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Everything posted by atomant
  1. Great example of what I am talking about - Toni Bou at the Nou Camp !! If there is a place that would get a lot of views then surely it's here... but the video has just 27,000 views.. .. but why?... why doesn't the awesome skills of Toni Bou excite people?
  2. Most of you must have seen the new video by Danny MacAskill - The Ridge - so in just a week, it has over 11 Million views on YouTube and rising fast. Yet I have looked around YouTube and cannot find even 1 video of either Toni or Dougie that has made even a million views ... Dougie Lampkin - Dougie Does Red Bull Racing 786,000 views is the largest one I could find.. and its 1 years old - Professionally done and connected with F1.. Toni Bou - The Best of Toni Bou 2007 - 986,000 views and that's been up since 2008 So why is this I wonder? I have my views but it would be great to have an open discussion about it .... Disclaimer : I didn't look too hard on YouTube and there may be others which have more views but the ones above make my point.
  3. My first view of one was in the late 70's in Whitehill Hampshire where I lived when my neighbour and his brother ( Dave Hunt & Rob Hunt) who both had them, rode them in the trial at Slab Common near Bordon. It was about the time just before Dave Clinkard was on the up if I remember correctly. Then Daves son Gary Hunt started riding and was doing well but he had Fantics. I had an Armstrong 320 as my first proper bike ( after a BSA Bantam ) but trashed it in a water section when it sucked in water and bent the crank. Couldn't afford to repair it -- Those were the days The club was the Alton & District MCC
  4. Interesting - I know one of the features of downhill cycles is the variety of suspension arrangements there are. Could this be the radical thing you suggest I wonder? Also, I am excited to see what the engine design looks like and what 'radical' features they have incorporated. The overall Geometry of a trials bike is so well proven, I wouldn't expect to see anything that moves too far away from the standards that are in place. Maybe a re-distribution of weight could be a factor.. Can't wait to see it to be honest
  5. http://britishbikersassociation.org/blog/entry/scots-biker-in-insurance-hell-after-legal-loophole-forces-him-to-pay-thousands-for-death-crash-on-his-old-bike
  6. Dear Trials Central Friends, I'm holding a charity concert for my trialscentral friends who cant reach orgasm, If you cant come, let me know
  7. Police have just released details of a new drug craze that is being carried out in Yorkshire nightclubs. Apparently, Yorkshire club goers have started injecting Ecstasy just above their front teeth. Police say the dangerous practice is called "e by gum"
  8. Yes what he was doing was technically illegal, but there are loads of people on Ebay doing something similar and a 14 month sentence for selling copy products is harsh. There are so many examples of this but here is one I just found , A guy is 6 times over the limit for drink driving and walks free from court with a ban and a fine. The thing is, because this offence involves a potential loss of money to a large company, the legal system puts more weight behind it.... because the REAL crows (the big companies) are stealing greedy *******s Here is another one more relevant ! http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/local/northyorkshire/11393470.Woman_who_banked_thousands_from_handbag_parties_sold_counterfeit_goods/
  9. I gotta say that the sentence was very harsh for effectively selling products that the people buying them know are not genuine ( because of the price)! .... and who has suffered exactly? The BIG companies may be down a fraction of a percent on their revenue and the shareholders will be very unhappy ! and this warrants a 14 month sentence ? This world has it all wrong. It values money before other things it should value a lot more!
  10. atomant


