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marky boy

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Everything posted by marky boy
  1. I have emailed and awaiting results from the delightfull Ladies . As sson as they come then they will be posted.To Andy. Also on my second card after the change over i let a young and drunken child ride my bike and so i shall not be judged on the results of my bike !!
  2. Are you two bringing yer dabbin' boots ??
  3. Likewise I see you have the honour of leading us away Cota. Dont go and start and make a load of daft lines now as you clean the rocks for us will you?? I see you even blagged a mention in the write up. Boozed britain's main rider
  4. marky boy

    4rt Recall

    Personally not heard owt about the stop of production as i thought it was a load of bollix. What is this bolty thingy cos JEZ ( oi!!) aint bin in touch with me about and bolt mod?? Is this coming to all us owners Munch? Have you got the 4rt al stickered up yet?? I notice that the 'new' works bikes have slightly different graffix including much larger Repsol sticker and colours on the fron of the frame!!
  5. Been as southern as you are Dabster (and as rich 'n ' posh'), comparitive to the ooop North lot surely you are as close as any of us and should be there yourself, ??
  6. The temperature will be fine Spokes and will not bother them!! We have done lots of alloy bits and bobs for Duncan Mcdonald (ie MR PACE cycles) and so confirmed the acceptability of pc on ally. If you are going to badly scrape yer rims it wont matter what coating you put on yer rims albeit anodising,pcoating or titanium plating. If you hit the rim hard enough then it is going to damage the integrity of the rim!! We are currently running 2 bikes with black rims at the moment one anodised and the other powder coated and in all honesty the powdered rims still look the best!! Hey we do ally bits for the WSB and BSB in PC so if its good enough for them........
  7. marky boy

