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Everything posted by windlestone
  1. The only difference any of them make to me is whats left in my pocket after i've paid for them. Not many people could tell the difference between them just by riding on them
  2. I have a Gas Gas and i'm going to change to a Montesa 4T. I've just looked on Sandiford's website and the last news article posted is dated Nov 2003. They don't seem too excited about the new bike. What is the service like from Sandifords in relation to parts and information? Gas Gas uk have always been brilliant.
  3. Where and how did you get a brochure Munch? I want a bike so bad but being a tight wad i want some discount. Don't reckon i've got any chance with the demand outstripping supply initially. I might have to break the habit of a lifetime and pay full whack!!!
  4. Well its good enough for me its going to have to be good enough for you. Gavin there's an offer you can't refuse ishy !
  5. No worries Bikespace i was just musing with your signature. Is it from Romeo must Die? Are you entering the Scott? I spoke to JR Sunt right after last years Scott. I think he posted 7th fastest time, definately in the top ten anyway. Graham Jarvis finished 32 or so minutes in front of him!!! Sunt said he could have possibly gone 15 minutes quicker but no way 30 minutes. Anyone who finishes deserves more than a spoon in my book.
  6. Instead of Novice i probably should have put Easy Route Riders. We generally have expert clubman and easy routes. I tend to go back to the 70's in my terminology when we all rode the same course together and you progressed fom novice to intermediate then expert. A very competant, in my opinion, couple of riders from our centre finished last and second last in the Travers. They are both capable of finishing mid way up the Clubman class at our local events. I think it's an excellent achievement to finish the Travers but where does that leave the standard of our events compared to the standard in Yorkshire? Or should i say the severity. At least you haven't threatened to kill me yet Bikespace
  7. Excellent coverage from a non Mont fan Nigel. Has anyone any idea of price yet? wonder how the Sherco 4t price will compare.
  8. At a recent trial Michael Pillipson and Ian Austermuhle marked out a course which was designed for "Super Experts". The lads went up to the venue on the Saturday with the organising club officials and marked out a route, all be it for themselves, but also for others to ride and enjoy. Now up in the Durham, Tyne and Wear and Northumberland area we do have the likes of Michael Phillipson, John Crinson, Micheal Lee, Colin Ward etc who are all excellent riders but we also have the clubmen and novices. Without sounding detrimental a lot of the trials marked out in these areas are struggling to mark out suitable courses for everyone. WHY? It's the old addage of not being able to please all of the people ANY of the time. Quite often a trial can be deemed too hard for most of us yet the experts find it too easy. The top riders and up and coming riders in our centres need to be tested and benefit from the experience of our experts who are willing to travel up and down the country and abroad. Nearly everyone i have spoken too has said how awesome it was to be able to watch Michael and Ian etc ride some unbelievable sections yet still be able to ride a route to suit their abilities too. Obviously this can not happen at every event but it did give an awful lot of people a great deal of pleasure watching the super experts. Well done Michael and Ian.
  9. Has anyone got any results or news from the Travers?
  10. windlestone

    2002 Gas Gas 125

    If it's a pro the left hand side engine casing will be black plastic. The frame is an oval tube all over. On the txt the frame near the radiator up to the headstock is quite fat. The cross section of a pro frame tube is like an aeroplne wing cross section.
  11. It's really annoying to buy a Gas Gas and get little ,or in my case, no information with the bike. I bought it in 02 from a reputable dealer. I've downloaded from gasgasuk but it's not the same as having a decent manual. The Montesa manuals are brilliant. Gas Gas usa site has a lot of technical info too.
  12. pretty sure Martin Lampkin drove a trials outfit around a golf course and broke the world record time for a round of golf. Don't know who the golfer was tho!
  13. firecapt while it's stripped check the nut holding the clutch cage is tight. it's in the centre of the cage. this can take up your lever action. maybe half the movement at the bars.
  14. hi gas gas usa has a picture of the correct measurements for the clutch cage. you will probably only need to replace one plate. very cheap. look on this gas gas forum under exhaust yarghhhhh or similar and clutches for some reason are discussed in depth.
  15. Hi Ian The pros have fingers on the clutch very similar to a car clutch and they work as the springs. I've not heard of any of my mates modifying springs in their older models sounds like a good fix tho
  16. sorry H forgot to mention clutch shouldn't need to be bled by taking off cover. it's worthwhile chcking the nut in the centre of the clutch is tight while you have the cage apart this can also lead to a lack of clearance. Remember i'd never done it before and i've only done it once so it can't be that bad.
  17. my bikes an 02 and i didn't do much with it for the first year due to injury. then rode one trial a week and practised 5 or 6 hours a week even in winter as i was unemployed. so i used it quite a bit. my clutch started to get heavier,prob march 04, and i e mailed Kev at Gas Gas and he came up with the clutch mod straight away. you have to strip the clutch to measure it ,obviously, but GG deliver next day no problem so you can do it mid week. if you have any problems e mail kev at gas gas he really is helpful and knows his stuff. Provided you take everything apart slowly, making notes, either mentally or draw them. or take digital pics they are great for showing you where things go back. then you should be fine. also post on here there are the most knowledgeable and helpful people from all over the world only too willing to help. just ask away
  18. the clutch friction plates instead of wearing down thinner because of use actually swell up with oil ? the clearance of the clutch needs to be maintained by fitting a thinner shim in between the friction plates. there is a good picture on the gas gas us website that gives you the dimensions of the plates and the complete clutch dimensions. you measure the clutch and the plates with a vernia caliper. drain the gearbox oil in the usual way, remove the kickstart and take the allen bolts out of the casing. lift off the casing. be careful with the clutch rod inside the casing. the clutch cage is held in place with allen bolts. remove them, use a decent set of allen keys or you might round the heads, then replace the shim and rebuild. takes about 1 hour. Gas Gas uk i have found to be the cheapest for buying parts. hope that makes sense
  19. Only problem i've had with a pro exhaust is occasionaly leaving parts of my pants singed to it as i fall off the clutch on the pro can feel stiff at times but an
  20. might as well put my Dads on too
  21. yes it's from white bros. Al the spanner used the same allen key on my bike as he did on Steve Colley's at the Scottish I like White Bros. pity about the young upstart in the trials spares dept. tho
  22. Heres my gas gas 02 250 pro. I loved it to bits but now can't wait to change it for a montesa 4t
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