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Everything posted by dabber
  1. dabber


    The very reliable thing helps tham keep their value. I got
  2. dabber


    Rode my TYZ absolutly stock from when I got it brand new. Had it six years with zero problems. With hinsight I think I would have softened the power slightly. It was one with the expansion box on the exhaust.
  3. dabber

    Grant Cup

    Got my results - the less said about that the better.
  4. dabber

    Grant Cup

    Still knackered this morning. Stiff and swollen all over. Anyway great trial but the streams were mega slippy riding at the front on the first lap. memo to self: (and Big Chick) enter early.
  5. Cockshut??? Leaking Tap???? Blimey what sort of place is it!
  6. No more pics knocking about apart from Ian's??
  7. Answering Ian's question first - from my experience changing from a '97 TYZ to an '04 200 Sherco I do think that most of the difference happened between 96 and 00. I know that the Z was at the end of it's development and gassers etc were lighter and much less bulky by then. I came from a 250 mono Yam onto the Z and I doubt whether the Z improved my riding or more importantly my enjoyment of riding. The change from the Z to the Sherco has definately done both. I doubt whether the Sherco will last anything like as well as either Yam though! On Ishy's point I agree that Raga will probably have the better bike (for world rounds), but I also think that this has been the case for the last couple of years. Wasn't the Pro basically built around Raga with Colomer's help while the existing Mont was built for Colomer and subsequently developed big style? At world level the difference between clean and 5 must be tiny (either you are up the step or not) - does riding an "older" bike sow that 0.5% of doubt in your mind and hold you back? Maybe with Doug this year but not Fuji. How many times has Doug won trials on tie breakers in the past where this year he's lost out to them. Maybe he'll see out his Mont contract for next year then go all out for an 8th win on what he perceives to be the best bike rather than who pays best.
  8. Now you be careful Mr Andy.........
  9. dabber

    New Majesty Bvm

    Alloy rims would make all the differebce to it's looks?
  10. Where was Sam at the Andorra round? Shaun seems to be making himself a permanent feature in the top 15 - good effort. (BTW I beat him once in a trial at Back Cowm. He was riding the same course too! I was about 25 he was about 7 )
  11. MY brother is bigger than YOUR brother. Oh, and His coolbox is bigger than Your coolbox.
  12. Bolton MC site now on line with dates etc. Bolton MC
  13. Diesel - put some in a drain tray, take your chain off, leave to soak then wire brush it.
  14. dabber

    Tc Trial

    Eating Frosties was't top priority. ?
  15. ....and look where he rides his bike!!
  16. dabber

    Tc Trial

    Bigfoot - I'm sure that little mark on your tank will buff out? Just spoken to big chick who is in his car going on hols - he's mortified that kinell beat him and chuffed to bits that he beat boof. I thought it was a great trial, well laid out, but god knows what it would have been like in the wet. Good to meet up with you chaps too. (Greg did I mention that I was banned from driving)?
  17. Was at the Motor Show yesterday. Dan Clarke was on as part of the live show - he did basic stuff in terms of Trials trick stuff, but the crowd seem to appreciate it. Wheelies, stoppies, flick turns etc. I think it was 6 quid for the live show. 45 mins of action, obviously mainly cars. Highlight was a chap putting a Honda 2000 soft top into a tight doughnut, casually climbing out of it whilst it was still spinning, then walking back and getting back in and driving off.
  18. Sunt - he said UNreliable> Is that what you meant??
  19. dabber

    Team Woftam 2004

    Kinell, bloody well done for bashing on as far as you did. Is that your training for the Scott completed??
  20. dabber

    Team Woftam 2004

    Kinell, what happened? Not seen a reson why you retired??
  21. Changed from a 6 year old TYZ to a 200 sherco. I doubt the Sherc will last 6 years total, but bloody hell it's great to ride. Pleeeeeenty of power for lttle ole me!
  22. dabber

    Hey Dabber!

    Probably easier to give me a call then.
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