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Everything posted by faussy
  1. Just seen Toby is staying in Trial2 for another year. Such a waste of a talent, if he was Spanish he would be straight into TrialGP. Sorry, but i can only see this as glory hunting. A year wasted. Could you imagine telling Dougie back in the day he had to sit out the premier class for another year?
  2. They rode scooters in the ssdt back in the 50s
  3. Could be in here https://www.ssdt.org/2018-ssdt/2018-ssdt-news/272-2018-ssdt-supplementary-regs-now-available http://www.richmondmotorclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Scott-Trial-Final-instructions-2018.pdf Id say any trials bike as long as its fitted with a legal tyre. Why you asking? Want to ride an enduro bike? lol EDIT So the entry mentions tsr8 See this link https://www.acu.org.uk/Uploaded/1/Documents/2014 Handbook/2014Trials.pdf page 6/205
  4. Dont do it, they look awful, especially around the airbox region .....That mitani guard though looks rather good
  5. Trials isn't necessarily harder these days but for similar hardness on better bikes the sections are more dangerous. Some clubmen may be capable to ride a harder grade but they aren't prepared to ride sections that are more likely to end in injury. Semi expert today probably has the same size if not bigger rocks as expert did back in the 70s But I agree, it's a race to the bottom, in my club the bottom grades have the biggest entries
  6. To carry on from Micm's suggestion, maybe we should leave the word the same but start pronouncing it the way the spanish do, Tree-al as opposed to trial. Sounds more sophisticated, more continental
  7. Thats nearly as bad as saying "because more people play football in america than england, it should be called soccer instead" Dont forget your history son
  8. Ive used 710 on my 300ggs for the last 8 years at 60:1 no issues. I use motul transoil (10W30) in the gearbox, albeit on the heavy side it can cause slightly extra clutch drag.
  9. Sometimes i think even the regular trials riders need reminding that its called a trial for a reason. The current breed of trials rider somehow think every trial should be won on clean!
  10. Gear oil is so cheap and easy to change i dont think theres any real reason not to change it as regularly as you can be bothered. When i can remember i usually aim to change around 20 hours
  11. Try a spark plug, think standard plug threads are 14x1.25 or 12x1.25, so seeing a 12x1.5 is close but not right, good guess its 12x1.25
  12. typing furiously as i respond to your posts is making me look as busy as ive ever been
  13. Last time i checked reading in the back seat of cars didnt cause an excess of static build up Seems it was already debunked many years ago https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/721219/Flying-doctor-Motion-sickness.html "Most "cures" for motion sickness are useless. There is no point, for example, in fitting conductive strips to cars to discharge static electricity. Even if static contributed to motion sickness, any static charge on a car would be on the surface, not the interior."
  14. Thats the difference then, i teach science for a living.
  15. The spring isnt a free component, it is bound at the top and bottom. It is attached or in contact with the top of the yoke so to speak. Unless your suspension has an inch gap between the top of the spring and the fork cap, but every front suspension that i have is in a state of preload so the spring is always in contact with the cap. If you use your example of a bike on a stand with the wheels off the ground, the top of the spring does not moves down Its well known that in a conventional shock suspension setup the line between unsprung and sprung lies roughly halfway along the spring
  16. It also raises the centre of gravity (slightly)
  17. Do you follow Scientology?
  18. Not quite. At the end of the day you could argue the whole bike is pressing down on the bottom of the fork slider. The very bottom of the spring is the only piece of the spring that is unsprung, everything else (including the upper windings of the spring) is connected to the bottom of the fork slider via an element of spring, hence its sprung weight
  19. At least we agree on the differences, and only disagree on what we think of the differences. The 280 seems to be a fan among the semi expert, middle of the road kinda riders. The guys i know (mostly semi expert riders) who have fitted the flywheel weight to a 280 swear by them. Out of the box (without weight) i find them a little wicked low down
  20. Not 100% sure on the compatibility. Lineaway will tell you its a downgrade, lol, id say it could be a upgrade if you install a new wavy disc as well. If your ajp are in good working order, you mightened experience as big of an upgrade as you may be expecting
  21. IMO the 280 is a horrible bike, all its power is low down, jumpy, hard to find grip (great for the dry however). All the guys i know with a 280 always end up putting a flywheel weight on it. The 300 has a far superior lower end, torquey and smooth. As long as you dont let it get away from you too much (it can run away with some people above half throttle) id go with the 300. I still dont know why gg make a 280 to be honest. If youre a clubman, get a 250, if youre an expert a 300. And if you really want my opinion, these are the only two you should be considering. The 280 is this weird middle ground, i dont think it even knows what it is itself. It really is starting to split hairs at the difference. All in all though, the difference isnt much, and if youre coming from a 2011 bike, the difference in buying a new bike alone will be a lot greater than the difference between a 280 and a 300
  22. Who is actually the head of the trials division in the FIM? Is his name Sepp Blatter? Regarding the results in Italy.... I take it a protest was lodged? And if so, if it was rejected, then i doubt we will here anything from the sport7 interjection I think all it says is something along the lines of "any person (or gorup of persons including rider, sponsor or even manufacturer) that holds an FIM licence affected by a decision under the authority of the FIM has the right to protest against that decision, except in the case of a statement of fact" So even if that decision is another riders score, so long as it affects you, are are allowed to protest it. I dont know the ACU rules, but id be very surprised if that is the case
  23. Which one, the one this thread is named after or the tyres on our bikes? ? I imagine it shouldn't take long, I guess all they really have to do is track down that observer and ask him why he changed his mind. Anyone know if he's on these forums? ?
  24. Thats exactly it. There used to be a day that a good national level rider could ride a world round, and when the world round came to your country you had at least 10-20 wild cards enter. The trials were every bit as hard if not harder, but werent overly dangerous. Now they are in some cases easier (relative to the bike), but 10 times as dangerous. A WTC trial in the past you could have had martin lampkin winning on close to a 100, and some local expert rider riding the same trial and still managing to finish! Nowadays Toni could ride a trial clean and a good local expert rider would be shipped away in an ambulance! Dont tell me trials in the 70s and 80s werent better than they are now!!! All you have to look at is the number of trials bikes being sold
  25. If this is true, or even remotely true, i think ive heard enough
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