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Everything posted by billycraig
  1. ?? Yeah pretty cynical, I've just sat through a lot of presentations that had a huge agenda behind them. Don't get me wrong I love scientific investigation I just prefer it to be independent, yet it's practically impossible for anyone other than big business to fund studies. An open mind is required when reading any paper to view all sides yet frequently they're trusted without a thought, take Ancel Keys and his research, terrible work yet it got steamrollered through.
  2. Can't always trust academic papers either, depends whose funding it and what answers they want out of it. Not much chance of independently financing research but big business can hire the scientists they want to get the results they need. The Gatorade Research Institute for instance do a fantastic job of promoting their products. JAMA
  3. I find it a bit odd that Mark Everard who wants to ban all offroad activity was sat in his 4x4 on a lane talking to John Craven!
  4. I've spent 2 years on a 125 having previously ridden a 280 and have loved every minute of it. Felt more controlled and as already stated I had to get the maximum out of the bike which is what I wanted to learn. Rode a 250 a few weeks ago and am on one for the Scott in a few weeks. It feels very heavy and hard to get the most out of it and I find myself being lazy on it and relying on the throttle too much. Depends on your weight and what you want to do I guess but I'm 76kg and its taken me round the Scottish and lots of road trials with out any hesitation. I'd personally ride a bike and be able to be aggressive than using caution so find the smaller engine suits my style which is a biketrials background. Get a good go on one and see if its right for you, if not maybe consider a 200 as well
  5. Well you've blown the deal now by telling me they don't do anything, I'd of had a batch Both the participents that got the sugar pill and the actual chemical tested positive for the desired chemical (serotonin) that they were originally deficient in. I'm not personally saying they don't do anything, I've done my studies into various different aspects of energetic fields etc and theirs sufficient evidence for me to believe in it. Power balance or Mojo I can't comment on as I've not researched them enough, however after they were first mentioned on here I decided that I'd give them ago to test my personal results with it.
  6. The protein shakes are highly processed junk, I found one or two decent ones when researching them but the majority are just by products of the dairy industry heaped with a load of chemicals and then advertised well. Eat real protein (quality) and get all the amino acids etc to keep yourself young and healthy. If you need a supplement if for some reason you can't eat (maybe in an office environment) drink the finest quality powder you can preferably from pasture raised cows. A lucky rabbits foot could work if its what the owner believes in, Candice Pert PhD once said
  7. I use power . balance ones and a Qlink myself. Much like any healing modality it is all in the mind, I did a module at uni on various healthcare systems across the globe and concluded that what you believe in makes you better and the same medicine or techniques won't help everyone, hence the reason chemo patients are focused on positive thoughts as much as possible. Their was also a program about twin doctors that travelled to various tribes and saw the methods they used such as shaman. In this country you get a lot of people who really believe in their GP but others who don't seem to have little success and try alternative routes. I took the opinion that at
  8. Perfect answer thanks, I knew it was something along them lines but would of never been able to explain in. Thanks Mont, I'll always have a go on a 225, loved Kev's first one when I rode that and it does seem like the perfect combination of everything I like in a bike.
  9. Got a little debate going on and thought someone may be able to explain it well. I've been riding a 125 GG for a few years now and love it due to it FEELING lighter and more like a MTB. Back when I rode a 280 or 300 I always FELT that a 250 was heavier when I rode it but attributed that to having a little more power on the 280. Obviously this isn't the case with a 125 so can anyone technical explain why my 125 FELT lighter to ride. I rode a 250 in this years Scottish due to injury and again last weekend and both times It felt very heavy and cumbersome. I know the dry weights are similar so can anyone explain it so I can with my argument debate.
  10. Been looking at them, have you used them before?
  11. I got one of them old blokes getting aggressive with me for 5'ing him and not letting him re-ride it. Thought I was going to have to fight him off with my crutches Good luck getting the observers
  12. No worries, think they've forgot about in now anyway Sadly I won't be there, am up in Newcastle for the Novagar round. Had just had knee surgery last year so decided on a day observing instead. Remember having a few grumpy customers who weren't too happy at getting fived for stopping though Hope the weathers at good as last year for you
  13. Are last years results archived anywhere? I observed last year and my dad and mate both rode. Never managed to get any results (other than the top few in each class), they probably aren't bothered anymore but if they're available I'll print a set off for the pair of them.
  14. Should be available online as well as last weeks is still there S4c Clic
  15. Great trial and really well organised. Thanks to everyone involved.
  16. And before that, remove any inflammatory foods that are stopping the core muscles doing what they're supposed to do. Number 1 cause of back pain, poor diet switches the muscles off as the various organs share the same nerve network as the surrounding muscles meaning the back gets overworked when the abdominals don't do their share of the work.
  17. If the pain is caused by flexing the spine then adding the risers should take you into a little more extension and reduce the pain. If its due to a weakness in the surrounding musculoskeletal structure then I'd say it will come back eventually even with the new riding position. I'd try using the risers to solve the problem in the short term but also try working on some back stretches and also some lower abdominal strengthening.
