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Everything posted by jonnybmac
  1. jonnybmac

    New Bars

    I loved the original. I do have a bad back though and It has ached a little bit. WOuld that mean I'd have to change my riding style? Think I'll just stick to the 5". Are these what are on the sherco as standard? As the 07 sherco bars are
  2. Jesus, you've been in the wars! I fear this is what will happen to me one day... I've only been riding 3 weeks and ive already had a 1 week of a limp and a dodgy knee and now the ball of my foot hurts to put weight on from bailing a power wheely cause i went to far back
  3. jonnybmac

    New Bars

    Its the bar thats bend. I have a clutch lever that looks like a letter U. He twatted the tree on full lock going round a tight section.. he just took off on top of a brow in a tight bend. These bars seem pretty cheap, and I wouldnt mind this price to put it back to normal. Are these the stock bars? Do I need 5.0 or 5.5? http://www.splatshop.co.uk/domino-standard...handlebars.html Cheers for all the help so far guys
  4. jonnybmac

    New Bars

    Its the bars. I've checked the forks for bentness. It's because the left is pulled back abit and it makes going forward right arm straight and left arm sligtly bend at elbow
  5. jonnybmac

    New Bars

    Your moving me more towards thinking about getting Sherco bars now though.
  6. jonnybmac

    New Bars

    I liked how my sherco felt before my bars now make me feel I am pointing slightly left when I straighten my arms. I just dont want to go out and feel I've forked out for nothing. I'm willing to spend
  7. jonnybmac

    New Bars

    Ive read somewhere on here That sounds like what I'm looking for. same hight fat bars and I've read the pro taper are pretty strong. But what adapter and what bar? lol
  8. jonnybmac

    New Bars

    hes never ridden a bike before and it was my idea to teach him. I set him off in second and he pulled the clutch out too fst and his weight shifted and wound the throttle on. Wasnt his fault and as I said It was my own fault for letting him have a go so cant blame him.. Thats why I want an upgrade and not the same one, so I dont feel as bad forking out the money. I still want the same height if thats possible, and maybe same feel if not something you think would be better. I can adapt to better These are the bars I have on now
  9. jonnybmac

    New Bars

    Okay, so I invited my mate out to have a go of my bike on wednesday... When he first jumpd on it he popped the clutch out and flew into a tree. I told him to get back on nd he did. He pottered about and started gonig up a few hills within a few hours. Then I took him back into a tight section and his finger slipped off clutch and smashed straight into a tree. I took the bike home and called it a day after that and cleand it down. I've been out today and the clutch elver is bent and my handlebars are abit cuddy wift too. I felt a slight disliken to the bike as it didnt feel the same... although I could still do pretty much the same thing, only my wrists and hand ached. I'm not going to tell the lad that my bars are bent ect as it will make him feel bad, but I need some new bars and a new clutch. If im changing my bars for new ones so soon, I want to get some decent ones and not the same. I want to think ahh,, new and feels better, and not that I've spent money for the same as how it was. I dont understand all these sizes when it comes to bars, and what fat bars are and my requirments to get one (spacers/risers) ect. I've checked around the forums but still dont understand. Can anyone point me in the direction of some bars and whatever else I need for a budget of around
  10. Dont know if I would like to not hear the sound of an engine underneith me in all its glory
  11. My bikes never let me down yet.. although I do tend to clean the bike out by opening the throttle up if I've spent some time just pottering a tight section in 1st gear
  12. To get the front wheel up I always dump the clutch, more throttle and pop it straight back out after a bonce on the front end.. You need to know where your bite is though and how responsive your throttle is. For The rear you need to bounce on the back then rool your weight over the wheels and not down into the forks. Covering your brake is all about knowing when you need it really. I ride without covering it and only switch to covering when I actually need it. Its all balance you need to get with experience riding. Gears, 3'rd would be best but if your only learning just go up it in second and dip your clutch whilst still keeping the same amount of revs to get yourself up in without loosing traction and without blipping the throttle. Obsticles I roll up slow in second, dump my clutch then snap it back out with a bounce and throttle just like a wheelie, although I move my weight about a bit differently and double blip depending. Heres a video of me on some pipes.. I'm only learning myself so wouldnt go by extactly what I do and I'm maybe doing something wrong here myself but it gets me up a fair few rocks ect so im happy with progress.
  13. I use a Citroen Saxo VTR to pull my bike and that does it. Think I'm pulling my bike on its rack and a 3 bike trailer next week. Just like 1 person per bike
  14. A lad in my local practice was on a montesa 4stroke of his dads, wheelying and going up and down tight sections and hes only 12.. but then he was riding about on a 125. I feel it would be better for him to have the 125. Its a lighter bike and even the 12 year old te bike looke pretty big for him. He needs to be able to work the bike as well as make it go forward so I'd say a 125. That will do him for a canny few years learning
  15. Wouldnt mind learning how to do HLR to try and spice these two pictures up taken of myself. Yes, boots are on order and I'll be getting some proper clothes later on in the month
  16. I work at a place that does heat treating, and to get steel harder, you need to heat it up to a really high temperature and then drop it into water rapidly. We use pumps in our quench pools to fire at the hot steel to cool it down as quick as possible. If the bars are allowed to cool past a certain temperature you loose your hardness. you have set degree's you need the bars to be so they are neither too soft or too hard and brittle. These sort of temps we are talking 800-900 degrees celcius so I doubt the heat off of brake pads would be enough to give the same effects. Maybe its more to do with the expanding and rapid contracting of the metal around the disk that gives it this effect.
  17. Whats the dissadvantages of a tubeless tire? My tire goes flat after about 2 hours, I think I need a new rim tape but rather than getting that I'm thinking of just putting an Inner tube on so it stays up permenantly. I've had a look round the forums to see if anyone else has asked this question and cant seem to find anything. Is there any disadvantage towards having grip with an innertube in?
  18. Are alpinestars pretty good at sizes? I'm an 8 shoe size, so does that mean I get a 41 boot? I know some boots they are totally different to what your shoe size is. I need to know as I dont know anywhere local that sells them to try on
  19. get a tow bar and a dave cooper bike rack and just ger a cheap small van
  20. Im intrested in your tour company location
  21. HAHA I emailed Jitsie to ask to if the clothes that I wanted (found out its the blue version of the Dibsta range) would be available.
  22. Whats the cltohes that Cabestany is wearing here? I really like them with the white thigh part.. I cant seem to find them anywhere. is it just exclusive to him? http://www.zonatrial.net/video1.asp?video=video/23.flv
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