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marky boy

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Everything posted by marky boy
  1. Its probably just me Steve ( in this is NOT a brand is better than yours thing) but i found the Beta harder to move the rear end than my scorpa. Could be a few things ,and there was lots i liked about the beta especially the motor. Had a go on my friends 03 rev 3 and really liked it , but the rear end didnt seem as good as mine. Now im sure that this is probably due to what im used to and maybe a lot to do with my bar postition . Also the beta was spanking new , so maybe the suspension was a bit stiff?? I must admit , that after riding it though , i seriously thought about buying one , i was so close... Cant really comment on the gassers other than i had a go on a 300 pro , and it really was not for me. Mark Not really much help , but what i felt
  2. Nice Avatar Boofont , nice to see yer big chin!!
  3. Im with Steve and for Shaun. Give him a crack at it and a shot of exposure. He deserves it.
  4. Type slower young en , what did you mean??
  5. Be nice to have you back wonderpants , so we can enjoy online electric 6!! I am calm now
  6. Ok here goes , i only keep her hanging around , cos i know i can always pull , and she gives a good head...on yer pint !! Just dont ask if she sells bottles !!
  7. dohh!! In the words of Electric6 i thought that you were going to take me to a GAY BAR , GAY BAR
  8. Voted. .......again as in all the years Did any see the tv listings for grandstand a fortnight ago?? They were showing INDOOR ROWING !!!!!!!!!! I mean for Bl88dy hells sake , no but really !!
  9. Alan is probably right , use brand new and very fine beads at a low pressure. Vapour blasting can give an even smoother finish but i dont think that it will come up as bright. Also you could bead blast them , and then polish to a high gloss. Then run over them in the same direction every time with a scotchbrite pad ,this will give you that brushed alluminium look. mark
  10. And there was me with me 1500cc chop I have never been a fan of these so called green laners. I know more than i care to mention and all compete in varous moto-sports. Even some do enduros and these are the same lads that want to do events in Dalby forest , Langdale etc but their events are been cancelled and banned because they have been turning up on their full race machines on trailers , as you say and tear-arsing aroung the woods etc. I hear that they are considering trying to operate a policy of the lads that they catch , they will send their bikes to the crusher!! If we keep losing venues to em then i suggest putting in the riders along with them!! The majority are the ones who arent any good in competion so a*** about and then go back to the pub to discuss how fats they were
  11. Stripped em down Al , as i did the hubs a different colour , you could mask them off but it would take you longer to mask and then remove(which can be a b****d when ovened ) than it would to strip and then rebuild your rim. The last time i did mine i removed all the nipples and the pulled the hub complete with spokes still in place out. Coated the rim and then CAREFULLY re-inserted the whole lot back into postion. This is awkward but caves on time rebuilding. Mark
  12. Is this a thinly vailed threat about the 4strokes ??
  13. marky boy

    dont like em!

    Well as long as the scorpa 4 banger comes out next year then that is me , i will stay faithfull and have one of the 1st. My sy was one of the 1st batch of 50 and has served me well. If they dont come up with the goods then i might have to move to honda. I am in the market for a new bike next year , so get yer act together lads and you will get my money!!!
  14. I use a canon A20 , had it about 3 years now and it serves me well for my works pics and even trials shots. I am very poor with a camera but this one works for me every time. Was
  15. Maybe not that high profile , but i have to say that MRS do have quite a lot of riders!! And good ones at that. Although thay havent signed up young Thomas Hick yet , which i think that they should!!
  16. marky boy


    HEY!! it is missing the French white flag!!!!!!
  17. It looks like the guilty / embarressed fiary hsa bine and delleteed hisss posted !!!
  18. I am not trying or going to knock Sam , or whichever bike he ends up on but do you think he is trying to find something , which is not there?? He just seems to have swapped about on bikes a bit recently , and i just wondered if he is getting lulled into the clubman way of watching a bike/ rider and then feeling as though he needs to try that machine?? Any ideas?
  19. It just gets better and better , he has you on the ropes here Dabster!!
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