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Everything posted by pindie
  1. If it works well and your first bike do not panic! Just enjoy it. From the photos it looks fairly tidy to me. Just make sure you use good quality two stroke oil in the petrol and light gear oil or ATF in the gearbox (change GBox after about 20 hours riding or now if you don't know when last done). You can learn the basics on this bike then still sell on when you're ready to change. An older good condition bike can be better than a newer worn out bike. Welcome to the trials world!
  2. Coming from enduro bike you may find trials bikes weak and problematic in comparison. I did! I would try oil changes first and foremost. Try three of basic light gear oil then the fourth put in decent stuff. Change after every couple of hours (3 times) to flush and clean the clutch out. Change when warn. Only put 450-500 ml in as well. The carb will need a good soak of carb cleaner to lift any old fuel varnish as it has been left so long. This then needs a really through blast with compressed aire to get it out. Hopefully a dose of fresh fuel and it will be fine? Once running be good with your maintenance and you will get years of use and fun!
  3. I agree on flooding. You can turn the fuel off before you pick it up. By the time you have it upright it should behave. If not you need to do 2T4Ts method.
  4. Any "extra" air from a pin sized hole or split in the induction or exhaust system can give you issues. On induction it will cock up fuel ratios etc and on the exhaust side of things it allow more oxygen into the pipe which then allows unburnt fuel to ignite in the pipe which gives back fire etc. Ride at night for full effect! I try Benbetas suggestion of check oeverything is clean and ok. Make sure all is sealed against possible air leaks properly. The carb sounds like water or dirt to me as the cough happens when going from the pilot fuel circuit to the next circuit in the line. There is a recent post on here exactly what a carb is doing and when. 4Ts are more susceptible to issues stemming from manhandling the bike by holding the exhaust pipe etc. Time for a thorough clean, check and re seal. If you have issues after that you can fault find more effectively.
  5. Did you use new gaskets and sealant on all the joints? If not you may have an air leak. Doe sit pop and bang on over run?
  6. I think a lot of it is down to how the club is run, the characters you meet and the land the club can use to run events. The latter is tricky and land owners are easily upset. Trials is also not the biggest sport. Too many clubs in a niche market means you'll struggle but never give up. Try not to get upset if the entries are low and do not be afraid to ask people why they don't come. With answers to problems you will find solutions. Has you club got a web site? I'm not a twitter man or Facebooker but this may help entice younger riders which use this type of media? This is the 21st century afterall.
  7. I love the washer idea! I reckon your in te right ball park though. Caliper pistons don't have O rings but I think that is what copemech means (the piston seals are normally a lipped one). You may have a tiny bit of wear in several components which all added together are creating the issue. Hopefully your washer trick may help? I know my bike much prefers new pads. Soon as they get down to 50% things are not quite as nice. It is not much better than your washer idea but at it would not fall out if you = Get some thin tin and draw around your pad as a stencil, cut it out, drill holes and trim to fit and fit between the pad and piston but you will have a retaining pin hole so they won't dissapear? You could also just get some new pads and try that? Keep the part worns as emergency spares?
  8. Try dropping the fluid level to halfway in the MC. Check you have freeplay at the lever where it meets the plunger for the MC. Oil the lever pivot. It amazes me how often this can get forgotten and it makes things feel better especially when chasing problems. Dab a tad of coppaslip on the pad retaining pins so the pads can rattle back and forth better as well. Just don't get any type of lube on the disc or pad material! Does it drag from cold or once you move and it gets hot?
  9. I have a mate with a seriously tired 1999 GG TXT 270. It rattles, bangs and clangs everywhere but it still gets there. It looks a shed but it's nothing that slowly but surely updating worn components can't fix. The biggest thing make sure it now recieves the coreect maintenance. If your riding sportsman it will be adequate for years to come.
  10. The worst that could happen is it goes flat on you. I'd find the biggest overlapping patch I could and stick it on the inside. If you were really wooried you could pop a tube in as well. If it goes then you may as well get a new tyre.
  11. That's good then. I have no idea where I got it from but when I saw the post it made me remember it. Seems daft being concerned about wear when you generally have a chain covered in mud, sand and grit!
  12. pindie

    Milky Gearbox Oil.

    I'd agree. It's worth a few changes of cheap oil first as you may be surprised. The old oil could have been in there for ages and even if not a load of short runs still create condensation in the gearbox which can turn the oil milky.
  13. I can't remember where I got this from but I heard " you should never have an odd number front and odd number rear sprocket or both ends even numbered. They need to be odd and even on the same bike. You need to have an odd front and even rear or vice versa. This helps how the chain meshes with the sprockets". I have no idea where it's from or if it is true. Could be worth a Google though?
  14. Where are you based Steve? Someone might be able to pop by if they know where you are? It could be something as daft as a sticking float which is flooding it.
