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Everything posted by magicmat
  1. Bob where in yorkshire are you ? im not promising owt !
  2. lol, ...ah... beautiful... Nevermind eh ? no gaurd is going to stop a dint, only stop you burning yourself. until i get burnt, maybe ill stick with the chrome ! Looks the dogs dangly's anyway !!
  3. Dont all Gassers do it ! My Pro does it, My old contact did it, deburring the edges of the clutch plates worked once ...for abit Ive heard ATF Dexron 3 for the GB helps ?? matt
  4. hehe, dont take offence lewis.... as theres non intended, I merely am of a diffenent slice of pie and would like something else ?? thants all, and just making conversation on it...
  5. Nice one FF, i dont fancy cutting the pipe ! now if it were ally, and i could TIG weld it back together that would be different !! i will invest in one then, if only to stop the small scratches. Ive touched the pipe twice, while wearing jeans & army trousers, dont quite fancy a 'proper' touch through dodgy lycra trousers !! p.s Got the same pic but with a different saying, but little kids are around these parts so ill be responsible.
  6. I'll admit that in the second link the guards look naff, so ill post a pic...gimme a sec. But if your slagging the jitse one off too...then you have no taste and i disregard all of your opinions, on the ground that you have a sherco ! This is it in a better light,
  7. im thinking about this, always been interrested in trials just never had the time, chance etc. to compete or watch. so this would be my first big outdoor event been to sheff indoor which was really impressive, the lass fancies it too, so would it be good to go all out and camp or would it be better to go for one day to taste it this year ?? and why do sunday over saturday, it costs more so is it better ??
  8. magicmat

    Exhaust Gaurd

    Right, Id like an exhaust gaurd, as i dont want to put a big dint in my exhaust ! But i dont really like any that are out there, I think the YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE ones are............ minging A carbon one seems the only way to go now, Ive seen the Jitse ones, they look cool, but how much ? Jitse exhuast clicky But how about this Clicky AT the bottom there is two, Rising sun imports, the ULTIMOTO, or the Hebo one, Personaly i like hte ultimoto one, will it fit the 05. Its not a very good picture, but seen it on a dvd and it looked good I guess im looking at
  9. magicmat

    Build Quality

    I havn't had loads of bikes, The 05 Pro is my first realy modern trials, (have a knackerd 1992 gasser on the mend) BUT i totally love the bike, and after every ride i: -wash it -WD40 it -polish it -take the flywheel cover off to let it dry -check the spokes and all other parts for lose bolts etc. -use back to black And the bike is great, its fine, no problems, If you did this for all bikes then surely ANY would last, if you dont then its going to go down the tube. After all, most problems start from a neglected minor symptom ?? I was talking to a mechanic at a shop, and he said,...."the montesa's dont come back but the gassers always seem to" 'as in they come back for a trade on the new model'. Is this because they are poor build quality, or !! : -GasGas are continually developing and ppl want to keep up, -or because there popula people want to be poser's !!! Up to you really, take all advice with a pinch of salt, if you look after anybike it will last.. ... No ??
  10. magicmat

    05 Pro 300

    Is it not a wineing noise, I put that down to the fact its a striaght cut gearbox ? they sound lovely on cars... Wouls cost near a Grand for my mini tho, so was happy with the bike having it !
  11. When tuning car engines, i always went on the pretence that more compression = more Hp but bigger engine = more torque, thats why a F1 engine can hit nearly 1000hp on a 3liter Dunno if that helps. just felt the need to input
  12. LOOK HOW BIG IT IS !! Ive been looking at the insides of the pro engine and the old GG engine is massive !! the shifting drum is twice the size !! and so many gears !! lol ... my new bike is ace, but i will also love this one when its done
  13. Hello, Had a bit of a breack from the engine, as i got my new bike ! what a surprise ! Anyway, Ive put the main bearings in, i heated the casing up with a blowtorch, and then used a threaded bar and a socket to pull the bearing in, with alittle loctite on to make sure the bearing wont spin in the casing, CONFUSION One bearing spins fine, the other is stiffer and doesnt spin as well, i took it to <mention of this company is not permitted on Trials Central> (who have really helped me out) incase i hadnt put it in square or the bearing was knackered, and they said it was fine, Could be that the hole in that casing is smaller than the other restricting it slightly, should be fine apparently, Also Got the gearbox in now too !! Went in quite well and easily actually , my dad lost the charger for his camera, so i couldnt get the pics for where the selector forks went on the shifting drum, but i worked it out So now all i need is, my base gaskets to come, and the new studs to hold the barrel on !! hehe Just got to stick the crank in now and aline about 8 different things !! lol, Anymore advice or comments peeps ?
  14. magicmat


    My manual for the 05 pro, says that the capacity is 3.5 liters.. so ? is the 'larger' one not larger or is GG just having us on ! lol
  15. magicmat

    Zard Exhausts

    picky picky !! new shiney bits are always nice to learn about !!
  16. tried setting up the carb? does it idle and rev fine?? I had a hint to do my gasser. Get it running and warm, turn the tickover right down, (but so it still ticks over, then turn the mixture screw right in, (to lean the mixture) and then turn it out half a turn at a time, after each half turn, test throttle response quickly, if its slow to respond then take it out another turn, i know on gassers you should have to take it out more than 3 turns, Not too sure about fantics tho, hope that helps?? Matt
  17. Sorry to hear your still having problems, Exhaust isnt blocked or something really daft? in the unlikely event that it is something like that
  18. Kinda on the topic. anyone play trials bike construction yard !! ?? the 1st version was an indoor thing, but ive just got the new one ! hehe,..its hard tho, but the game is the best, Best way to practice on a night top score is 175....which is on the score board atleast !!! Mat for a demo you can go to miniclips i think, or www.redlynx.com for the website, ...or if you pm im sure i can point you in the right direction
  19. is there actual burr ? or would you just round the edges ?? to be honest id rather not too that and live with a noiser gearbox, expensive if you mess it up !! wouldnt mind a read of that article tho
  20. I know, i said you wernt being mean, Its cool, i wasnt offended in anyway ! But this bike is cool, dont care if im spoilt in anyway !!
  21. Dude, dont take this the wrong way, but you judged me alittle there, yes i am 21, but ive never had a 'real' bike my dad tried and we got **** ones that broke down all the time, pushing home isnt fun. And my brother is an apprentice, who is earning cash, and im slighly slumming it at uni, so this is my graduation present and birthday present, and my grandparents have had to borrow the cash to my: Mum, dad, step dad, step mum, to help pay for the bike, i know it wasnt meant in a mean way just things arn't always what they seem, Thanks for the advice tho every one, working hard at uni so i can go home this weekend !! so excited i get to play !!
  22. cheers Jools, ill do that after i have washed it, to make sure it starts and all is well, and ill leave the cover off till i next use the bike, which should give it time to dry out, if it didnt by running it, I asked because ive just had to get a rewind on a stator plate for a 1993 GG. and didnt want to let this thing go this way ! as that would annoy me !!
  23. And did this cure your problem ? Could this be whats making the noise on our bikes ?? Matt
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