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Everything posted by mags
  1. Pics... you may be able to source a pair and give them a test. I buy them from Army Supply stores here in my city. Mags
  2. I use bamboo socks that are extremely resistant to bacteria. I tested as pair for use with my road bike which I ride most days (27,000 kilometres in 2 yrs) and I didn't wash them for as long as I could before they became rank. I wore them for 6 months without washing I kid you not! No bad smell even then! My wife washed them even though they were not bad she just couldn't do it any longer! We use them exclusively now for motorcycling. In trials boots (I have Wulfsport), enduro and road. They aren't even very expensive... about $10 Aussie. They are great for extended trips on the bike as you don't have to wash socks! One downside is that they take a bit longer to dry because of fine fibres and the fibre wicks into itself where normal poly is waterproof on the fibre itself, I think. See if I can dig up a pic! I have sent these to friends in the USA (motorcyclists) and they have come back, Wow! No wash for ages socks!! Use these then liner ? Mags
  3. In the end I'll have to join a club and pay for a Motorcycle Australia permit when we eventually compete. I don't mind that at all when the time comes... well I do mind a little but have no choice. If they put some money back into trials.... that would be great! Up to 150 motorcycles run around Gap Creek every weekend socially... Motorcycle Australia nowhere to be seen! Cost is very reasonable as well and its all done legally I'd reckon. He has a one council inspection that I know of and the roads dept is talking doing a separate turning lane into the property in the 100 zone, in the near future. So it seems its there for some time? SQTA run trials all year round and no MA in sight? It must be more of a social club but it has observed comps, I've seen one. I'll have to read more stuff about a "non competition social club" being covered by insurance and protecting the property owner. Maybe just can't be done without some sort of exposure for the participants or property owner. Ulysses and HOG clubs all ride socially, have very reasonable membership. Third party and Incorporation probably do the cover there though? Thanks for the tip on the curves over Glorious.... might not be a fun drive with a van full of gear and two bikes! Getting bikes ready for Sunday.... my wife says "you riding that Montesa around yard again?". Yes dear! Just checked the tyre pressures and had to make sure they were suitable for my replacement trial pants. Semi-melted my only pair on hot exhaust some time ago... yes, it was a fall that somehow got my leg caught between the exhaust pipe and front wheel!!! Mags
  4. I can do a "Pamper my Montesa" one... Mags
  5. The ideal gas mix for your tyres is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% water... if you can find that mix locally? Mags
  6. mags

    Must Do Beta?

    I use artists brushes to apply rubber grease sparingly. The little ones can paint the seal groove without excess. You can paint it so you just get a shine if thats all you want. I've come to terms that I may have to full strip, clean and reinstall brake systems on both bikes annually at worst, 6 months ideally. Mags
  7. Jimmie, I was doing the same thing up hills! Watching the ruts too close in front of me instead of the big picture ahead so got outta shape. Geez, it was my undoing a few times until I learned to look just that bit further ahead and loosen up. Just two weeks ago I attempted a hill that was just plain scary to me and I didn't have the courage for it. It was bugging me every time I rode past!!! I had to have a go... 2/3 up I had to lay it into the mountain and dig in bars and foot peg to stop sliding down. I eventually got it up the hill and came back down to wife on her bike watching me with the size of dinner plates! "That was a fail" I said. Later in the day I had two more goes.... both were successful without even a dab! I was consciously looking further ahead as I went up and a bit more loose in the legs and arms. Yay!! Small victories! I was still "packing it" going up though!! hehehehe Mags
  8. Gotta be in the translation???? Surely... Mags
  9. Once trials gets its hooks in to ya its very hard to remove them! Watch out! Hehehehehe I'm damn proud to be learning the art of Trials! It may be a long, steep learning curve but well worth it in the end! I can't wait until I can jump a log like you see in the videos.... for the pros it looks effortless, smooth and graceful! Mags
