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Everything posted by magicmat
  1. which ones did you get ? i always had the impression that dzus fasteners,...well on cars anyhow, were flush with the body work and you couldnt really see them, but you can certainly see these, am i miss guided or are there others out there ? some of those just seemed like coloured bolts..."in dzus colours" it said Matt
  2. Its just a standard alan bolt,.. m6 or something guys ? Surely you have a set of allen keys ? every one has some in a tool box ! ?? or am i spelling allan wrong ??
  3. has the ad been changed now ? it says 1998/1999, and
  4. yeah.. More messed up stuff please ! the street stuff is ace. ..the american cops made me laugh in a skating vid..."do you know that your video taping yourself commiting an offense !!" lol...
  5. magicmat


    How about some sky hooks with that back tyre ? or a tub of elbow grease
  6. absolutely nuts, loved the slide on that rail, a sump slide ?? hehe...reminds me of my skateboarding ! lol But the bridge ! lol..and the car..crackers
  7. wheres lewis.... surely hes played this game and has some comment to make about it already being on the forums ?? no ? ....hehe
  8. Not sure about the gear, but the clutch...(we are talking about a pro right ?) is held in with one alan bolt, (special one dont lose it or change it, its got a hole in it) And then the clutch basket should come loose, with a wiggle or some persuation with two small crowbars to wiggle it, Good luck
  9. Depends how much you want to pay mate, Im sure bike dealers have them in stock, but it all depends on that all important matter of cash. Matt
  10. magicmat


    Thanks for the advice Dman, but im only a novice, and dont give the bike a battering so im happy with them for now but i will remember your advice. Cheers... lewis do you have anymore questions you want answering ?? now that ive finished ?? :D
  11. Dont know about linconshire, But have fun on your bike and welcome !
  12. magicmat


    lewis - By normal clamps do you mean the ones with two bolts, or the raga fatbar clamps that i am talking about ?
  13. magicmat


    oh right cool, So im guessing that this does mean i can use either, fatbars or if i was daft i could get the raga bars ? What is the advantage of the std. tapered bar then that you get with the GG, is it like their attempt at a fatbar, or is it inbetween a normal and a fatbar? Cheers
  14. Well this is going to be biased, i love my GG its my first one, its an 05 280, and i wouldnt have another, so do i put the bike, id like next, or the one that im biased to favour ?? this could get messy !
  15. magicmat


    Is it just,...a FAT bar ?? I have an 05, and stock bar is really nice, altho this is my first bike i dont know the difference !! - The bar is a tapered bar, and i dont have a problem with it, but whats the difference with the fat bar? Also my clamps are a black clamp, but there different, there standard on the 05 i think, but theres only a bolt on the top, and they are hinged at the bottom, .. so from the side there like a pair of pliers,..do you get me ? ---- can i use fatbars with these or is it new clamps ??? btw -- Ferret Flasher i found this for you !! it was on my mobile and thought you must have it !!
  16. Yup agree with you rabie, But i have a car licence, but fancy a 125 to pot around on before i do my full test, and the idea of an offroader appeals to me ! But i think i may go for an older dt125, just wondered opions on this bike also Mat
  17. im not sure off hand, as im at uni, but im getting my parts from <mention of this company is not permitted on Trials Central> and they told me that they would tell me all the torque settings so give them a try. I dont intend on painting inside the engine, where the gearbos is etc, just where the stator plate goes and then outside. just having problems deciding what colour now !
  18. well you cant actually drive anything over a 250 until your over 21 or been riding for 3 years... so that aint going to happen and the insurance on a 400 at 17 anway !! ??
  19. im doing the same on my bike,...however there is alot of corrosion in the bottom of the ignition case, where water sits behind the cover and can corrode the electrics ? My bike is a 1992, and ive had all the stuff fitted,,...crank etc. But i was just going to prime the casings in ally primer, then paint with thick engine paint... is that alright ? Ive been logging my progress http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6244
  20. Saw this.... made me chuckle ! hobo do they come with a bottle of white lighting ?? or a quilt ?
  21. i looked at those, there nice, but your talking
  22. this is what i think it is, good old google panafrica
  23. looks different, seems challenging, and that stuff is on rock ? rather than sand? and some of them seems to be sinking, hehe, in that pic with all three of them up a hill. Looks alaugh though
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