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Posts posted by faussy
  1. Agree with all the above, well used filters can get a bit slack where the cage pushes against the airbox and it can be possible for a gap to form. While you can usually get away with riding a couple of times on one oiled filter during the winter when the mud is clumpier, when its dusty i always make sure to have a clean filter on each outing

  2. Seen this happy to a couple of guys boots in my club, so it is a weakness. I've had mine a few months and really really happy with them. Sidi do a slightly different designed boot, still trials, but with a steel toe cap. I suppose this would help a lot. It looks like the upper is only stitched to the black sole and then the grey piece is glued on. Could a good boot repairer not run a couple of stitches through it for you?

  3. 41 minutes ago, slicktop said:

    serious question

    On a RHD auto, is the gas pedal on the right or left?

    I'm a Devils Child (lefty), and to me a left hand throttle would be weird.

    On the other hand, (no pun intended) the left side kicker on Betas is just what the doctor ordered.

    lol. The pedal configuration in cars is the same, irrespective of LHD or RHD

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  4. As was agreed in a previous post, trials is already extremely safe. Im starting to worry some official sees this post and starts to think trials is dangerous, and before you know it a whole raft of safety measures has been added!

    As a previous poster said, common sense when marking a section is vital. A section can be very hard but also safe, yet a very easy section can also be dangerous.

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  5. I agree with the above comment, however solid discs and sprockets were well overdue IMO. I still think more could be done to minimise fingers in chains, especially after the amount of people losing fingers and thumbs in motorcross. The only other safety equipment ive seen creeping in lately is the full face helmet. I've never had a facial injury (touch wood) but know of people who have and still ride with an open face. I think full face helmets would detract a lot from trials, but so do most safety rules when they are first brought in. Should we be wearing mouth guards like boxers and rugby players?

    I also see a lot of older riders riding in competitions with no gloves, and even some new kids. I may be starting to come across as a mini hitler here, but surely wearing even the basics of safety equipment is a must, and something ive never seen enforced. My point is, if you cant enforce people to wear gloves at club level, surely you cant enforce much more

  6. British-someone from britain

    UK-someone from the UK

    English-someone from england

    Scottish-someone from scotland

    Welsh-someone from wales

    Irish-someone from ireland

    Manx-someone from the isle of man

    Costa Rica-someone from costa rica

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