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Everything posted by rabie
  1. Suzuki and doing any more joint projects with Kawasaki after the 250f, they didn't get on too well and the 450f is being developed seperatley.......... rabie
  2. as some one from the world of organising big MX's its intresting...... IMHO the "professionals"have pushing the sport to fast - while well never be back to the days of everyone going round in transits, driving themselves and doing the work themselves a certain realism need to come to the sport - we don't need to bring the sport to a "world class" (or whatever base) but we need to bring the sport to the best terrain, and then work around taking the facilities there. to do this the organisers need to be making money to re-invest to create these facilities. weather there are trials clubs in the UK that can ever do anything that big is another question but hopefully such moves will bring it nearer rabie
  3. the easiest route avalible!!! rabie
  4. ahahhahahahha Bexleyheath are the club next to us and that their site......... UK nationals - http://www.motorcyclinggb.com/events/trinews/PDFS/2483.pdf just got the dates for the locals round London (i haven't emailed them to Andy yet) http://www.motorcyclinggb.co.uk/Clubs/PDFS/0323^1.pdf yeh the date i mentioned is Junction 3 of the M25 - the moto way around London. you can see us (the 3/1 on the blue) on the map http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?X=5...000&coordsys=gb (central London is top left of map) for a local shop "Stevens and Stevens" is local (http://www.stevens-trials.co.uk/) , inspirit is a bit far for a tourist. hope that helps rabie
  5. i will have the four regions ajoining london's trials fixtures soon uk natiaonl clander is on here somewhere we (Sidcup & DMCC - SE of london just off M25) have an expert trial on april 25th (don't know if your down south then) Rabie
  6. thanks very much everyone (i've been MIA on holiday for the last week), go to pick it up this weekend for the ACU awards dinner (very posh ). Haven't seen TMX yet but im told they used my avatar. Cheers everyone Rabie
  7. a) surley it would be like sidecar trials ??? trails don't have to be on rocks (i've never done trials on rocks), we haven't got any rocks (OK i lie we have some rubble) c) could be (without looking) the club's quad to mark out sections - my club is getting a quad to mark out enduros and trials tout est possilbe rabie :snowman:
  8. marsh - advertise in TMX but a "garden shed" might be insufficient for them do a search on the mxtrax.co.uk forum and your bound to find loads of info about the whole bike insurance situation rabie :snowman:
  9. Snow - im deffintly back home (south of the river) - ain't seen any yet (and unlikley too either) then again going skiing for the first time soon ........... rabie :snowman:
  10. there is a big article on with doc's and everything in the latest DBR (or was it Moto-X) ......... dunno if its any use though rabie :snowman:
  11. from a southerner (south of the Thames ) point of view many are envious of your system ..... you pay once and its done, a regular trails rider is paying something like
  12. nothing for bikes ..... my godmother got me a bike pocket watch (posh looking) and on Christmas eve i found out i won the Pinhard Prize rabie :snowman:
  13. look it sounds bad and on paper were all supsosed to do like f*** we really are going to do this BS.......... all the ACU have done is copy what every other governing body has done - as you say its generic. the photography issue is well documented in the media now at events "press" can sign on (yelloe form) but we only bother at Britmx's as thats the only "press". I'll (and many others) will still be taking photos at all events the ACU and all others have to cover our arses on the child protection front rabie :snowman:
  14. IIRC he is a tax exile in the isle of man ...... don't bother me where a rider rides, in mx riders either do GP or AMA series - dosen't effect their nationality or who they ride for in the MXDN i say bodgeing as if you wanted to medievaced back stateside you'ld have to pay....... rabie :snowman:
  15. try looking at prices in the south east - or even london rabie :snowman:
  16. most Scottish event (SACU) are like open to centre events - only SACU riders can ride with SACU license higher events - ie nationals - eg SSDT - you could but if you have an SACU licence why ???? for the English, welsh, IOM and channel island - you're ACU, you pay
  17. rabie


    being some one involved (in a minor way) with mxtrax.co.uk let me put it like this i seriously doubt any of you are doing this properly ..... yes and no - you need insurance (3rd part IIRC) to ride off road (as its still a public place under the road traffic act) AND the land owner (or promoter) needs public liability insurance. ie there is no such thing as a waiver saying "i won't sue". the real issue is the 3rd party cover against any one (walkers, etc) else rather than the riders as such. ie you need to be paying *a* number per day that doesn't just go to the landowners back pocket if you wanted to do it *properly* then perhaps a) we (my club) just got a letter from ACU for official ACU practise event rates - there is a number for trials (haven't got it to hand) - anyway you could set up a club / use a club and run practise events - legally you'ld be covered...... etc, etc - you get the idea you go to an insurance company such as Marsh and ask for their trials rates - similar to the above - however realistically trials riders anoy few people, hurt even less so it impractical to go after such expensive / complex options as above any questions fire away - we deal with this all the time on mxtrax with people wanting to set up mx practise tracks rabie :snowman:
  18. photo and a tenner should do it what you doing about insurance ??? rabie :snowman:
  19. totaly agree - as my club runs mx and enduros we laugh at trials riders who moan about prices rabie :snowman:
  20. so...... rabie :snowman:
  21. yeh two events the pre65 and chairs have gone to somewhere in the southwestern cnetre while the modern stuff is at coombe valley, dover (kent) rabie :snowman:
  22. well the report of the Jack Thompson trial in today's TMX has a photo by me (name spelt wrong again) using my camera so have look and see how it came out rabie :snowman:
  23. no need to shut up or go away - wounds like a lovely place you've got up there. by contrast, we've got 36 acers, with a tarmac road and some shipping containers. the land has a BOAT next to it, lane along another side, the M25 on another, railway on another, open farmland on some more and a nature reserve on the next - we are crisscrossed by two footpaths - welcome to the south east. luckily we enjoy excellent community relations but most other clubs aren't so lucky. the problems (to us) are illegal practises and pikies. so out in the sticks i suppose you can do what you do..... for us its a different kettle of fish BTW I'm enjoying finding out how others do things. at a recent trails and enduro seminar John Collins said how in enduros it doesn't matter if the rider is two fields away as long as he is going in the general direction - we would run an enduro in two fields rabie
  24. you wouldn't leave anyone alone on land would you ??? i mean they need supervision surely the insurance policy requires someone on site ??? then again I've never seen a trials practise ground, but knowing loads about MX ones, there is no question that you need staff (several) on site. who collects the money to pay public liability (which is paid per day/event IIRC), where do they sign on ??? i just doesn't make sense also what stops the pikies getting, everyman and his dog dumping stuff (tyre's, dirt, cars, etc) - maybe i live in a very urbanised area (track next to London ~ 8+ million, while in Kent ~1.5 million), and if you were in the middle of nowhere it may be possible. eg up here in stoke/Newcastle i haven't seen dumped cars, pikies, or MX bikes all over the place rabie
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