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Everything posted by pete
  1. Looking at the engine, the chain sprocket cover, even with the hole is worth a lot more than it looks! Not sure how much people will pay for them, but I think its upwards of
  2. pete


    'tis my biggest ambition to compete, complete and not come last in the Scottish sometime in the future. If I could do the modern and Pre-65 as well, that would be brilliant-dream come true. Then would have to find another dream! Won't happen untill I leave school though - will need more than one or two rides a month to achieve that though! Pete.
  3. I got a Pirelli rear. Was on EBay going quite cheap I think. Still got the bikes original front Michelin. Is nearly bald though! (Bike 5yrs old.) Seems to work ok to me, but is the 1st time ive ever had a new tyre, so can't compare to anything else! Pete.
  4. A thing that my Dad does when we are washing the bike is to take the chain off before we leave the trial. This stops any **** from the road getting onto it, and you then don't blast mud etc into the rollers when you are washing the bike off. He also boils it once a month, maybe once every two months if it hasn't been ridden much, and before putting it back on lubes it with Castrol chain lube. Never had any trouble with it, and it always looks like new! Also, cut out a bit of car inner-tube and rivet it onto the bottom of the mud flap next to the silencer. This stops 99%of crap getting anywhere near the rear shock, and also fill up the gaps aroung the airbox with some sort of insulation tape to make it a better seal. That's all I think of! Pete.
  5. pete

    Seeley Owners

    Would the Seely manual also be applicable in any way with a non-Seely bike? I guess its a stupid question, but would there be anything that 'transferable' to the different types? Pete.
  6. Nope, afraid not. CBT gives you a 50cc at 16 and a 125cc at 17 by default, but for anything above 125cc you need to take a further test. Next up from CBT is a restricted lisence which can be taken at 17, and lets you ride anything that has 33bhp or less. This lets you buy a big bike, then restrict it untill you can pass your direct access test which is at 21yrs. You then take the restrictor out and away you go! Pete. edit:not sure about insurance though, and if the bike is over 3yrs old then it will need an MOT. Also you will have to apply to get it road registered not sure how though.
  7. pete

    Tlr200 Valve-lifter

    Right, finally am online again to update (back at school!) Took kickstart off, tightend it all up and filed off a little bit so it is now nice and stiff, and 90degrees to the bike. This has helped immeasurably when starting the beast. Still takes a bit of a fiddle to get it to go, and valve-lifter not added yet, as other projects have got in the way. Looking forward to getting going properly (tickover is a bit iffy atm) and riding it more than just up-and-down the road a few times! Thanks for your help gus, will keep you posted of any more developments. Cheers, Pete.
  8. Got he CD a few days ago. Is very interesting, but is more of a background history of Honda trials, with a lot of emphasis on the bigger works bikes, with only a bit on the 200/250's. Is a ver good read though and some brilliant picures. Can't be printed off the disk due to copyright problems with the original photo's I think which does mean it is difficult to read in long goes (unless your eyes can focus deal with a long spell at the screen) Definatly worth
  9. pete

    Tlr200 Valve-lifter

    Just got a TLR 200. Very nice, WES exhuast, new rims, new mudguards and a load of mother stuff, all the original road gear, never been trialed as far as we can find out. Problem is, it's a b**ch to start! It has a valve lifter doobrey of the top of the barrel, but nothing on the bars. Does anyone else have one at all? Also, when 'flipped' out the kickstart is not at 90 degrees to the bike, and hen kicked it folds up again and hooks under the footrest! Does anyone have any ideas? Cheers, Pete.
  10. I think the noise is a bit of an illusion. A two stroke is quite noisy, but because of the higher frequency range the sound dissipates very quickly and doesn't carry, making it seem quieter. A four-stroke, however has a low frequency exhuast note which carries much further than a two stroke. An example, when someone is playing loud music accross the road, you can hear the thumping bass beat an guitar, but not the high stuff like guitars and vocals. No idea about the heat though! Pete.
  11. pete

