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on it

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Posts posted by on it
  1. hi IMHO could be two things as you say fluid is good /  lever feel is solid 

     1  id be looking towards a replace the  front disk/rota  (on a 3yr old bike) the disc always gets over looked but it wears as well  the disc will have wear limit printed on it  but take a good look at the surface of disc  

    2 are the pads binding in the calliper  

    just a thought.. whats front wheel bearings like and is disc straight  both could push pads away from disc 












  2. 2 hours ago, Clitheroekid said:

    Anyone know of any vegan friendly trials boots .. I'm struggling .. Thought maybe Gaerne Balance Classics made from Lorica but not sure 



    YES    rubber safety wellies £22 screw fix they did the job back in the day ! 

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, lineaway said:

    You do not sat during the scottish! D. Lampkin is tall too.  Maybe we should change triala bikes to endueo specs. LOL.

    so what about all the road mileage then ? at the ssdt   or  people should get the correct bike for the job  a trIals for trials and a trAil bike for trail, riding, simple really how a spelling mistake  of  A and I   changes what a  bikes for  !

    • Like 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, faussy said:

    Thats kind of what the goal of non stop was. Except it never really lowered the level that much, and after a very short period of time we were back to brief stop allowed. As for the results, they would still be bou busto raga 1,2,3 🤣

    as i say any little mistake would be very costly to any one of them three &  with young guns snapping at there heals who knows. Its strange when world round riders come to the SSDT they dont do as well as they expect  and the sections are not as hard as world round ones !

  5. If they want to use stop  reverse rules why not do away with 3s  so 0,1,2,5 makes sense as they can stop and balance move the bike to were they want it  .& Change the name from world trials to world tricks  Strange I always thought trials was about skill and precision  nope get it wrong reverse have another go . If world trials wants to grow  it needs to encourage riders to enter and NOT make it even more of a elitist sport .Yes funds plays a very big part in it but if all eyes are on the top GP riders  what happens to the rest ? will a sponsor  look at the top riders or  the also rans ? so making it even more elitist ,  Here is a real novel thought do away with GP class everyone rides trial 2 course  what would the results show then makes you think   (why do i say that  well any little mistake will be very costly )

  6. Well im  so glad to see the FIM  putting the death nail into GP trials  and will the ACU follow ? why you ask well if you dont know FIM are going back in time to a time when trials nearly died off by bringing in stop reverse rules in,  with only 10 riders in the GP class and world trials rounds having to go to multi class !! to get the numbers to make it worth while to run ,HOW will this help to get riders to these events its just making the gap even bigger , I Ask will the ACU follow as british championship class only 7 and out of 7, 1 rider only rode 1 event so really 6 riders, and before you say we want see riders tested ! with but who really benefits from this it will be the 1or2 riders who can do it now with ease   while the rest all play catch up . So is it  reverse rules or paint a door and watch it dry ? as trials die again

    • Like 1
  7. As a rider i have been on observer duty due to injury .. It opened my eyes to why observers are a rare and people just dont want to do it 

    this is what i took away from the  experience 

     1 first you got to find your section ----- go to them trees its on the left    (im in a wood !) lol

    2 then spend 1/2 hour to sort out were the section goes (,on the 4 courses in a sea of flags ! ) (hard ,clubman A,B , easy ,youth /beginner 

    3  have to tell the riders were they are going  ----over and over lol

    4,make calls on no-stop   when the section is marked out far to tight to ride it non-stop 

    5 trying to make out riding numbers because riders dont have number boards but tape the number to the small head light for it  only to be coved in mud and wet 

    6 stand around waiting for the few experts that have to hang back  all day !! 

    7 pick riders up after they fail a section  as some dont do anything apart from look around to see whos going to help them !

    8 if you think you need it take it with as you just can not pop back to the car for it  such a novice mistake !!!!!! 

