at! We are back there next weekend to do more if you want to help out. Cheers

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