    Mont 4t

    Yeah , if you hold em long enough and hard enough they rev to the point when they go F*****g BANG!!!!!!!
  8. Because Cota a lot of folks are like YOU!! who are too F******g tight to even pay the extreme price of one of the REP fuel caps which i believe you said....." yeah they look good but they are
  9. This is one thing that has always frustrated me about trials in general. As has been said you can get all sorts of bolt on,stick on paste on type stuffin mx and nearly all other sports that are a bit different . And for trials ...nowt really. Why , mainly cos most riders dont want to be remotely different !! Comments like "why have you done that" and "oh looks nice but how long will that last" really pis$ me off. Are they frightened to be different cos if they look like straying from the norm the mrs will bollock em?? I remember when the scorpa first came out folks were saying how crap the fat bars were , and then ....BINGO gas gas bring out a bike a few years later and they are great and its ok to like em !! I think the most of the problem is that us folks who dont/cant afford a new bike regularly are in the definate minority !! And so why change or modify yer bike if you dont intent to keep it that long.?? (although nobody thinks of just changing over the bits) and who cares if you all keep jumping on each others bikes cos they are identicle. And before anyone tries to have a go at me its 5 years since i bought my last bike !!!
  10. Dont have any means of telling what the rpms are exactly but mine was supposedly set at 1800 and i turned it way down so it had a similar sounding tickover to a two stroke (a lot less than it was) but then gave it a touch of a turn back up as i found i was stalling it a bit more than previous.
  11. Oi you LP Brad , less of the ole van !! That is to soon be an all pimping all blinging veee dub retro bass van. (oh ok its a pile of ****) And you are gonna have to change yer name soon as i see you sare starting to blag yer way up the results list!! oh by the way what looks like my old van ?? is it on Graffics website?? .........wanders off for a look...........whilst NOT listening to linedancing music !!!!!
  12. Yeah i read that Dabber, but reading down later in the interview he never mentioned it agian. Then in the trials torque bit it never mentioned Doug only ben and ??(i forget) . I think that he meant in the interview that he was coming back from Spain for the scottish ,for him to watch and Ben and the team to ride but for him to ride it. But when i first read it i thought the same as you !!
  13. Chers for your help Carly , yep it was him who rang you. I basically got him to ring most of the dealers out of the back of tmx after that. Bvm had some in but the wrong sizes.Tw the same ,he can get about any size apart from 9's ! They aint for trials anyway,they are for hillclimbing , he is running Leightons crf from last year. He wants something a bit different other than road boots as moto-x ones are a bit stiff for his little legs. I might try over the seas if we cant find out here. cheers
  14. I know, i walked straight into it and i deserve it!! But this aint helping my line da...ahem , getting some boots !!
  15. Evening all, a mate of mine is looking for some of them cowhide pattern gaerne trials boots. Apparantly they are no longer in production and Rathmels only have a couple of pairs left and they are the wrong size. Now do any of you dealers have or know anyone who may have a pair in size 9 or 43 in european ?? Or maybe one of you lot has a pair that you would sell?? Any info of help much appreciated !! Mark
  16. Y.Pud , i have been quite amazed at the amount of folks i hardly know who have pulled along side me in a que for a section and just started to rev my bike and ask what it goes like !! A mate of mine had a husaberg 450 4t and if you touched the throttle on that when it was not running it was an absolute bitch to try and start!! He said the worst is when you are hill climbing and folks lean on the bike inbetween runs and blip the throttle while talking to you and then when it was his turn for his run he could never get the bl;oody thing going!! The monty has no such probs when not running. But it does seem to be the thing to do?? im gonna try that next time on someones 2-stroke and see if i can try and blow theirs up and see how they like it I always did the same with the scorpa 2t, kick her over and leave it ticking over for a minute or two while i put my lid and gloves on etc.
  17. With respect , (to no-one) if you fire a motrorcyle up from dead cold and then proceed to rev it up and ride about straight off from starting ,then im afraid you deserve all the problems that you may have albeit carb or fuel injection!! You cannot build any bike to be NUMPTY proof!!
  18. Has anybody really thought about the 'power' issue regards clubman?? Now i know that some folks (a lot promoting it , granted) have said that the bike has enough power, but really. We have all over the years seen and constantly heard of and joined into the power debate.Where all the sheep say this that and the other about bikes compared to wtc and how much power a clubman needs and other things a million miles away from their personal reality. I have held Ishy as an example in the ssdt many times on his 125 as he has im sure much more, but right here goes,and i 100% include myself in this............ MOST OF YOU ARE F*****G USELESS compared to the bike that you are riding!! Be it a 125 4t scorpa or a 300 pro.!! All these bikes are better than you and it is about time that you realised that no bike is **** , underpowered or any other B*****ks that you choose to believe cos you have seen it on tv or someone told you!!!!! It dont matter what may happen at wtc level cos you aint even going to be good enough to even watch , let alone ride.!!! So try and enjoy riding yer own overpowered motorcycle , maybe consider buying one that you are capable of hanging onto and leave the wtc talk to the experts.Afterall there arent many of you how could ride Rossi's bike eh??
  19. There are a few Grouse. They are the ones who keep signing in under different names , ie OLD F4RTS
  20. Ditto. That is exactly true Ishy. One other point that folks seemed to have overlooked , perhaps due to expectancy is the result is exactly what everyone would / should have expected isnt it?? Irrespective(spelling) of the bike? Surely Raga is the best at indoors, Cabestany,past champion,but still technically fantastic and young. Doug PAST champion ,who over the last couple of years has certainly lost his edge(others caught up) in indoors. Fuji has a poor indoor record,and Frexia has been up and down. The result from sheffield is im sure what most would have expected even if the 3 fat stroke riders were on 2-strokes.....listen to yer head not yer heart!!! So please think for a bit,maybe they are **** and underpowered in your own opinions but i dont think that that was the deciding factor! I know we are great at knocking those who do well , and i am in no way knocking Doug , how can you ?? But every dog has his day , if not then Steve Saunders should be still winning wc stuff !! They have caught him , hopefully he can pull one last wc out from the outdoors this year and finish on a high !!
  21. I thought that you were a member of Richmond mc , as you were putting up all the dates etc and riding and observing there??? Im sure that they will be pleased with your honesty
  22. Marky, we were running 03 sy discs on an o2 mont,so they would swap over also.We fitted the sy one on for cosmetic reasons,im sure that pretty much all the recent discs will be compatible as long as they use the same amount of studs as all the ajp hubs are pretty much the same accross the board arent they?? Though as BS says,try a f****** great 'ammer 1st!! Did this to my old girl on more than one occasion. I did exactly the same to my middle box and the lad with the blue zebra sy likewise!! Just fill her back up with packing and weld her up!! Mark
  23. Evening JRS , the lad who owned it was from great ayton and he now works for husaberg so is on the road all the time in europe and so i cant get hold of him at the mo to know its fate. I'm sure that he sold it, maybe in the local area,not sure. Did you hear it was stolen or see it in 'dubius' action ? I will try and contact him , ta Mark
  24. I was gonna say something sarcastic (4 a change ) but after reading that Neonsurge all i can say is...... boy does that my head hurt
  25. The great Subiria sent me em, when i bought his kevlar fork protecters and front carbon fork brace. I may have a spare pair, email me if you want a couple and ill see if i have some left!
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