    'I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left'. Margaret Thatcher
  11. nice photoshop work on the shadows and contours of the panels
  12. So, I was tickling my little brothers feet when mum wakes up and starts giving me a right earful... Something about . " Waiting until he is born"
  13. Pat Smage didn't have the desire to become world champion ! . He is happy living life doing his displays and enjoying himself
  14. I totally disagree on both points. Non-stop rules have been successfully applied for many many years and what we are seeing today is modern riders having to 'adapt' to these rules and change their style of riding. If they are aware that a stop is a 5 then it will drive them to ensure they don't stop. Simples ! Observing just needs to be consistent, Thats all anyone here seems to want ! Exactly my comments earlier, its the implementation of the rules that is the problem. Don't blame the observers !
  15. What do you mean 'professional' exactly? Are you saying that an average observer isn't capable of knowing the difference between a bike that has stopped moving forward and one that hasn't? If I am observing and the CoC wants me to give anyone who stops a 5 thats what they get. Whether its 1 second or 10 seconds. My point is, if the observers are asked to observe in a particular way, and they do that. the trial is consistent for everyone is it not?
  16. Ianw, This just shows that Toni Bou has evolved his riding to adapt to the new(old) rules and as always, is way ahead of his peers at it. I for one prefer to see him ride in the no-stop fashion displaying his awesome talent on the move than I do seeing him balance for 20 seconds whilst he thinks about going up a huge step. Its exactly how I envisaged no-stop going and I believe it can take trials to a whole new level, simply because it is more dynamic, more natural. For me, a bike flowing through a section with style is a joy to the eye ( that's why I am a big Ross Danby fan because his smooth style of riding is beautiful to watch) Like I said, its the implementation of the rules that is the problem. You mention 'interpretation' regarding the observers view of the rules so therefore, if observers have differing views on how the rules should be applied, then its how they have been taught how to apply the rules which is a potential cause of the problem is it not?
  17. So basically, its not the rules that are at fault, it's the implementation of them that is ? But saying that, there is one thing in trials that could fix it all ! and that is Honesty ! ( ha ha will never happen ) How many riders drop a mark or two and love it that the observer didn't spot it? Do they ever say , sorry, I took a dab there so its not a clean ? (I accept there will be a few people who will do this but its not the majority and if you ever go to the WTC, some riders will swear on their mothers lives that they never dropped a mark knowing they did) So we have most people kicking off when they get penalised for a 5 when they think they shouldn't, but they don't mention it if the observer misses a dropped mark or two - hypocrisy or what ?
  18. I would argue that non-stop has made absolutely no difference to the attendance rate to trials. The thing that does make a difference is section severity. When you see clubmen riding the beginners route, then you know something is wrong
  19. Strangely I don't think the sport being promoted makes much difference at all. In fact, I think the WTC, the window to the world of top level trials, has a detrimental effect due to the costs of competing in it with the financial drain it has on the machine manufacturers and sponsors. The money could be better spent elsewhere.. and that's another debate I think this is more likely to be the issue. You mentioned that there were a lot of manufacturers in a relatively small market and therein lies the problem. People complain about the cost of a trials bike and yet there isn't that much money in it for the manufacturers, if you take into account what it takes to design, develop and manufacture a trials bike. This is the field I work in ( albeit not motorbikes) and the costs are very high these days even with overseas manufacture. The thing is, just building a good trials bike isn't enough. The business model of the company producing it also needs to be innovative to ensure its longevity through financial success. Sounds pretty obvious but sadly often overlooked And that leads me onto to one final thing. The Spanish are passionate about trials and therefore over the years I would suggest that some Spanish money has gone into it with the heart and not the head.. often a recipe for financial ruin.
  20. atomant

    Engine Debut

    In what way do you think it will be different ? Or what way would you like it to be different? Ossa went for a different configuration but the fundamentals are all the same of course.
  21. Its amazing what riders attempt to go up with no fear ! yet a 4 ft drop gets them crapping their pants ! Funny ol' world of trials
  22. Elton John on the Piano too - Marc Bolan was just awesome
  23. "G'Day Mate, Aussie Helpline here... What's the problem , Cobber ..? " " I'm in Darwin with my Sheila and she's been stung on the minge by a wasp ... and now her pussy has closed completely up" "Jeez.. Bummer mate ..!" "Thanks mate, I hadn't thought of that ... Bye "
  24. Kulula Airways -- Real things said on board ... "In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child travelling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are travelling with more than one child, pick your favourite" An airline pilot wrote that on this particular flight, he had hammered his ship into the runway really hard. The airline had a policy which required the first officer to stand at the door while the passengers exited, smile and give them a " Thanks for flying our airline" He said that in light of his bad landing, he had a hard time looking at the passengers in the eye thinking that someone would have a smart comment. Finally everyone had gotten off except this little old lady walking with a cane. She said, " Sir, do you mind if I ask a question?" "No Ma'am" said the pilot, "What is it?" She said , " Did we land or were we shot down !"
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