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  1. Magic response chaps thank you - just gotta hunt someone down with a newish gasser to let me have a go at the next trial!
  2. Ok chaps, im in the market for a new bike, Got a Beamish and a 99 mont (which will be going, its lovely hint ). Had always wanted to try a really new bike to compare to my 'modern' Montesa 315 and yesterday i got the chance to ride a '13 beta 250 - it was a different class to the old mont in can tell you, grip and turns we amazing. Now i had always fancied a Gasser based on looks, as i had never riden a new one of either, however the beta has seriously turned my head. what are your opinions on say a 2011 GG v 2011 Beta Evo. Im just doing clubman stuff... tar Dan
  3. So - any news on how these Golden Tyres perform??
  4. I love my 1981 250, only do local club trials on the red route (daan sarf). I put new renthal bars and betor shocks on and it does me proud. great fun to ride... http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=10150322682021853&set=a.48706611852.69934.557061852&type=3&theater
  5. Thanks a lot - i'll have a looksee in the morn
  6. Hello all i noticed towards end of last weeks trial that my bike was running pretty fast. i was hoping after a week it may have been coz it was plating up a bit after a very long lapped trial - but just started it up and its still doing it i normally adjust the throttle screw on the carb to get it ticking over right but its not making a difference and is almost all the way out now which cant be right. any ideas? ps its a 1999 ta Dan
  7. Maybe cycle trials as it's 'city centre' I'm recording it anyway!
  8. Hi All - I read on here that rear shocks should be 340mm on a Beamish - however i have found a decent second hand pair of 360mm betors, will this be detrimental to the handling? what are teh consequences of longer shocks? many thanks
  9. cor that sounds interesting! thanks all for the feed back, i must admit i would like to loose the tiller steering
  10. Hi all, i have a 1981 black engine model and am upgrading it a bit, new shocks, footrests, chain and sprockets etc. I want to get rid of the original 'Cow horn' bars. They have a massive rise on them, my question is what sort of rise should i go for on some renthals. I am tall at 6,3... any advice greatfully accepted and see you at fort william on Friday if you are there!! Dan
  11. The ever popular North Hants Summer Season is back! Here are the dates of our
  12. So does anyone know when the 2011 indoor trials is going to be on TV??
  13. Crikey - I cant see why that is any better the 'normal' trials infact I dont think it is. Is all that really 'cos you guys across the pond cant get your heads around 'lowest sore wins'. - You lot love golf. just think of it like that!
  14. Damn it only just seen the post so missed it. Does anyone know if it will be repeated? I wonder if Eurosport do some kind of alert service to email when its gong to be on. They put it on at such random times, i'm not sure how i'm supposed to stick the old SKY+ on with out checking listings EVERYday!
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