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What Did You Do To Your Fantic Twin Or Mono Shock Today !


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Cut open the silencer on my 200 and found why it would die when I cracked the throttle in second. This only happened after I had sealed the join between the front pipe and the rear silencer.

Despite buring with petrol in a fire during the recent rebuild the box it was almost completedly blocked with 30 years of soot.

It should run even better now. :guinness:

Anyone used caustic soda to decoke exhausts?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Went out to the shop after work to check tire/exhaust clearance on the modified, but not yet welded reflex exhaust ... And patted my 240 on the seat confident in knowing I can put fuel in her and compete this weekend while my son get's to try out the reflex ... And my section glared at me and the box of parts !!! Damn italian girls ...!


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Your Fantic suffered the same fate as the reflex I just resurrected ! the gas tank was rust filled inside to the indent of the gas cap , along with the bottom seams only a visual effect ! But it's starting and running good now , My son get's to try it this weekend .

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Rode the Trusty 240 this last weekend ... Did some steps and drops I didn't think I could do , to the amazement of a few modern riders ... I love the feel of my 240 , the suspension is finally tweeked to about perfection in my feeble old mind ,and the power curve of my 240 is just fun to ride :) Now to find some time to play/work on the section and teach young son throttle/clutch control on his reflex .

Ain't life just grand ?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Took the rear silencer off the section yesterday afternoon to repack/ seal it up as it drips oil onto the swingarm from it's bottom most joint when the bike gets hot ...

Found it had been repacked along time ago with house insulation and packed WAY to tight . picked all the old stuff out with a coat-hanger tool :) and cleaned it up and repacked it loosely with some good FMF packing , that looks like loose yarn ... Sealed it all up and test rode her , Better off idle response and a little quieter too ! :) Now to find time to do the rest of the work it wants !


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Rode Trials Inc. Vintage cup finals last weekend,big,big fun!

Didn't finish well but sections were tougher than the line I usually ride on my modern Sherco,single line trials event!

Even the ladies at the scoring table said everyone wants my Fantic :banana2:

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