    Tl 305

    Met a bloke at a trail a few weeks agao with TL125 )different I know) who had bought it in a box for
  12. How did the Bonanza trial go? Have seen the scramble last 3 years but never seen the trial. Lots of bikes covered in mud. Must watch next year. Pete.
  13. Well, its just about finished now. Got a ride last night, managed a clean sheet for the 1st time ever! Bike is a lot lighter now, can wriggle it between trees instead of weaving it. Throttle is a bit more responsive (could be my imagination though). Just got to finish off a home-made aluminium plate that goes on the back of the airbox and blocks off most of the mud that would go up around the rear shock, and then will be 100% finished! Pics coming soon hopefully, if anyone intersted? Cheers, Pete.
  14. No idea! I'm guessing that as the silencer's fixings were different that the airbox would be different as well. If al goes completley pear shaped then I guess that's the only answer! Cheeres, Pete.
  15. pete


    Have tried that, but teachers here are not interested in motorbikes, only the sport/subject that they teach. Also, Dad can't get away from work until 4 at the earliest - the trials start at 3, takes an hour to get there, 10mins to unload/sign on! Only takes a few hours to get done, event lasts till 9 or the last person finishing, so plenty of time. Cheers, Pete.
  16. pete


    NHMC do wednesday evening trials in the summer, always a score yourself on punch cars. If you are marking yourself and you cheat, the only person you are cheating is yourself, so why bother. That said, if I do make a complete ballsup of a wednesday section, I call that run a practise one - I think everybody else does the same! I would go around with someone else, but always arrive late (have to be picked from school), so have to tear around to get finished in time! Cheers, Pete.
  17. Just had word that the GRP didn't work after all! Also some stupid B**t ran into the back of him yesterday, so the prospects of riding are going down the drain! Will keep updating if anyone is interested? Cheers, Pete.
  18. Its gone from being a large steel box direct from the exhuast out of the engine, then coupled to an ally silencer that goes along the side of the rear mudguard, to being a one peice weird shaped thing that tucks underneath, like any silencer freom the last few years. Looking forward to seeing it, hopefully will have made it pull a little better, beginning to run out of power sometimes! Cheers, Pete.
  19. Yamaha TY175's are becoming quite popular and seem to cope with the intermidiate routs very well, often beating the modern bikes in my clubs. (dad halfway through rebuilding one so should be able to say from 1st hand in a few months) Prices are going up, and a perfect one is about
  20. Not sure if this will be at all interesting, but here goes. My old man has always thought that the original silencer was too exposed, and it also had a very large dent in it, so one quick trip to ebay later. . . and a new one, not sure if its 04 or 05 was bought, pretty cheap(
  21. I do the bottom route, only for the rest of this year, then moving up to the intermediates stuff. Been practising the harder route for a few months and should be able to join about in the middle of them. Some say i've been down for too long, but i'm winning now, and will hold my moment of glory for a little while longer, maybe get a nice shiny plastic trophy at the end of the year! Its taken five years for something to click and change me from completly crap to a novice winner! yay Pete.
  22. I use the older stuff as worn in the twin-shock era. Got a pair of Ellgren trousers-red and blue and a modern Elgren shirt.(not colour matched, but if the observer can't stand to look, maybe he will miss the dab?. . .) Ebay is good for the older stuff. Is very comfortable, trousers are thorn and splash proof. A lot cheaper than the lycra gear and i'm sure will be more comfortable. (never have, and never will try lycra - i've seen the effect it has on other skinny folk ) Pete.
  23. Occasionly you see the final results published in the 'sport in brief' section of some papers, but nothing more! As you say, some is better than none! Pete.
  24. pete

    Tlr 200

    Wednesday night had a ride in my dream bike, TLR 200. Never ridden anything more gorgeous! Nice big thumping engine(compared to sherco125), the tiniest bit of throttle and it was away! Handled great, clutch was a bit iffy, but did'nt take long to learn. One of my dreams has come true, the other would be to actually own one! I lurrrve those bikes. Many thanks to the guy who let me a have a go. don't think He is a web-goer though. Anyone got a spare they would like to give me? Pete.
  25. As often as possible, which is usually two events a month, boarding puts paid to most practise sessions, though in the hols maybe a few hours a week. Also in the summer have an eveing trial chamionship which means an extra 2 a month. Not half as much as i'd like, bu itl have to do! Pete.
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