  10. I recently saw a JTG where the owner had used the plastic clips from modern car bumpers in place of the zip ties. The ones where you press a button and a barb expands 3 or 4 tangs when through hole. Good use of those clips I thought? Mags
  11. Another great instalment! Some not applicable until I get some more experience but can't stop watching them for inspiration! Mags
  12. Geez Taff! Talk about living the trials dream! 9 properties well within reach and mid-week riding! If I ever get back to FNQ (Townsville boy) I'll PM ya to join in a ride on the Sun morning!!! Sherconoob, Great stuff! Can you let me know if you have a social day on a Sunday? Is it the intention that non- members can attend social days? How far is property from Sandgate? Was thinking shortest way would be out to Samford and over Glorious. Although, going north I can get to Kilcoy in about 1 hr. Thanks for the link.... off to have a read! Mags
  13. MMMMMmmm! I'm confused! Does the PSI stand for pounds per sq inch? If so, thats a measurement of pressure and Newton Metres is a measurement of force. You can do PSI to Newton/Square Metres. Is there such a thing a table or chart that gives psi in Nm??? What is the diameter and thread of the fastener and is it into aluminium? Mags
  14. mags

    Must Do Beta?

    My wife's 2014 4T has a grabby front brake after only six months of use as a beginner (easy on brakes). I pulled down the master cylinder and still does it off and on. I just know its the caliper pistons! When I say grabby its not that bad... you lift front wheel and spin it, it stops much quicker than when pistons return. Strip down, clean and new seals is around the corner. I was contemplating making a brake bleeding jig that bleeds system off the bike and does not have the loop of line down into master. Just make it straight on the jig and a 30 deg angle to make bubbles rise to master or reverse bleed from caliper nipple back up to master? A small plate to simulate disc between the pads of same width as disc would keep pistons ok to lever bleed? A small bit of tube to simulate handlebars bolt master on? Another plate to attach caliper in any orientation? Bleed on jig and get good lever feel and bolt back on bike? Could do Montesa one as well on the jig? I removed the Beta stainless pad cover ages ago! I like to see in there and clean easier. The Braketec caliper on the Montesa doesn't have a dust cover standard. Cant see any downside but it must be there for a reason other than dust maybe??? Mags
  15. Brigalow, South Burnett is a fair way north from Brissie? Not sure of ride parks your way... I only know of The Farm at Blackbutt and Manna Park, Proston. Gap Creek where I ride is about 9k from the top of Cunninghams Gap on the Warwick Rd (Cunningham Highway). Speaking of Manna Park... an acquaintance of mine, his girlfriend (24 ish), has a second hand two stroke trials motorcycle which she rides at Manna! She does the 30 k (18 mile) loop on a trials bike!!! Rides it at Gap Creek as well! Doesn't ride any other bike, doesn't have a bike licence for road... just rides her trials bike! I can't do 3k on the trials bike without back ache!! Hehehehe Need a seat!!! Hehehe SE Lucas, I'm in Brisbane. That restricts us to pretty local for a day trip of trials riding. 1.5 to 2 hrs driving each way would be max or eventually you ease up on the frequency because of distance you have to travel. I do overnights at Gap Creek with the trials bikes but this winter it got to 8 deg below zero. We camped for 3 nights in 2 deg and that was damned cold for these worn bones! Sherconoob, If Western Districts did a social weekend once per month on a Sunday we would come up for a look. its about same time travel as Gap Creek for us. It already has a club structure in place with Fair Trading and is Incorporated (I'd say). The main problem seems to be suitable land. WD has the structure in place to do strictly social days but is restricted by the owner of the land. That is no slight on them by the way.... frigging God bless them, I say, for what they have done for Trials. Making their place of residence a place of trials is outstanding but they need some peace. You couldn't expect them to open up another weekend a month. No official club formed for social trials might leave me exposed legally? Gap Creek has its own insurance and is included in the daily charge to protect him from losing his property because little Johhny's dad can't be responsible for little Johnny