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Everything posted by faussy
  1. Tidying up a tank on the outside is relatively easy, but its virtually impossible to get the inside in decent shape. With that tank you would be finding tiny particles of rust in your carb float bowl for the next 40 years
  2. Impossible to judge from those pics. Its the inside that needs to be seen, and the fact he doesnt show any is probably all we need to know
  3. It sure is. The UK is the privatisation capital of the world, sure even Wembley is going to be sold off to an american
  4. You should enter the world round! With all that wishful thinking you would win!!
  5. In a weird way i kinda think brexit is relevant. British people are more money driven than our european counterparts, a big red bus swayed brexit afterall. The europeans would be prepared to run an event for little to no profit, as long as it was a great show. Here, the money making ability is first on the list, mostly to the detriment of the sport
  6. faussy

    Mini Vandal

    They dont have a clutch, nor a gearbox nor a normal rear footbrake (judging by the pictures anyway). They look auto to me, and the last auto gasgas's were garbage
  7. faussy

    Mini Vandal

    I question the philosophy behind these bikes. Electric bikes have captured the junior market and the world of motorsport is only going in one direction. Why on earth would you put a kid on one of these when theres at least a 50% likelihood in 20 years time Trial E will be the dominant class. Also, will they introduce a non electric youth class for these? I doubt they would stand a chance against the current electric models.
  8. Lower ground clearance...lower centre of gravity? Spin it a way that doesnt bug you anymore
  9. Did you tighten the grub screws? Especially the one we cant see opposing the one closest to your bumper? You might need to loosen the one closest to your bumper and then tighten the opposing one. That should correct the backward lean. If these are tight, it shouldnt rock back and forth
  10. The amount of times ive tried starting a bike, and then successfully started and wondered what the muted sound was...... Exhaust bung left in after the wash
  11. faussy


    This bit seems to hint that the main bearings are exchangeable from the outside without splitting the casings. Major no no IMO The rest.... pass
  12. Ouch, i feel bad for the motor just ticking over, i dread to think what it sounds like when you rev it
  13. faussy


    Take your plug out, try it again and then you can eliminate to a certain degree whether its compression related or friction related
  14. BMW tried that when they introduced their new enduro 10 years ago. It didnt catch on Oset have their motor mounted on the swingarm which removes this problem altogether. It introduces a complete new one though
  15. Every bike has a strong point, and every bike has a weak point. One its weight, the other its ignitions, the other is its clutch. It all comes down to personal preference The two brands you are comparing ride rather different. The steep steering of the beta is hated by some because of its twitchyness, yet loved by others who cant necessarily hop and it allows them to get round tight corners. Its not about choosing the best bike, its choosing the best bike for you. You will hear this repeated by virtually everyone
  16. IMO stickers applied wet never stick quite as well, so its a trade off, well stuck but a little wonky, or straight but may start to peel off a little sooner. If i was forced to do a wet appication id only use water, no soap. They dont slide around as easy, but they are still moveable. Its the soap that causes adhesion problems. If you want to use soap, a drop, literally Id stay away from window cleaner, a lot now contain additives like silicone to decrease the streaks. As feetupfun say, thats probably why the cheaper brands are better, but i dont know if its worth the risk
  17. I have a feeling youre trolling The OP suggested the club should provide a first aid kit, IMO reasonable The OP suggested that if a first aid trained person is in attendance they should make themselves known, IMO reasonable You're interpolating way too much
  18. Did you actually read the OP? A first aid kit is £10 and cuts and burns at trials while rare are very much possible. Not once did the OP even hint at an ambulance. Sure as you say, phoning 999 is a lot easier than having a first aid kit in someones boot. Step up if needed yes, but if someone was to collapse at a section how would you know who the first aid or medically trained person is?!!!
  19. The moment an electric bike cleans a section that a combustion engine bike cant. Possibly sooner rather than later Torrot buying gasgas is a sign of the times.
  20. Anyone remember gasgas's one finger salute to honda when being forced to develop a 4 stroke? Briggs and stratton would have been proud
  21. Then we will have to agree to disagree Its a lot easier to expand on an idea than to be the originator. I doubt even CZ were the first
  22. No, CZ had two separate ignitions that fired at different times, i.e. independently. Yes, the honda has the ability to vary the timing between the two sparks, but hardly cutting edge when as i said CZ were doing this in the 60s
  23. The only thing id be worried about is your knee catching the stickers and them slowly starting to peel off, but i have a tank done similar to your with no lacquer and the stickers have been good for the last 10 years
  24. Come on, twin spark is as old as the hills!!!! CZ were doing that in the 60s PS, if it is indeed lead, lead is rather hard to fashion into a respectable shape. I think it looks rather well
  25. Cabestany used to run the ajp caliper on his sherco too. I really thought i noticed an improvement with the braktec caliper, but i suppose it could have been a better disc. From what i can remember the ajps had a rather large pad surface area. Could be the reason
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