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Earlier in this topic Andy mentions having received a cheque from Shirty to help meet the costs of running this site. Undoubtedly a nice touch from the Gas Gas importer and can only be a good thing from a business perspective.

I would be happy to pay a subscription to be able to access all of the information on this site, as it would help secure the interest of all trials riders and benefit the future of our sport. It will be interesting to see what others think.


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I would be happy to pay a subscription to be able to access all of the information on this site, as it would help secure the interest of all trials riders and benefit the future of our sport. It will be interesting to see what others think.


I agree and would be happy paying a monthly or annual subscription. You don't get 'owt for nowt in this world so why is TC 100% free?

Any comments Andy?

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I'm saddened that the magazine has stopped after such a short time. And I had a subscription (birthday present.......). Echoing Mark G's comments, anything dedicated to trials is worth a read..... it was early days for any unique and refined editorial style to emerge... and Sean's comments about it being additional workload on top of the day job (I'm sure most of us have experienced this in our day jobs) go some way to explain. I also didn't advertise... so maybe I didn't do my bit to help..... I'm sure we can all relate to getting as much out of our sport as we put in...

I would pay to subscribe to a 'web' magazine... if a magazine could be delivered by email in a pdf or similar, I could print it out and read it just as I did trialsworld.... then i'd be faced with the dilema's of do I buy colour ink for my printer,laser or inkjet, do i use photo paper for the great pictures... decisions, decisions.....


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I too would pay for TC but I wonder what would happen if it went that way. We are all good at saying we'd pay but if it happened I think the hard core would stay but that's all (the hard core already help out with TC funding when required BTW).

How would TC look with maybe under 100 subscriptions instead of the thousands of users now here. As Andy keeps saying 'we make the news' with a smaller readership where would that news come from?

Keep it free to use Andy with advertising helping out. It's the only way to grow the business. The spin off's such as merchandising and trials photos are the way to make money off this thing not subscription. TW couldn't do that until they has made a name for themselves.

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Its extremly hard to compete with the internet, as you can see the latest results etc within an hour of the release. It was a good idea TW, but eaach time you got it it was kind of the same. it was good to read the rider interview and like someone said eddy lejuene commenting on the riders was quite interesting.

perhaps an online version would work a lot better?

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Keep it free to use Andy with advertising helping out.

I believe theres a place for partial subscription on a site like this.

Take the site as it is and thats what you get free.

Add special content like rider profiles & interviews/tech updates from the suppliers/ tech forums with recognised bike engineers contributing and the like

e-mag once a month etc etc.... and this could be subscription. This could be for around 50p/week or so.


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TBM would be best served to leave prodution of any YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE alone for atleast 6-months. This would give a break from the bad news and to see how the market reacts. I don't agree that trials riders a tight! Dealers local to me can not sell second hand bikes because everyone is buying new - along with clothing and accessories. I agree with other comments, any thing trials related is worth reading, but i do not buy the TMX because it doesn't do enough on trials.

Subcription to TC YES!!! My suggestion is this: Only the World Rounds first of - experiment with the interest from TC members and then a year later include the British Championship in the subscripton if poss. All Centre and localised trials stay 'free'. After a month or so the a World/British report becomes free for All to read, but in a briefed version.

Like with any website (I know) it costs money and with Andy comments early, I too see my own site as a hobby. There needs to be a line drawn in the sand with any hobby and its cost - TC is standing on the line I suspect! And yes, i would subcribe to TC reports

Edited by spud
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I too would pay for TC but I wonder what would happen if it went that way. We are all good at saying we'd pay but if it happened I think the hard core would stay but that's all (the hard core already help out with TC funding when required BTW).

Blimey Big Foot, I had you down as an Aberdonian, are you feeling OK?

Rub down with an oily rag for you m'lad!!!

Big John (Not an Aberdonian, although accused of being so on many occasions!)

Just remember that this site is owned and run by an Aberdonian at no cost to you.

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It is sad to see Trialsworld fold, but I did feel that a bit of momentum was being lost in the last couple of editions. Our immediate desire for results, news & regs. is satisfied by Trials Central & TMX. which means TW had to offer something different, which to a point it did.

But face it, trials is a pretty small sport so after you've tested all of the bikes (& we are only interested in reading this for the 2-3 months of the year when new models are launched) then interviewed the 4 best riders in the world, 2 best in Britain, FIM President & Montesa team boss, where do you go? A profile of the 12th best rider in the world? It's not really going to get the juices flowing is it.

As a trials fan I am sad to see it go, but I know I wouldn't invest my money in launcing a YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE, so why should I expect anyone else to?

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credit where its due if anyone on here had produced a mag imbtween their normal job would it be half as good?


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