on his motocrosser, its all Gap Creeks fault. You know the scenario... public liability shut down the country as far as motorcycles goes. I was just hoping that one Sunday a month trials people could get together for a fun days ride of trials and some food at lunchtime. I was hoping to attract more ladies into the sport as well. I've seen the fun my wife has on her trials bike. There is NO WAY she would have ever ridden a bike starting out on the road and all the intimidation that comes with 12 guys at Q ride and one lady. And the exposure to danger strapping an L plate to a bike and following me around town is too great for me to handle until her skills on the trials bike allows her to do the novice line. A simple thing like a trials bike has opened a new world for her by being much safer and teaching her balance, clutch and brake skills in the quickest, safest way possible on two wheels... in my opinion. She does dream of a Ducati one day though and when that day comes she will be fine as I have a little motto... Ride a Trials Motorcycle ride any motorcycle, you can't do it the other way round. The reason I thought it may fly at Gap Creek is ... open Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon every week and open 7 days in school holidays, it has a captive audience of 100-150 non-trials motorcycles and their families there most weekends. You should see a dozen 4-6 yr old kids on little 50's with training wheels following each other like caterpillars around the little kids learner tracks. Cutest thing you could ever see! If that captive audience saw trials there once per month as a social outing it may sway a few to come over a have a look and a chat? Maybe the only way to do it is go down the road of... Queensland Social Trials Club Inc. I was avoiding that like the plague... committees, meetings, dues, bank accounts, incorporation, joining fees, auditor reports, male ego et cetera. Side note... we are heading to Gap Creek this Sunday with trials bikes. Got Sunday spare and $25, I'll show ya round the Novice line you can up it from there!! Bring ya family and lunch! Mags
  16. What was that I heard... British schoolboy trials system???? Don't tell me that was a subject or at least an in school "trials" learning time??? Still going in schools??? Mags
  17. Oh ok! Its a little different here at the moment, it may change in the future. Within 1hr 30min - 1hr 45min from my home are 3 ride areas for off-road motorcycles. 750 acres, 800 acres and 6000 odd on the big one. Camping is allowed at all three. Costs are reasonable, as above. I get on well with the owner of the main one we use for trials so I may just start by putting a sign in his reception area... 3 rd Sunday of every month is Social Trials Day here. Just a friendly get together for practicing trials. Bring your bike and some food, all welcome. If you have never seen trials or want to ask a question or look at the bikes... pop over and say Hi! Trials people are a friendly bunch! Looks for the bikes with no seats!!! Mags
  18. Truck and tractor tyres! Nice work! MMMmmm! Yeah, I'm not there yet! Mags
  19. This is where we were parking for quick cuppa... wasn't it? Mags
  20. Yeah I get a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach reading these! Feel for ya! Scumbags alright... we usually don't get to insure trials type bikes so the scumbags should leave them alone and pick on insured bikes! Hope they are caught and bike comes back!! Mags
  21. Is there such a thing as a social trials club? It would not hold comps just ride in a group at venues where bikes are allowed. One Sunday a month it would meet at trials suitable grounds. You could just ride in a group with other riders more experienced and bring your skills up. Or if learning, a few learners could head off with a more experienced rider? My wife and I have a fantastic time just mucking round with her following me and we seem to improve markedly just riding around. Usually about 40-60 minutes at a time. The venue we ride at has beautiful facilities. Hot showers, potable water, fireplaces and 750 acres of some great trials country. Two clubs hold comps there so the area is great for trials. BYO food and provide a barbecue or grill over a fire and we have a barbecue lunch for a break in the middle of the day. Costs at our area are pretty good at $25 per bike per day. Thats about 14 pound!!! At that rate you would never have to buy 750 acres for yourself!! Hehehehe Obviously as you gain experience you would want to enter comps at your leisure. You could