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Everything posted by trialsurfer
  1. It can be adjusted, but not without mods to the stator plate, also you have to be very careful not to go too far. Most of the detonation can be solved with carb changes, at sea level go to a 35 pilot.
  2. trialsurfer

    New 4rt

    The easiest fix on the clutch is to cut 2.5mm off of the actuator (the thingy in the rubber cup), this lets the lever be set up closer to the bar.
  3. We just walked in the door from our trip to North Carolina and Tennessee and were very surprised to find not one thing about our guys winning the International Class at the TDN - well not just merely winning, but dominating the competition by almost a 100 points! Well done Chris, Geoff, Cody and Keith. We are very proud of all of you and are very happy you are coming home with the "Gold"! Congratulations to the women who also represented the US: Louise Forsley, Nicole Bradford and Sarah Duke. I'm sure this will always be one of those experiences that will be treasured for the rest of your lives.
  4. The off camber traction is the most impressive whether up or down on one. Also the ease of a floater turn and beaing able to dial the front lift with ease makes it a joy to ride. (and the absence of a "Hot start mod" is even better)
  5. Dan, the FTA will check a section, let me know what else we can assist with!
  6. That venturi diverter does work, but the blockage is still in the way of the flow.
  7. It involves extensive machining and fabricating new jets, have made them mainly for my Son for National comp over here and along with a few other mods made a Huge difference in performance (not a novice bike)! Also made a few for certain people over here, but not on the open until this year for selfish reasons! Adrian at lewisport has 2 of them, maybe he can give a review of them!
  8. Tried loading a picture with no success, send me your e-mail and i can foreward it to you.
  9. I did some experimentation with modifying the stock dellorto with very good success, made a large difference especially in smoothness and eliminated most of the knock. Also revved much cleaner!
  10. TTC in May is what the rumor mill has started!
  11. Another "Theory" shot in the ar$e!!
  12. We are riding in 95 degree heat with 80-90% humidity, the bike does not suffer from overheating and it still starts nicely with 1 kick!
  13. Ride the bike on a road or field and get the brake rotor HOT, immediatly spray rotor with water; instant grip!!
  14. Pro Class; 1-Chris Florin (one point) 2-Bruce LaRiche 3-Geoff Aaron
  15. With a couple of easy changes you can make it work for you, the most logical is the sprocket and clutch actuator changes. Hopefully the sprocket will be changed on the 06!
  16. Don't have that many hours on the bike (200), Easy to start hot or cold, best steering bike I ever rode, tremendous grip and a blast to ride, no maintainance problems whatsoever!
  17. trialsurfer


    Full results are up on the NATC site.
  18. Chris Won on Saturday and Geoff and Chris tied on Sunday, Geoff won on cleans (1).
  19. Call Chad at Aiken in SC, he has the right oil and info for you!
  20. trialsurfer

    New 4rt

    Cut .125 in (2.5mm) off of the clutch actuator to move lever in. Currently running a 43 but am going to try a 44. All restrictors out, but made a diverter on the end of a muffler to kill the raspiness. Installed hebo pegs that move the peg rearward 1 inch (modified).
  21. How close are you to Keystone Cycle? Dominic would be happy to show you the Mont, and you can start it with your hand!
  22. If you compare the three 4 strokes up close it is obvious which one looks "Thrown Together"! Nice job on the Scorpa and the other one!
  23. Mine starts in 3 when cold and 1 when warmed up- of course that is when I start it with my HAND!
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