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big john

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Everything posted by big john
  1. I'm making a point about a long established field sport (possibly viewed by country dwellers as part of the UK country scene) being banned by the state, not an oppressive regime! Ten years ago if the question were to be asked in a straw poll, "what would be banned first, fox hunting or an off road motorcycle sport"? I reckon most would know what answer to expect! Aren't we lucky to be still riding bikes off road - so far! Big John
  2. Indeed Andy, same age old problem, plenty folk take time to criticise sporting controlling bodies (that applies to all sports not just motorcycle sport) but it's a different matter when they are asked to do something positive about it. Sniping from the sidelines is just poor effort and achieves nothing (in my opinion). Whatever way you approach it, the sport still needs some form of governance, especially when it comes to political representation, otherwise we will one day be faced with no-where to ride our bikes (if you don't believe that will ever happen just ask a fox hunt supporter - oh wait a moment... there are none because the government banned them as it was deemed anti-social, even though it had been going for hundreds of years) and then perhaps we will all have cause to moan. I personally don't want to see that happen! Big John
  3. Well in that case people should stop criticising the ACU if they can't even be bothered to go to a forum. Rant over! Big John
  4. big john

    Be Afraid

    What a star you are my friend! Big John
  5. big john

    Be Afraid

    Hold on JSE, those photos are of Baldilocks, I hope you understand that? Big John
  6. big john

    Be Afraid

    I know a good psychiatrist! Fine figure of a lad that Baldilocks! Big John
  7. You say the mixture screw doesn't make much difference to fine tuning...it should! Here's a thought... When were the crankcase seals last replaced? Air can be sucked into the crankcases if the magneto side is worn giving a weak mixture and sometimes a flat spot. If, on the other hand, the clutch side wears, it usually fouls plugs by sucking oil from the primary chaincase. If the seals are not spot on, the bike will run crap and no amount of rejetting etc will improve it as the seals will continue to degrade and make the mixture settings go off further. I presume this has happened gradually and the bike ran fine before all this? Big John
  8. You can still buy 159 type saddles, here in the Uk they are available from BultacoUK (www.bultacouk.com) I have one here as they also fitted them to the Sherpa 125cc (mod 185) and these were made recently in the UK with new covers. I know who makes the seat bases in the UK but that would be telling! I think the 159 type seats are also available in Spain also. I don't know if Hugh Weaver (Bultaco USA) has them or not, I know he does Pursang seat bases etc. Remember the seat dimensions/fitting differ if the UK alloy tanks are fitted as opposed to the polypropelene versions. Hope this helps. Big John
  9. Read further up the page Marty! Andy Bamfords number is 01252614105, The only way to go! Andy is in the Uk by the way..Cheers, Big John
  10. Yes, very nice the 159 was known in Spain as the "Manuel Soler" Sherpa. I agree, I would have preferred to see it in the original Red tank, airbox and silver frame with alloy guards, but it is a nice job anyway! I am currently doing a 340 (199B) and shortly a 1977 model 199 with some modifications to standard, using a 159 airbox. Big John
  11. Fantastic, I'll be first in the queue! Big John
  12. I can assure you Nigel Dabster is alive and well, but probably busy with work. He was last seen on here just a few moments ago! Having a look... I am currently restoring a Bultaco I bought from him about 2-3 years ago, modified 340 frame, the motor (340 top end on a 325 5 speed bottom end) has been reworked by Bigwig (who asked why I hadn't finished it yet!) I will be collecting the wheels and frame from powder coater and wheelbuilder hopefully next week, they are ready. Big John
  13. Well here is one observer that simply ignores the crowd, what is it to do with them anyway? It's the official observers' decision that is important not that of the crowd! And NO putting on a yellow bib certainly doesn't go to my head! Big John (be firm... but be fair!)
  14. Well done Trials Central with the Scott sponsorship! Big John
  15. Maybe the observers need "minders", to stop the minders making their adjustments to the section? Big John
  16. It's the observers' job to score the rider, not the crowd! The observer can only put down what he/she actually sees. And at the observers briefing, the Clerk of the Course (the boss of the whole trial if you like) stated that if the observer is in doubt the benefit goes to the rider. Big John
  17. Looks to be a cracking UK World Trial week-end. Be there or be square! Big John
  18. Some good photos on Facebook put there by Carlos Casas! Big John
  19. Good line up this year at Alvie: Jon Tye Neil Walker Peter Salt Mick Wilkinson Angel Magrina ("Mr. Delay") Carlos Casas Javier Cruz Nigel Greenwood Ramon Palau Jock McComisky...to name but a few Who really needs a twinshock trial at SSDT time when you can ride what you want at Alvie and have fun??? Big John
  20. Great weekend, many thanks to all who came north and from Spain for the "Friendliest Classic Trial in Scotland"! It was a really good event, nice sections and fantastic atmosphere, I hope the Pre65 riders and twinshock riders enjoyed it as much as I did. Next year's dates are 11th & 12th June 2011, see you there! Big John
  21. Can't wait for the weekend!!! BSA time! Big John
  22. I wish I wasn't working on Friday, but I'm going to Nevis Range, after all its a fairly "local" trial for me! Big John
  23. Same thing happened at Lochaber Allie Beag trial a couple of weeks ago, everyone entered late. It's not much fun for the prganisers when this happens! Big John
  24. As far as I know, the ACU use a registration card which costs
  25. The model 80 (Sherpa) of that same year had exactly the same set up... correct the brake actuator is on upside down! The cable had what was known as a "solderless nipple" attached (small grub screw on nipple head tightened against cable which was threaded through the nipple). The brake cable was threaded through the small hole in the boss on the brake plate as shown in your photo, then the solderless nipple was attached to the end of the cable and pushed up and tightened to create a brake cable, leave about 10 mm or so sticking out proud which can be soldered together as required. Remove the brake actuator (lever) and refit the other way up of course otherwise there is nothing to let the solderless nipple to attach itself to! You will need to get a brake cable free at one end or get a long one and cut the lower nipple off and get a solderless one. There are several places that stock these. Big John
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