call the Sunday for Social Trials, the practice day. I know there a groups of friends or people in clubs that ride together outside comps but this would be a constant thing for anyone to attend on a fixed Sunday per month and is social as well. There are a few guys that ride at our venue for practice and we tag along with them at times and have a ball. There is certainly more laughter and mucking round than at comps. This would give beginners or trial "wanna have a go" people a more relaxed atmosphere than a comp or formal day for beginners where they see A graders riding around on back wheel or scaling 1 meter plus rocks. For example, my wife would/should/could inspire any wives or girlfriends of the boy riders to maybe have a go? They know they can't scale a rock or climb a cliff face but they can see a 50 yr old lady in the beginner stage having so much fun she has a grin from ear to ear! There are many motocross and enduro guys that stop and look at us riding the trials bikes in the creek beds (strictly only trials bikes allowed in the creek areas) and could imagine the promotion of trials if 20-30 people riding trials bikes were at this venue once a month? Surely it would be a great day? Wanna come and ride ya trails bike all day for $25 and a barbecue provided for you to cook lunch together.... And not a section setter in sight!!!! And sometimes the biggest thing you need to improve or have a go is a bit of good old fashioned encouragement on the day !!! Mags
  22. I recently saw the Hebo protector vest that Bou uses. I was thinking yeah not bad and should be thinking of more protection? It was discounted because it is pretty damned hot here in our Aussie summer and the Hebo is black as well. Would be good in winter maybe or Europe temps? I wear Fox modular armour with inbuilt kidney belt when on enduro bike but no way could wear for trials bike... to restrictive and very hot when no breeze from speed like on enduro. My wife recently purchased a set of knee and shin protectors because every time time she goes over on trials bike (getting less and less) it seems to bruise her knee and shin area just above boots. She actually had a day two weeks ago she did not fall once! Fell down again last Sunday though! I layed into steep hill as well... only made it 2/3rds up! Hehehehe Mags
  23. Damn fine art of trials there! Geez! You must be doing well in comps? I prefer to hear bike as well, in vids. Helps this noob hear where and when you hit throttle or leave at idle et cetera. Mags
  24. Yes, trials is very humbling for beginners. Although I ride motorcycles every day (since a boy) it only prepared me "somewhat" for what was ahead. I practiced static constantly, rode areas as best I could for a few months, up hill and down dale, then entered my first trial. I only got through 15-18 sections before I was mentally and physically tired... very humbling! But addictive! Oh yeah... it went something like, dab, dab, five, five , dab, dab in the first section alone! Fell over twice on subsequent sections! Hehehehehehe One was good old fashioned faceplant!!! Hehehehe Maybe some people would be at a crossroads after that and give it away but I plain just love motorcycles (all types) and I am determined to eventually run a full Novice line for 40 sections for less than 10 dabs. My wife has the same crazy idea! The old saying rings true for trials... practice makes perfect! But in our case practice should make us capable of some good section rides. We are so addicted we drive 180 miles round trip just to practice.... 3 Sundays per month! Taking two vehicles to carry everything!! Talk trials all week and watch youtube vids like devouring chocolate! Bordering on insanity? Possibly? But like sig says... BALANCE your life - Ride a Trials Motorcycle! I might just add, we only started in Jan this year. Mags
  25. I have seen some allen keys, flat screwdrivers (flat and phillips) on a swiss army knife style thing. From USA I think it was??? Only small like a pocket knife... that may suit? No welder huh... MMMMMMmmmmm! Ok got it.... Purchase these items.... Anvil, blacksmith hammer, forge, whale oil, suitable allen key. Grab Allen key.... heat end in forge to cherry red, place on anvil and hit with hammer until the end is flat like screwdriver blade. Take to it with file and file to final shape. Heat back to cherry red and dip in whale oil... 3 times. DONE! This will only get you a slot one... phillips is more difficult on the anvil!! (thorWink) Mags
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