    9 pick which rider goes when theres more than 1  group ( due to how the section  is flagged after the begins cards some go right some go left )

    So a very big thank you to all observers  for putting up with this week in week out  in all weathers you are true heroes , 

    • Like 7
    • Thanks 2
  8. why go to all the work of melting gluing etc or cost  . just put a plastic tube ( to length) on the top of the inside of the slide with  cable running through it to stop the slide moving so far up and then you can cut it down as and when more throttle is wanted or remove it for full throttle 

  9. 34 minutes ago, trapezeartist said:

    No, I'm not riding with a full-face helmet at the moment. Although it was something grumbling away at the back of my mind, it only came to the forefront after seeing Marcelli's crash (and hearing the noises he made immediately afterwards!). As there are currently open-face helmets that are supposedly designed specifically for trials, I think maybe it would require a combination of the features that make a "trials helmet" with the face protection of a motocross or enduro helmet. It's interesting though that turbofurball wears an enduro helmet for trials without a problem. The proof of the pudding .......

    Getting a face guard caught on a branch? Like you could get the opening of an open-face helmet caught on a branch/

    what next should we wear goggles just in case a lanyard kill switch flicks off and hits you in the eye  were dose it all end  ? as i said theres NOTHING  stopping anyone riding in enduro or mx helmets at trials but very few do why is that ? any top riders wear them  in trials ? riders use and wear what works for them 

  10. 17 hours ago, trapezeartist said:

    I can't really see any downside.

    Are you riding now with a full face helmet  ? if not why not, if there so safe  !. Just maybe there not so safe  for  trials due to you might get face guard caught on a branch not the best for the neck  ? couple of cuts is better than a broken neck.  There is no restriction on wearing a full face/guard  helmet now for trials in the ACU rules only rule is no chin straps  If people have  concern for there safety its up to them to  take precautions themselves or should they be asking themselves is COMPETITIVE  trials  the sport for me .

  11. 10 hours ago, rabie said:

    i think in the medium term (a month or two) this will bed down and we'll get our head around it and some of the benifits of new funcationaly may pay off, i just feel we (as organsiers and riders) have got to get some events under our belt to findout how it works

    we dont have a month or two do we ? as ALL trials memberships run out on the 31st dec ! so how do we get a few events under our belt if you can NOT get a licence to enter said events ? as for  functionality if the members can not work it ? i wonder how much its cost the ACU  no sorry us the members for a system thats not fit for purpose ! 

    • Like 2
  12. 10 hours ago, lineaway said:

     Do a reset first. Hold throttle all the way open, without releasing kick it twice.

    Close throttle and start the bike. No throttle and let it run for a whole minute before you twist the throttle.


    If that does not work adjust the throttle body one full turn counter clockwise. Try again, no throttle.

    Good Luck.

     reset  what ? throttle open no fuel = need free play in cable, so all your doing is clearing the bore out  with air  so hardly a reset is it as, ive been on them 12 yr and have not found what it resets please tell me

  13. 1 hour ago, turbofurball said:

    There's only a handful of people in the whole world who can ride to that level, and they practice full time - I'm happy to just squeeze a bike through places where an enduro bike won't fit, (which is a lot of tracks around here, lol)

    are we talking trial or trail riding  here ?   as i or a  = makes a lot of difference on bike set up and how you ride  

  14. 28 minutes ago, ChrisCH said:

    Ethanol is not a vegetable oil.  It is alcohol.


    30 minutes ago, totty79 said:

    Ethanol isn't a vegetable based oil it's a distillate of fermented vegetable matter.

    is it made from  a vegetable  (corn ) yes or no?  if my bikes run clean ,crisp ,cooler and with no detonation  ill keep running without it in my fuel thanks as i said my 10p worth  

  15.  heres my 10p worth  E5/E10 might be fine in a car/ grass cutter etc any 4 stroke for that matter  BUT a 2 stroke is a fuel oil mix ,using mineral /synthetic oil  nether will mix with a vegetable based oil FACT  and as ethornal is vegetable (corn) based  this might be a problem ?  if its not a problem for you or you dont mind spending £30 for aspen or race fuel ? crack on ! But  i think i will carry on removing it at a cost of 0£s just 10 mins of my time,Ive found both my bikes run better with it removed ! 