  15. Doh It may even depend on the type of event. Like Pete says, the Colmore Cup is complex and late entries would make a mess of it if it was solely run on waiting for that last man to arrive but his own club trials are enter on the day. It is horses for courses. I fully agree that a small club which is run more like a group of mates can just turn up and pay to ride if that covers the fees of the landowner. Complex events? maybe not for many reasons as Pete says. However, there is a lot of middle ground between the two and both methods could be used to enter if done well. Pay up front to get bums on seats and covers costs and late entries create extra money. Even the up front could be done on line or use paper it does not matter if the club can run the event and pay the bills. I am guessing the general opinion is no late entries? If so then why not say so and aim to get all clubs saying the same. We have Pete saying it can not happen on a complex trial but is fine at local level. Thats fine but why get so upset? What he is saying is double standards. Pick one method and stick with and don't ask for others to chip in. If you run a club you make your own reasons for payments. Breagh has the right idea I think which is why I am happy to carry on with the Trials Park idea. The trials park is not a club trial or complex trial and will have bicycle routes as well as motorcycle routes. There are no late entries or cancellations due to no one turning up it will just be open when the web site says it is. What it will be though is a site where you can see if your free that day to ride, book, turn up and ride all day if you want. Job done. If you want a score card then ask at the kiosk. I'll leave it to Pete to solve as he has both ends of running a club covered by having two different approaches.
  16. Its the gearing that makes trial machines naff trail bikes. If you think trail exploration and off piste riding like in the video there is no finer machine.
  17. Easy there tiger. No need for your handbag waving! I did say that both methods should be available to cater for the prepared people but late entries should be allowed but not become an extra paperwork hassle on the day as organisers have much better things to be getting on with (that don't involve computers). I take it you won't be popping down from Evesham to use the South Wales trials park when it opens? It will be online payment and registration prior to arrival to save having loads of paperwork to sort through. Nothings easy which is why not many people do things but if it were not for a computer you would not be posting on here? It is just a tool to help you process lots of information so don't knock it. You can use it how you want or get a note pad and pen it is up to you and the club if you use it to help or not.
  18. Fair comment. In that case yes but under certain conditions which would be to the late entries cost and lack of info should the meeting be cancelled. Club secretary has final say I suppose.
  19. You will love marshalling enduros on a trials bike. Ride all day for free helping others have a good days sport. No moaning just good sport.
  20. I take all the points but I do think you have to pay the club so it remains solvent. If a rider fails to show that is there problem. Any business (which a trials club is in theory) needs the money coming in for cash flow. Without it your dead. A mix of methods for entry will always be the way ahead but I do think late entries should be allowed under strict methods and you should pay more if for one reason or another you can not comit prior to the event? I'd be happy to pay 30% extra for a late entry. I am also happy to be there before it starts to help where I can and I am also happy to tidy the course afterwards which I often do. The sport element is exactly that but it is also a hobby and people should embrace it all. Has any club ever offered a scheme where if you observe one trial you can get a discount on your next entry? I still think the answer to club survival and land owner payments is getting the money in the first place - this is where tighter control is required. Observing is also not the most exciting day out and I totally respect the observers and organisers time and efforts. They should be rewarded but only if this can be done without harming the club financially. If you had 15 observers getting a discount for the next event the short fall could be easily made up by the extra monies the late entries pay. The club may even end up better off as they will not only have more observers they will be getting more money. It won't work for everyone I am sure but you only have to look at any event where you need up front payments and it can be done. I for one am not a fan of the rider who has entered way in advance with a paper entry and paid but then turns up late on the day and holds the whole show up as he was in bed drunk. How is that fair on any organiser when the organiser was probably setting up the course while the late rider was opening his first drink? All I am saying is technology should be embraced but do not forget the essential principles of respect to club officials, observers and riders. Everyone needs to work together and as trials has an age range of very young to very senior I think various options should be available. Closing dates are closing dates and should be rigid to allow processing of paper entries but do not exclude people who are happy to pay more (which helps the club) if a way can be set up which does not cause hassle to organisers when were waiting for the drunk rider to turn up. IT allows this and clubs do have web sites so why not use it? My own business has mobile swipe card machines so customers can pay anywhere in the UK as the work is done. The difference to cash flow and how you can operate is night and day by using this technology. Its basic business principles - a trials club has to operate as a business. Just a thought.
  21. I've ridden the Dawn to Dusk and the Beach race on trials bikes. You won't come last be they are not the right tool for the job. Trials and MX./enduro are very different disciplines. The nice bit on a trials is your slow on the fast bits taking a breather and then slow but much quicker than a stuck MXer or enduro rider in the nasty bits. Pick your events and enduros can be a right laugh on a trials bike. Tight Welsh forests are a sinch on a trials bike!
  22. They need a way of being able to register on line and do away with signing on after a set amount riders have paid so the event can run financially. You could pay and complete all the info on the way to a trial using your phone. Just charge extra? I can see why they don't want loads of guys tunring up late with a fist full of cash, queing and getting in a huff because the event is starting but if it was all done before who cares. If your late = no ride or get a points penalty to start with. They should be strict on start times not entries. I was told I could not enter a trial without sending in an entry. I emailed the organiser I would not know till the night before if I could ride but they insisted on posting a paper form and cheque beforehand. Needless to say I was able to go but in the end could not due to no entry. That cost that club A. my money and B. the likelihood I'll be back for another event. Another club I use is so on the money with "modern ways" they email everything (but can pay on the day) and you get the results that night at home with a beer. It's time for uniformity and every club should have a web site where you can enter and pay in the 21st century. In return you get given a unique reference number (to your entry of as many riders you wish) that you either print and take with you or show them the email reply with it displyed on your phone as proof of entry and payment. We must have IT bods on here who can do a template and be bathed in glory as being the one who modernised event running? Come on you know who you are......
  23. You can get CDi s tested but I don't know where.
  24. Aye. I bet it slides across jamming the floats.
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