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Everything posted by faussy
  1. Ditto with the Repsol montesa gear, in which case I definitely believe they attract that type of owner!!! I think its just the easiest replica gear to get, the other bike manufacturers don't really do bike specific riding gear or else its harder to obtain. I do find it a little frustrating when certain WTC riders don a set of riding gear that the public cant buy (currently applies to busto and Fajardo) I find the popular return to two piece riding gear in the last 10 years or so a welcome relief and theres definitely an improvement in the availability of stylish but muted trials gear! Other than raga I don't think anyone else sports a one piece when in the 90s early 00s they were all the rage Another point may be that I think the TRS is the only easily available one piece suit (I stand to be corrected though)
  2. What does that prove? My mistake, I guess it proves this
  3. Moto Guzzi were on to this in the 1920s Why dont you just get a beta 80, install a 10kg flywheel weight on it, wait your 1.5 seconds with the clutch in while its accelerated to speed, drop the clutch in front of your biggest hill, and then let us know how much more torque it has than my 300 gg
  4. For those of you not on FB, Bou has confirmed himself that he will be at Sheffield
  5. Ah right ok, I thought he may have dropped back down since he's been away for so long
  6. Does anyone know what class Arnau is riding? If it's trial2 then there's another rider thrown into the mix. It may be more entertaining than trialgp next year
  7. There was definitely something hitting the head. Id want to split the crank to see the total damage before ordering anything. No offence, but judging by your knowledge i dont think you have much hope repairing this correctly on your own. I understand your will to want to repair this yourself, but spltting crankcases and rebuilding a crank is definitely for experienced people.
  8. If youre 100% set on gaernes, the oiled are more comfortable straight from the box, the std take a while to bed in (not long mind you), but once bed in theres not much to choose. Waterproofness is the same, since they end up leaking via the stitching and the liner behind the shin guard, which is irrespective of boot material. The std scuff after a few months and if you are the fussy type can start to look rather scuffy. The black should be easy to touch up with polish. The oiled stay better looking for longer. At the end of the day it all comes down to whether you want a brown pair or a black pair. If you ride a lot of rivers, all boots will lose some rigidity as they absorb the water, but the gaerne oiled seem to do this more so than others as they are already more flexible that other boots straight from the off. If you value your toes while riding rivers id stay away from them. PS theres also new goretex models that are even more expensive than the oiled if you didnt already know.
  9. As good a pic as i can find on the net of what im pretty sure is an 04
  10. You are 100000% missing the rubber, regardless of what the manual says. Fit one from a year you can find, or make something up, job done. From what i can remember they are only fixed with the sump plate bolt, the rest just curves around the frame and is unfixed at the other end
  11. Touching the frame means its way too loose or also too tight, yet judging by the chain tensioner it seems correct This could be ok, as it sounds like you are missing a piece of rubber on the frame which it runs on
  12. It is yes, a little too much oil and it may run a big smokey but will be kinder to your engine. Too little and it could cost you lots of bucks! Ive ridden bikes at leaner mixes and never noticed them to feel 'cleaner'. If your bike is 2006 id want to err on the side of a little too much. It will help with compression too
  13. faussy

    2019 gearing?

    Remember when the raga reps used to come with a different sized rear with the manual for you to try? I could be wrong but i think std was 41 and the spare was 42. Or the other way round
  14. Back in the day when purple gaernes were the rage (same as oiled), grimbo used to wear the blue because he thought they gave more protection. Id agree, but its marginal. They are the comfiest/least supportive boot around
  15. Been using motul 710 at 60:1 for the last dozen years, no problems
  16. faussy

    2019 gearing?

    I hear ya, it is noticeably higher, but i also feel 1st on betas is virtually unusable. I guess it isnt dry enough where i am . Its horses for courses. I would feel 3rd too compromised if i lowered it any.
  17. faussy

    2019 gearing?

    What gear are you trying to improve by going to 10/42? Curious as to what terrain would require a lower 1st...
  18. Youre my kinda guy! I find trials riders to be some of the laziest regarding maintenance, then again the sport maybe doesnt require as much as mx or circuit racing, but it doesnt hurt to be on top of things. I salute you
  19. Theres definitely something wrong if the first 2 guys in trial2 dont go up. Maybe trials as a sport is just too small and can only support half a dozen guys (money wise) in the premier class and anyone outside the top 8 has no incentive to be there. Theres probably more prize money to win trial2 than finish 10th in GP, and if thats the case its kinda sad.
  20. If youre good enough to move up, you should move up. For the good of you as a rider, and for the sport
  21. Try telling the need for GP2 to Max Verstappen. I disagree, when theres as little as 15 in the premier class at a WTC its a bad thing. People complained about Grattarola coming down to win Trial2. Now hes stayed down, and so has Toby. Get your asses up to the premier class, a class that needs you and give someone else a chance. Its the same problem we see at local club level at world level. A post the other day complained about expert riders hogging the club route. Same crap, different level. It used to be at club level or most other sports the winner or even the top 3 had/has to move up. Now the winner, and the guy who was a hairs bredth from winning wont move up. The problem with trials right there in a nutshell. Move on, let the people behind you have a chance.
  22. Ive managed to have a big end needle roller escape the engine via the exhaust (doing some damage to the piston and head on its way out). Granted the cage had failed, but it didnt stop me looking for it for a long time before i gave up
  23. Dan Peace has moved up, and without showing any disrespect to Dan i imagine Toby at the moment would garner more sponsorship attention than Dan. Its most likely sponsor driven, but sometimes you gotta just go for it, you cant always follow the money! The guys IMO the best talent since Toni (well busto was pretty special at that age too i suppose), and you gotta keep progressing. He basically won it last year, whats staying down another year really going to achieve other than saying you were Trial2 world champion. In the grand scheme is means nothing! Considering the costs for doing a year of trial2 and trialGP are largely the same you would think the sponsor would rather have the odd top 10 finish in trialGP than to win the second class. Oh well
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