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Everything posted by jtt
  1. What happened to Dougie?? Mechanical?
  2. jtt

    Leaking Spokes

    Just for another approach, I had one that leaked continuously from new. Silicon worked for a while, but the leak came back. Turns out there was a tiny tear/hole in the rim strip. Must have been from putting the tire on and off (problably from me ). New rim strip, no silicon (too hard to clean up afterward), just a little silicon grease. Worked perfect! No more leaks.
  3. It's a fuel screw on the DelOrto, so out is more fuel (=richer). In is less fuel (=leaner)
  4. The mixture screw will effect throttle response, right off idle. As you can imagine this is a pretty important area. Your looking for a nice crisp response when cracking the throttle open.
  5. jtt

    Carb Probs

    Try dry graphite powder You'll never go back. Even TriFlow will attract dirt...dry graphite doesn't and feels like tiny ball bearings...beautiful!
  6. Good site Terry! Another interesting exercise is to actually mark your throttle and grip in 1/4 turn increments. A small peice of masking take and a marker work well on the throttle housing, and White Out or white paint on the throttle grip. What you'll find is usually pretty humbling What you "think" is wide open, is rarely more than 1/2 throttle. Meaning most of our riding is on the idle, slow speed (pilot) and needle circuits.
  7. I think you may be referring to the Billy T technique Put the bike in gear, and run it up to max RPMs, now without touching the clutch, allow it to coast back down to idle. Once it gets to idle speed, wack the throttle open. If jetting is close, bike should rev quickly and cleanly, usually wheelying. For setting mixture screw, try this. After fully warming motor, and "cleaning out", let it idle at a nice low setting. Now turn the mixture screw (most times a fuel screw on trials bikes) in until it starts to die. Then, slowly turn the screw out, 1/2 turn at a time and listen carefully to the idle speed. as you turn the screw in and out you should notice the idle increasing at some point. Adjust idle back to same level as before using the idle screw and continue turning the mixture screw. What you will find is there is a "sweet spot" where the idle peaks. I usually set mine about a 1/2 turn richer than this point. Now go back and count how many turns the screw is at. If it's more than 4 turns, you should try a richer pilot, then repeat the procedure. Combining these two techniques will get you pretty close most times. Hope that wasn't too confusing...after re-reading it, I'm confused
  8. Fuel injection (direct injection preferably) Clear tank with larger fill hole Indestructable plastic Large oil fill hole Easy access to rear shock Rebuildable rear shock Multi position bar clamps/top triple clamp Adjustable footpeg position Quick release shock linkage
  9. jtt

    04 Gasgas

    Matt, your right about the "love to hate" thing. That's why I mentioned being a Honda rider Honda always gets accussed of "buying" championships and seems little is different when it comes to Montesa, as the other post makes clear. I think what people fail to take notice of is what you eluded to...that it's little to do with the bike and EVERYTHING to do with the team. It's the team and rider than wins championships, not the bike. Dougie would be winning on whatever brand he was riding, with the same team and support presently afforded him.
  10. jtt

    Was It A Dream?

    I agree FZ, flash sites are the scourge of the internet.
  11. Does seem a might silly, but that same rule has been in place in MX for years. I guess some protection is better than none...at least from sunburn
  12. jtt

    04 Gasgas

    The funny thing about all the slagging that goes on about the GasGas bikes is that 90% of the time it's by non-GasGas owners Besides, EVERY brand out there has had their share of "issues". Seems like events like the 2003 SSDT show that they not only had the highest entry, but the best finishing rate too...does that mean anything? Probably not much more than the idle slaggings, as it largely comes down to maintenance practises and luck. If you want to believe the gossip, all the power to you. I choose to be open minded and go with what I actually know from experience. Seems the GasGas is the brand that people "love to hate". No problem for me being a Honda rider from WAY back
  13. Well done guys!!! Big thanks to Andy and R2w!!
  14. Of course, Charlie your right. What the oversized cam do help is to allow you to change gearing easily and quickly. People just don't seem to get the chain stretch/wear thing sometimes
  15. Best to check the float height and be sure. I have seen several Pros with float heights wrong from stock. I'd also go richer on the pilot. I run a 38 most times in my 280.
  16. ...and there's the bottom line. I mean really, what difference does it make what the final score is, big numbers or small??? Isn't it really only a comparison between riders and your previous scores? The thing I liked most is that not only was it easy to score and understand the scoring, but it really seemed to show the rider abilities and rewarded the guy who really fought for the 3 over the guy who simply walked his bike through (sorry Charlie )
  17. I'd also confirm the previous owner hadn't messed with the timing. I know it's not supposed to be adjustable, but that won't stop a moderately skilled mechanic. I'm assuming that since you tried 2 different carbs that the jets were clear on both and not blocked (but definitely worth checking as Dave said). You might try a richer pilot jet, can only help. Jetting specs are only a starting point and each bike will be slightly different, particularly on the pilot circuit, at least in my experience. I've never had much success with "recommened jetting"...perhaps it's this clean salt air The other obvious possibilities are fuel quality and compression. Try some fresh fuel, if you haven't already, and perhaps add some good octane boost to it or better yet, try some real race fuel. There are several thicknesses of base gasket available for most of the Pros, so again, the previous owner might have messed about with these and increased the compression to levels that will not run clean on pump gas.
  18. I rarely use "trick riding" in a section, as it is rarely required at my level and it usually just gets me into more trouble, as Ishy said. However, I do find myself practicing it fairly often, as practice can be had anywhere, even in the garage! ...whereas, practicing traction control and other "basics" require terrain. Guess it still comes back to why your riding....for competitions, or simple fun.
  19. Dab, our little group tried it last year once. It does make scoring very simple and easy for rookies and bystanders to understand. The biggest complaint we had was from some of the "vet" riders. They didn't like the fact that they could ride out of a section and still get a 5. They liked being able to dab as many times as they wanted and still come out with 3. Many felt that after the 5th dab, they would simply pull out of the section without attempting to finish. I personally liked it fine, as it kept you fighting right up to that 5th dab...not that I'd ever get that far
  20. Haven't completely given up yet Heath! I'm keeping my eyes out for a decent, but cheap, small MTB frame. I've got most of the other stuff, or can rob from my other bikes.
  21. Dave, breath deep....spring is coming
  22. Used to do alot of Mtbing, but destroyed knees have pretty much ended that. I still ride occasionally. Tried to get into the bicycle trials, with some help from R2w, but the "mod" bike was too small and painful. I may yet get another hardtail 26" wheel ride
  23. Enough Screech will fix all that ails ya...if ya got no ailin's, it's give you some It's 5c here and clear!...no snow. I love this winter so far
  24. jtt

    Why Not

    If your gonna use a pump, might as well ditch the carby and go injected
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