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Everything posted by trialsurfer
  1. Congradulations Chris on a solid ride and also to Pat for his first win!! Also kudoes to Cody for a very good performance!
  2. Deepest sympathy to his family and friends!
  3. Do those rules eliminate floating 1 wheel over the ribbon (as in a corner) and are they the "gate" system of marking?
  4. The insurance as around $100; but there is also the sanction fee, around $75, plus the camping fee if used!
  5. Top Ten Old West Phrases That Will Never Sound The Same After That Damned Gay Cowboy Movie (Brokeback Mountain) 1. "I'm gonna pump you fulla lead!" 2. "Give me a stiff one, barkeep!" 3. "Don't fret---I've been in tight spots before." 4. "Howdy, pardner." 5. You stay here while I sneak around from behind." 6. Two words: "Saddle Sore." 7. "Hold it right there! Now, move your hand, reeeal slow-like." 8. "Let's mount up!" 9. "Nice spread ya got there!" 10. "Ride'em cowboy!"
  6. I know that some of this has been discussed before, but; at the NATC meeting it was originally agreed to have the Pro class ride the WTC lines- that was changed much to Chris' dissappointment. He sincerely wants to try fo legitimate WTC points, but to do that he has to give up his attempt for the NATC championship which he feels is within his grasp. So does this years change mean a permanent change when there is a WTC round in North America? One would hope not!!! There are some riders who wanted to ride WTC, but cannot because of the schedule. There is a lack of commitment from the supporters of trials in the US to send our most promising riders to Europe to train and compete, in Chris' career he was "promised" some time over there to train with the factory team but it never came about. There must be found a way to send the tpo prospects over there with all the rescources in the US!!
  7. Some have been there and were hoping to ride WCT, but that was squashed!
  8. Chris was the dominant rider making it up clean the first loop in the big sections where the others 5-d them, the brothers were fairly close (within 10 points) both days. Winning score was 26 on Saturday and 5 0n Sunday.
  9. It is at a private riding area, no real address, let me know where you are staying and I will get directions to the site, or call me when you get over here. 321-723-5728. Barry
  10. We have an event on March 26th about 45 minutes from Orlando.
  11. The weather was perfect for the entire weekend, a good time had by all! Nice to see Jack Stites in the hunt again!! Saturday Champ 1 Chris Florin 2 Bruce Leriche 3 Brent Leriche 4 Will Ibsen Expert 1 Jim Gawner 2 Carl Davis 3 Jack Stites 4 Matt Cullum Advanced 1 Tim Cone 2 Carl Davis, Jr. 3 Dave Aldo Sportsman 1 Brian Jones 2 Rusty Lacy 3 Jim Watson 4 Mark Sturtevent Intermediate 1 Charlie Roberts 2 Kathy Priest 3 Bill Sheffield 4 Robert Baker Novice 1 Brian Jones 2 Russel Merz 3 Richard Kehoe 4 Jack May Sunday Champ 1 Chris Florin 2 Bruce Leriche 3 Brent Leriche 4 Will Ibsen Expert 1 Chuck Walker 2 Mark Waller 3 Aaron Brandenburg 4 James Gawme Advanced 1 Alex Bedley 2 Tim Cone 3 Mark Sturdevent 4 John Farish Sportsman 1 Berndie Ludsford 2 Clark Myers 3 Jeff Myers 4 Dave Aldo Intermediate 1 Charlie Roberts 2 Jeff Janacek 3 Gary Owens 4 Rovert Baker Novice 1 Russel Merz 2 Nicholas Commo 3 Ryan Davis 4 Brendon Young Beginner 1 Tyler Burnett
  12. Updated weekend weather Friday Mar 3 AM Clouds / PM Sun High 81
  13. From the N.W.S. Ocala Fl. Mon Feb 27 Sunny 71
  14. Right now the long term forecast is for good weather, sunny to partly cloudy with temps in the 70's!
  15. It sounds like a plugged Pilot jet!
  16. Not all of the US pro riders didn't want to ride the WTC lines in the US!
  17. Did they look like the one in the picture?
  18. Disney is a little over 1 hour south of Ocala.-It was a little brisk today at our Club event; 68 and sunny.
  19. We have a Brit that stays over here each year and rides with us, goes by dabberdave!
  20. It is 78 and sunny today! If you are going to be over here contact me, possibly a bike could be arranged!
  21. We are preparing for the 25th (or so) F-I-S 2-Day which will be held at Hard Rock cycle park in Ocala on March 4th and 5th. There will be 10 sections ridden 3 times each day with the emphasis on FUN! We had a club event on the 8th and my clubmembers cleared 5 new areas, so the variety will be from rocky sections to good camber hills. We are making sure the sections are of similar difficulty or a little easier than the class norm with the exception in the champ lines. They will be Natl Ex to Pro lines for a tune-up for the season. The entry fee is $20/ day and a $20 gate fee for the weekend, AMA required. They have camping hookups for $20 with Hotels and restaurants in abundance nearby. For info on the area go to [www.hardrockmx.com] for track info and directions and the easiest way to get hotel info is to go into mapquest.com, type in Ocala Fl. and reference the hotel information. We hope to see you there and as a sidenote this is the starting weekend of Bike Week so if you have some extra vacation it will be well spent! For additional info contact [cota66@cfl.rr.com]
  22. At what altitude do you ride, also which jets are in the bike now?
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