  16. 16 hours ago, ttspud said:

    Sure.  The mods there were all mods which were typically applied to the bikes before 1965.  If you watch any videos of the period, you will see what I mean.  There was a Prestige sub-class in the earlier version, and that can be restored to the rules if there is a demand for that, as in not even allowing the mods you see there.

    sorry but no this is a original class !  what YOU want    So  any mods not as the bike was made original  or left the factory ( original the earliest  form of something )so i ask again which rider is riding  a original bike A or B  .Also any modified bike ("is a cheat bike and a cheat rider saying its something its not" your words)  therefore goes in  class M and not O 

  17. On 9/5/2021 at 9:54 PM, ttspud said:

    ====== ORIGINAL SUB-CLASS =======


    Motorcycles built with original components from a mix of eligible motorcycles can be entered within the Original sub-class.

    The following MUST BE original components:




    Petrol Tank




    Ignition System



    Exhaust System




    Allowable modifications to ‘original components’:


    Footrest and pedal placement may be moved on the frame

    Footrests may be replaced with any compliant alternative

    Exhaust system may be re-routed but must remain the original material

    Carburettor can be replaced by Amal Mark 1 concentric carburettor

    Mudguard stays can be modified

    Any chain tensioner can be modified or added

    Petrol tanks can be re-manufactured in alloy to the exact same design & dimensions as the original part

    Any gear ratios

    ttspud as im a a dimwit ,idiot not knowing the rules can you explain how a modified bike is still original if its modified ?  ttspud your rules , So  just to be clear   rider A dose no allowed mods   rider b dose all the mods  so which is riding a original bike  ?  A or B or both  ? 6years on and your  rules clear as mud 

  18. 50 minutes ago, Jeffcomerford said:

    Good Morning All,

    I have a 2020 Beta 300 2 stroke that I bought used last week.  It has a carb on the unit that doesn't have an idle adjustment.  Does this make sense?  The carb on the unit is a Keihin NB5 A 1EP.



    hi,jeff   they are a black plastic screw (not the best ) you may find it has snapped off  ,they are  just in front and above of air screw 45 degree going up to slide  easy to drill out if it has    hope this helps 

    • Like 1
  19. 3 hours ago, ttspud said:

    A personal attack is where the subject of your attack is an individual.  For example, "on it" is not the type of person we want in our sport.  Or "on it" is an idiot for not understanding the rules that exist and that bikes do not conform to the rules.  Or "on it" is a dimwit for not understanding that "not conforming to the rules" is also known as "cheating".  Or why doesnt "on it" show "us" a picture of him riding his bike so that "we" can judge whether "he" is worthy of being called a "cheat".  No-one should be using personal abuse.   But it gets worse here, people actually try to use the "we do not want "on it" here because he is an idiot", that is trying to bully with a group.  It is quite usual for anger and denial to characterise discussion surrounding this, but it should not result in personal attacks and personal abuse.  There is a big difference between using an individual as the subject and talking about the subject at hand, the rules.  

    I take a personal attack as a personal attack.  I have no problem with discussion and difference of opinion.  

    Edited 3 hours ago by ttspud

    seriously what are you on ?   

    • Thanks 1
  20. ttspud if people dont agree with you take it as a personal attack  ! so lets try it this way.... lets go back to 1960s  was Sammy Miller  a visionary  or a cheat ? were works bikes trick or cheat?  or was it just a case of  development to make bikes more competitive in competitive sport ? fast forward to today ( 60 yrs)  to a set of rules which work  allowing people to ride, and clubs get entrys.  Your very keen to point to cheats or cheat bikes well are these rides riding bikes  to the rules  ? well they must be or they would not be allowed !! So how can they be cheats ?  So tell us all ttspud  has any club organization told you that your bike is NOT eligible to be used ? 

  21. 12 hours ago, ttspud said:

    Very good point.  Part of the reason for starting the discussion in the first place (albeit it was years ago now) was to find out what sort of issues there might be in actually having a working set of rules so that others could move it forward

    so   YOUR opening a can of worms  and  cause clubs/ volunteers a nightmare at trials (that are running ok at the moment ) and YOU just walk away from it and let others  sort it all out and take the aggro . YOU" have little time to start a club " other people have to make the time  to run the sport  ,Well sorry the sport of trials dose not need your sort ! so get used to go looking at your bike in the garage and dream  ,,,,,while others go out and trial 

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