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Everything posted by windlestone
  1. JR Sunt think you could keep stopping round the Scott and give everyone that asks a test ride and still be quicker than Perce?
  2. i've heard there will be a few at the scott. i was hoping to see one before then
  3. appleyards were selling a stars cheap. not sure if they have any left now tho. Mine leak like crazy,look shabby but are really comfortable from day one,still offer excellent support and the soles have excellent grip. i like 'em
  4. Thanks Physco thats fettled my curiosity. Congratulations on your recent win R2w
  5. Does anyone know where they are now? Eddie Lejune, Bernie Schrieber,Rob Edwards, Rob Shepard, John Reynolds, Peter Cartwright etc Just curious to know what trials pro's do when they're not competing at the top level any longer.
  6. Not in Glouc. area but a bunch of us went to Cowm Quarry in Rochdale yesterday and had a brilliant day. It's a huge venue suitable for all abilities everyone we met was very friendly and it was only
  7. come on amd send a message back.
  8. Tony please get in touch
  9. and i thought my gas gas air box was fiddley
  10. Do Montesa and Sherco make handbags
  11. took me seven days to bleed rear brakes. I'm still having nightmares. The problem is the hose from rear caliper runs inside the swinging arm and air gets trapped at the bend below the master cylinder. I hung my bike by the front wheel from the garage roof. Take rear wheel out and caliper off the frame, take exhaust rear and middle boxes off .Get all brake lines as straight as you can from caliper up to reservoir. fill the system from the caliper bleed screw with a large syringe. When the reservoir is full you need to take some fluid out and keep filling system untill there is no more air bubbles. I still had no pedal after doing this. Bleed the system from the lowest point to the highest point. This is a really boring tedious job and takes ages. I found the most effective way to bleed the system was to push both calipers in at once then crack open master cylinder hose bolt. Keep pressure on calipers then tighten bolt up. Move hoses and tap on them and master cylinder every now and then just to help release bubbles. good luck it's a nightmare. Some lads have said it bled first time no problems but if you get air trapped it can take forever.
  12. too much power for JR Sunt from a gas gas. He only scratched his leg on a Montesa he BROKE it on a GAS GAS
  13. poor starting when warm/hot is usually down to an incorrect float height on the pro's.
  14. windlestone

    04 Pro 300

    Afew 04's in my centre have suffered from incorrect float hieght and this causes the poor starting when warm. Not sure about the overheating but if you e mail kev hipwell at gas gas uk he will respond amazingly quickly and accurately.
  15. Heard Katy hurt her leg. No pictures of that
  16. bigfoot are u changing your name to bigfront ?
  17. windlestone

    Pro Airboxes

    Eiger.. I've heard beta's have problems with electrics and don't steer very well. Sherco's sound and look loverly but rear silencers are prone to go and you can't repack them and they are expensive. Think i'll keep cleaning out my air box. Wonder if your 02 200 air box might fit my 02 250? the 04 air boxes cost about
  18. windlestone

    Pro Airboxes

    Surprised to hear you had a much better filter housing on an 02 than an 03. I have an 02 pro and my only gripe is the air box. I bought it from White Bros and Al did all the mods. I would hate to see it if he hadn't. Al silicones all the seams and fitted a rubber around the frame in front of the at the top of the shock. On my bike there is a hole for the seat to clip into and no seal around the seat but 03 and 04 gas gas have these altered and i thought they were much better. I change my filter after every ride, wash out air box and dry with compressed air. Strip and clean carb every 4 weeks or sooner if i've been in really wet or muddy trial. At the end of the day all bikes are ridden in terrible conditions and i reckon you should carry out as much preventative maintenance as possible.
  19. Step looks hard enough without having to wedge a giant punchcard between your 4th and 5th fingers
  20. Just read Alans tips and i remembered the adjustment at the rod/pedal going into mastercylinder is crucial. You must have free play to allow fluid through
  21. i hope i explained that ok. i had the hose in the swing arm as straight as possible thats why i partly dismantled swinging arm then suspended bike from front wheel. i also bought new bleed nipple and washers for all hoses my bleed nipple took some abuse from all the opening and closing required. have caliper swinging free on the end of the hose and move hose in and out of swing arm as much as it will allow. Good luck again and let me know what finally cures it please
  22. I have written a saga on my rear brakes in the gas gas pages. It took me 7 days and nights if you include thinking about it every waking minute. It appears to be one of those problems that either works first time or it chooses when to work. I dismantled swinging arm to allow master cylinder and reservoir to come through and then i suspended my bike by the front wheel from the garage ceiling beams.Hold the reservoir at the highest point and the master cylinder next highest.Completely empty system then fill through rear brake caliper bleed screw with a syringe. When the fluid enters the reservoir maintain pressure with syringe and empty some fluid from reservoir and continue to force fluid through. I found i was pushing air in through rear bleed nipple where the hose was connected so make sure yu have a good tight fit. The problem area is the hose between the rear caliper and the master cylinder where it comes through swing arm. When i had reservoir filled i tapped reservoir hose and bubbles came up through reservoir. When they stopped appearing i bled system from master cylinder then caliper brake hose then caliper bleed screw. This is not a quick process and i probably bled each place about 20 times. I then tapped all hoses again and watched air bubbles coming up through reservoir. VERY FRUSTRATING. I then continued to bleed in the same sequence and i started to get a bit of pedal but like you i hit the frame before i had a decent brake. I then cracked open the brake hose at the master cylinder and found i had the most success by bleeding pushing the caliper pistons back then tighten hose off then start again. After what seemed like hours the air finally stopped and i got a decent brake. Good luck
  23. I have an aprillia climber the green and white tank and water cooled with disc brakes. It will start and run but shows a distinct lack of power uphill then after about 30 - 40 minutes it cuts out and refuses to start again. I've stripped and cleaned carb. and it has a big fat spark i've changed the plug too. I've not had anything to do with aprillias and no one rides one in our centre so any help/suggestions would be appreciated
  24. Friend of mine successfully welded his when it snapped and it's still going strong. You could try a fabricating shop and at least get a price. Did you get a price from gas gas uk? i know it seems strange but they are sometimes a bit cheaper than a dealer
  25. my local exchange does not support broadband yet. Says that only 158 people have registered an interest looks like i'll be in slow mode a while yet
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