  18. Japan seem quite keen still, they're getting a 4T Gas Gas designed especially for them apparently. Not sure if this reply will actually stay on here as I posted this up yesterday but for some reason its been censored/removed. Not sure why as I've deliberately avoided mentioning which site I've read it on which I'm fairly certain is one of things we mustn't speak of on here. Disappointing that its been removed, along with a reply that also seems to of been deleted, without any message or explanation as I really don't see how its broken any of the rules or mentioned any names/companies on the banned list(s). May be the biggest trials site but it just adds to my feelings of is it worth engaging in a topic anymore!
  19. I feel the same but in certain circumstances they may be at their limit to what hard work can do. Take for instance a person who works in an office surrounded by electrical equipment or a person with multiple mercury amalgam fillings, or in training terms the typical gym loaded with electrical equipment, light sources and LCD screen. They would be subjected to various differing frequencies or electrical stimuli. I've taken football teams and improved their times by dumping the battery powered heart rate monitors. I agree that people love the easy way out, but feel that rebalancing or grounding yourself isn't really an improvement in human function but more a tool to allow the body to work at its optimum by removing or restoring a more natural frequency. If better performance comes from being in a more natural state its no different from a patient getting their back manipulated in order to improve posture/balance. Its just taking them back where they should actually be if it wasn't for the modern world.
  20. Matter (anything which a physical object is made of) has a frequency. Everything in the world is made of matter and has a vibrational frequency even thoughts/emotions as they're often measured (EEG etc). Theirs a study in which athletes were measured visualizing running their race. They picked up the same brain activity and the muscles still fired in the same way due to being sent the message from the brain. I've worn a similar device for many years and have put quite a few of my clients in them depending upon how receptive I think they'll be. It cost a lot more than that one does but I've proved to myself that their is a benefit and I wouldn't be without it. I originally thought it was a placebo effect but knowing thoughts have such a positive effect I was quite willing to pay out once for something which would 'make me believe' I was stronger. However on a few occasions the cord has snapped (almost 10 years old remember) I've not realized its been missing but have felt awful to the point where I ended up in lay in bed. Same has happened for a client who rang me to tell me he had been ill all day until the hotel staff from where he'd stayed for work rang to say he'd left his in the hotel shower. We're constantly surrounded by unnatural frequencies such as light sources, mobiles etc so an item that attempts to 'ground' you is worth a shot if your open to the facts about electrical activity in the brain/body. So placebo or not if anything is going to work and have a positive effect on your bodies electrical system (we do work from electrical activity). Try the muscle tests from the opposite way. Get someone to assess your strength and then pick up a mobile phone or watch with a battery and retest. Or go the whole hog and test yourself after saying your weak 3 or 4 times. I won't even get started with a client unless they're 100% positive that they'll achieve the goal. If I get a doubter in what I'm doing then its a complete waste of their time and money. We've all gone into a section certain in our mind we'll 5 it and thoughts become actions. I'm going to test one of them on myself so I'll report back if I notice anything different, won't be a double blind placebo but they can often get the answer they want anyway so I believe on seeing how it works personally. Sadly we still don't have many answers to a lot of things but it doesn't mean they don't work. The film 'what the bleep' explains the subject very well. Somehow they made quantum physics into a good movie so you don't actually realise your learning.
  21. Really tight on time! Been flat out all day, getting to the first group was evil
  22. No worries mate, I only did it to try and learn a little more technique other than just a heavy right hand. I feel I've definatly improved more in the last year than I have in a long long time (this is the point where lots of people are gonna say I'm still useless ) On my 300 Raga club trials were fine and I only realized how out of control I was in Scotland, decided I'd rather have less power and learn to get the most out of it. Got it up a lot of steps and waterfalls at the Victory yesterday that I remember struggling to do on my Raga. Wish I'd had to ride one when I was in the youths, can only remember a certain Mr Lampkin doing it and he did ok for himself. Was poor on the road in Scotland but thats to be expected. Flew over the moors though and just felt right for the sections. Am gonna miss using it next week, being back on a 250 is going to seem incredibly powerful, will be spending the first few days trying to stay on it. Let me know how you get on with it if you do it.
  23. As it came from Shirty's apart from a 26mm keihin but I always had a 28mm on my 300's anyway. Was still good with the dellorto and I doubt it makes a noticeable difference in my skill (low) but I just prefer it. Got one on the new one as well.
  24. Revy defiantly but I've not been unhappy with the bottom end and I came off a 300. Reliability wise the only thing we had was the known radiator problem and we had the mod done by our dealer before it became a problem. Other than that its been a great bike thats done a whole year of road trials like novagar rounds, the scottish, Isle of Man 2 day, an Adult Expert B Brit Champ round at Brimham Rocks and even did a bit of the Scott before I picked up one to many punctures by being a little to quick. Everybody said it wouldn't cope with me at 11-11 1/2 stone doing so much on it but its been faultless and I'm still on it despite my 2010 one having been sat in the garage since early march. Great bike
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