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Everything posted by hop_sing
  1. hop_sing


    My bike is Fixed only after scanning TC. Thanks everyone that reply's to bike questions. I am so happy to have this site. 3 Trials in the next 4 weeks. Northern California
  2. Real easy to do!! the Zip Tie works like a charm. I used a piece of metal and zip tie'd it to the tensioner arm so that it stuck out long enough to get a zip tie on that end of the spring. Squezzed it in the vise and tightend zip tie. After you put the screw in cut Zip Tie's. Now that piece of Metal is in my tool box. Don't see any other way. And this works great no sore fingers. Thanks all for bringing up the Zip Tie thing. After making the right piece/tool of metal I have success. Thanks again!!
  3. I counted 280 at section 9 at Donner during round 10. and I was conservitive, could have been 310. that was when the pro's came through. Both Saturday and Sunday had lots of people. If people knew what they were missing that # would sky rocket, just can't get them hooked. Lots of good pictures, but nothing like being there.
  4. Way to go Cody!!! . And thanks Clive for the news. When I see him ride I am always impressed. after seeing him jump on a tl 250, or an old super cub and hop it around like its a toy, that new Gas Gas must feel like it has wings. He really is a nice guy and deserves a win after all his practice. Good job Cody. seeing him at Donner next week will be fun!! Hop Sing
  5. I thank you for the help. I checked it out more today, started cold, fan not running. After about 5 minutes fan kicked on and ran for about 1 minute then shut off. So that sounds right, I did check coolant level and it is good. I am still concerned because the other day it seemed to be running consant. it was hot outside when I noticed it running and may have just been impatient.it was close to 100 degrees. I am going to paint one of the fins and keep my eye on it. My daughter is just learning to ride and I forget to explane how to watch her own bike. I have had the bike for a couple of years so know it has not been bypassed. but again I thank you for all response. She took several 5's at the last event due to engine dieing. But we were at over 7000 feet so I chaulked it up to that at the time. Her brother said he had to turn the idle up when we went to this location,as he has been riding that bike the last couple of years. I would be interested in any other thoughts like does the thermastat weaken over time and come on at a lower temp. thanks again Sing while you Hop
  6. While riding in the back yard I noticed my daughters 80s fan seems to run all the time. I am worried that this will burn the fan up. Not much of a mechanic and don't know what to check. Looks like others have the opposite problem. Any help would be great.
  7. Way to go Sponge Bob Dirty Pants! We wondered where you were
  8. Good job Cody! He is such a nice guy. And yes he loves the Gas Gas. well rounded, going to school and riding this good. and still has time to stop and talk to us common folk. Hop Sing
  9. I ride a 280-- I like 10-42 My son's 200---9-44 If I changed anything I would go 10-42 I ride low level and need to stay slow. My bike rarely gets past third gear. I was wondering about if I can go 9-42 on my 280, so I am the slow poke
  10. Now this was good! I never searced you tube for for this kind of info. the computer really helps those of us that need it. thanks again for pointing out the obvious.
  11. Thanks for response, I am looking for a good picture of the front forks ,as I am trying to teach the lad how to work on his bike. I have not found a good picture. And that may be because my computer is old and can't download things proper.
  12. Can anyone point me in the direction of some kind off parts list. schematic ? thanks
  13. Don't Laugh, At my last event I got beat by an electric bike. I had 5 more points{stalled motor} than him. See he never gets a 5 for a stalled motor. Its an advantage for him. He charges his batteries while he is riding the next loop. he has two sets of batteries. all you hear is chain noise. the clutch thing is his next challange.
  14. Need help with a 1980 montesa kick starter. It seems to work one time and then the next crank it gets bound up and feels like your kicking through wet cement. its a friends bike and so I may not explain it well, maybe even playing with the clutch will help it to kick right the next time. Kick pedal seemed to be back to far to me but he said after it starts that it returns up higher. Any help would be great as this is a first bike for someone that is going to try entering some events this summer. help me hook another trials rider.
  15. OK here goes Do not open in the office. Beware. volume needed for full effect. maybe a little much for some folks. Sorry if this is over the line. http://www.chooseyouritem.com/jokes/wfhm.html scroll down after page loads.
  16. Sorry everyone I guess this has been pulled. Maybe a bit to racey
  17. I guess the link did not work. Type it in. It IS worth the look see.
  18. check out my bio fuel bike http://www.rvi.net/~mdhorban/hybridmotorcycle.htm Fuel cost are rising so I guess this is the next best thing. Does this get me in the running for a cool sticker.
  19. Yep, Joe would be Hop-Sing. No Jive I saw you at the Cow Pile, but not last weekend. Brodie and I stayed up there and rode today. maybe see you on the 5th of July. Brown and tan van. Gas is going to keep alot of us from hitting all the events. Ty keep up the good work and you will be riding the Cody line too.
  20. Good Job Ty. I Have been watching this kid advance. Hope to see you this weekend. Brodie says Hi.
  21. youth hell.. Pat you are THE MAN. yes the American Man.. You are our Hero. Good job you make U>S> proud
  22. I was trying to stay on the USA forum because he is not the ONLY bias person posting. I do understand others wanting information, But they may have to hear me say over and over GO Pat Go!!!
  23. Go pat!!!! Did anyone else loss this thread. hope today goes a little easier.
  24. We are all behind you Pat. Keep your confidence up. You can do it. The lead story Quote, The battle for the Youth title looks set to rage all season long, with current championship leader Jack Challoner
  25. Last weekend we had the exp. master, and the Cody line. I love to watch him ride. good job Cody
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